POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
Outcome, as in 'Lessons Learned'? Among the many things we learned...

1. We learned Obama took the United States to War in Libya to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. In her testimony Hillary declared this to be so, calling US involvement in Libya a 'war'. The reason our Presidents are called to go before Congress to seek authorization to take the country to war, as Bush did, was to make the case for WHY the nation needs to go to war and send troops into harm's way. Obama KNEW he could not make such a case for war against Libya. There was no vital US interest, there was no immediate threat to the United States, so there was no need for the Commander and Chief to send our military to war without going before Congress 1st. The result is an extremely less stable and more dangerous Libya and the murder/assassination of 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

2. We learned that the Secretary of State was foregoing valid, verifiable US Intelligence in favor of seeking and taking the counsel and 'intel' from a former Clinton aide who was being paid $10,000 a MONTH for his services to the Clinton Foundation who, by his own admission, had never been to Libya, did not know anything about Libya, but who was taking information he could not verify was true from an Ex-CIA agent whose only connection to Libya was a (then) 'current' business interest in Libya. The 'intel' being forwarded to Hillary from this NON-Government, NON-expert turned out to be BOGUS.

3. We learned that Hillary continued to seek Libya / Benhgazi 'Intel' from this now proven UN-reliable source, having communicated with Blumenthal MANY times, while not speaking to the Ambassador she sent to Benghazi, who was on the ground there and who was sending reports to the state department that never reached her desk, since he had been appointed Ambassador.

4. We learned that Hillary completely had a 'hands off' policy regarding Libya / Benghazi, never having contact with Stevens, never getting Stevens reports, never being made aware (according to Hillary) of his threat warnings / status reports / and numerous requests (as shown through his e-mails) for his security detail 1st NOT to be reduced then his request for more security. Her own State Department kept her in the dark - she never received status updates or was told about Stevens' requests. This reveals the piss-poor management of the State Department and the oversight of a highly dangerous situation in Libya and a lack of concern for Stevens' welfare.

5. We learned that Hillary Clinton started the LIE / 'false narrative' about the protest over a video, and that despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite the CIA declaring there was NEVER any evidence to support the false claim and Obama admitting it was always a terrorist attack, Hillary is STILL doubling-down on her protest BS, claiming the protest/video DID play a part as for the reason for the attack

- "None of us can speak to the individual motivations of those terrorists who overran our compound and who attacked our CIA annex," she told the Benghazi Select Committee on Thursday. "There were probably a number of different motivations." So it's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that…..

- “I believe to this day the video played a role,” the former secretary said.

6. We learned that this was a preventable tragedy, that had the State Department not rejected Stevens call for more security or IF the State Department had pulled Stevens out, just as every other nations' ambassadors - even the Red Cross - was pulled out, Stevens would be alive today.

7. We learned that Marines, who are supposed to guard Ambassadors / Embassies should be allowed to do so or at least have a capable Fast Response Team capable of coming to the defense QUICKLY, that such a team should be manned and ready to respond 24/7 in such a hostile area.

8. We learned threat warnings should NOT go ignored.

9. We learned that outside, non-government, un-reliable sources should NOT be used as sources of information upon which action and policy should be based. The Secretary of State relied not on government intel sources but on un-reliable / un-verifiable information provided by a non-government Clinton 'Corporation' employee who had no expertise / knowledge of Libya / Benghazi.

10. We learned that the secretary of State, whoever that is, should be briefed THOROUGHLY every day on Embassies / situations, especially ones so dangerous and volatile as Benghazi, on a weekly - if not DAILY - basis, and they need to have a more hands-on approach.
We just witnessed, what I believe to be, the SINGLE event that catapulted Hillary Clinton to the Presidency.

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It will known as the GOP Blunder of 2015. Right behind the GOP Blunder of invading Iraq.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

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It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

omfreakinggawd, have you forgotten how you losers treated MRS. Governor Palin and her children even. go sit down you don't care if you're lied to or that we had another ATTACK on 9/112012 UNDER you poor girl Hillary and that thug Obama and Four people died while they tried to COVER it with everything and anything they could come up. So they blamed it on an INNOCENT American citizen which you all could give a crap less. so get some tissues

Seriously Step.

2 investigation per dead American.

So you should be calling from 5999 investigations for 9/11.


Oh..and by the way.


Just for you.

I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.

I found it obvious that several people within the State Department should have at least been FIRED for negligent acts, such as NOT elevating Stevens' requests and reports to the Sect of State and for not only not giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the size of his security detail. The ARB even identified 4 individuals as being 'at fault' and who should be punished - yet none of them ever were.

I have read where there were 28 recommendations for change made by the ARB and that some of them have been under-taken, as well they should. It was made clear, however, that those 4 individuals identified by the ARB, at least, have no business working in the State Department (or any govt job) due to their extremely poor judgment...and stupidity.
Nothing there? 600 requests for security ignored. That is something there.
I think this also really hurts GOP credibility to the low information viewer, they have been going on and on about Benghazi and when it came to people who want to retain credibility it turns out there was nothing there. GOP come off as boy who cried wolf.

The various RWers here have nothing good to say about her and she has been getting these constant attacks all her career... The GOP has just shot themselves in the foot...
Just saw a new poll showing her at 51%.

Looks like she got the Repub Bump.

Eight "investigations" have found nothing and yesterday was a joke. How many more "investigations"? Will this be like their phony votes to "repeal" ObamaCare? That bill has been passed more times than any other in our history and at the cost of millions.

Republicans hide their total lack of governing behind empty noise. Right or left, real Americans are sick of the constant lies about the Clintons and Obama.
We just witnessed, what I believe to be, the SINGLE event that catapulted Hillary Clinton to the Presidency.

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It will known as the GOP Blunder of 2015. Right behind the GOP Blunder of invading Iraq.

And their ongoing efforts to deprive Americans of affordable health care.

But, infrastructure? education? jobs? Their silence is deafening.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

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It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.
And what she will have to do as president. The right wing loves to hate. They hate democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, native Americans, Hispanics, poor people, non-Christians (especially Muslims), and a million other things. Hate is their strongest quality.
Eight "investigations" have found nothing and yesterday was a joke.

It's true, you CAN'T fix 'stupid'.

Liberals SWEAR by the ARB (which only makes since it consisted of State Department hand-picked board members - 4 of the 5 were hand-picked by the State Department - and Hillary's top aid was allowed to make suggestions on what changes should be made prior to the report's release) - they point to the ARB's final report as 'gospel'...

....and even THEY - 4 out of 5 hand-picked State Department partisan Libs - found 'something', issuing recommendations to fix 28 deficiencies / issues and singled out 4 people as being 'at fault' and who should be punished (yet never have been); yet ignorantly partisan nut jobs like LN here still falsely claim 'nothing was found'.

As revealed yesterday, Hillary's own e-mails justified the belief of a majority number of people in this country who think she is the MOST UN-TRUSTWORTHY candidate in the race for President:
- She told her family it was a terrorist attack.
- She told the Prime Minister 'We KNOW' it was a terrorist attack and even what FACTION of Islamic Extremist perpetrated the attack. (It was no coincidence that the guy they finally arrested was from that specific faction)
- She then told the American people it was a protest over a video
- She finally testified before Congress - not under oath - about how she did NOT know what it was, if it was a protest or an attack
I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.
Yep, those are the two primary issues of this whole thing, and I chose to focus on one rather than muddle to two. Given the many "Hillary is toast" - type threads we've seen, the political angle definitely seems to have priority.
THE LIE. it was a spontaneous protesters that got out of hand for the 9/11/2012 ATTACK

The truth is:
Obama has been stirring up the middle east for his OWN AGENDA. and that's the reason for all the PROTESTING going on not some damn VIDEO that they claimed.
Barack Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Who’s Bombed 7 Countries
U.S. jets are bombing Syria again this month, part of an overall pattern of military expansion during the Obama administration that’s seen military involvement in dozens of conflicts.
all of it here:
Barack Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Who’s Bombed 7 Countries

give us a break. they all lied to cover up us being attacked on 9/11.
so it didn't SULLY Obama's re-election and his legacy. which his ugly legacy will be one of HATE, unrest and us here at home Struggling to get by. Now go vote for Hillary no one give a crap. no one has any HONOR in this day age
We just witnessed, what I believe to be, the SINGLE event that catapulted Hillary Clinton to the Presidency.

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Well, I don't know about sending Hillary to the Presidency ( I'm a Bernie fan ) but it should certainly send Trey Gowdy home for good. He should be removed from office by the Ethic Committee for lying and faking emails from Clinton to make her look bad. That is way way way over the line. She should be able to file CRIMINAL charges against Gowdy also.
What a car crash for the GOP. Waste 20 million dollars, look like you're trying to make political capital over the deaths of four Americans, and give a boost to Hillary Clinton. Its clear this was a witchhunt from the start and has backfired completely. She completely owned the GOP members on that committee and looked calm and assured throughout. The GOP just gave her an all day campaign ad!
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.
And what she will have to do as president. The right wing loves to hate. They hate democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, native Americans, Hispanics, poor people, non-Christians (especially Muslims), and a million other things. Hate is their strongest quality.
We just witnessed, what I believe to be, the SINGLE event that catapulted Hillary Clinton to the Presidency.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Well, I don't know about sending Hillary to the Presidency ( I'm a Bernie fan ) but it should certainly send Trey Gowdy home for good. He should be removed from office by the Ethic Committee for lying and faking emails from Clinton to make her look bad. That is way way way over the line. She should be able to file CRIMINAL charges against Gowdy also.

for crying out loud he was doing his job. I don't know how old you are. but the Democrats have made the wives cry of a few people they were questioning to confirm for office. so you need to bone up on your Politics. k
We just witnessed, what I believe to be, the SINGLE event that catapulted Hillary Clinton to the Presidency.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Well, I don't know about sending Hillary to the Presidency ( I'm a Bernie fan ) but it should certainly send Trey Gowdy home for good. He should be removed from office by the Ethic Committee for lying and faking emails from Clinton to make her look bad. That is way way way over the line. She should be able to file CRIMINAL charges against Gowdy also.

Naw ... if that were true, most of them would be gone. Issa, Vitter, Coburn - known criminals. Newt, Santorum - also known criminals but still powerful with the right. I'll bet his lies have cemented his spot with the nutter tee potties.

Did you see this thread?

CIA Catches Republicans Altering Hillary’s Emails | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And their ongoing efforts to deprive Americans of affordable health care.

But, infrastructure? education? jobs? Their silence is deafening.


Democrats had a near Super majority control of Congress (3 seats shy) from 2006 - 2010. THEY controlled the purse strings, the budget - FEDERAL SPENDING.

During that 4 Year period in which THEY controlled the Federal Government's budget / spending, the Libs had the opportunity to:
- Pass legislation / spend money to rebuild/repair infrastructure - THEY DIDN'T
- Improve education - THEY DIDN'T
- Create Jobs - THEY DIDN'T

When Liberals controlled the budget, considering all these needs you pointed out, what did they do?
1. The UN-Affordable Care Act:
They rammed a minority-supported bill opposed by the majority of the Americvan people into law, a bill promised NOT to cost a dime, that would pay for itself, and would lower the cost of health care - NONE of which turned out to be true. $500 Billion taken from Medicare, $1.5 trillion added in new debt over 10 years, and billions wasted on trying to build a web site that still doesn't work as intended.

2. The FAILED 'Stimulus Bill'
Hailed as a 'Job Creation Bill', it cost nearly $1 trillion and consisted of OVER 7,000 pieces of Self/Party-serving DNC-ONLY Pork. It FAILED to address the need to work on infrastructure - Obama had to admit there was no such thing as a 'shovel-ready' project, did NOT go towards improving education, did NOT keep unemployment down below 8% which was touted as one of the immediate results we could expect (unemployment rose to 10.1%), and the 'disaster' ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have 'created' / 'saved'. That number was actually HIGHER, as it was exposed that Obama was claiming to have created / saved more jobs than he really had. One business owner revealed Obama claimed to have save more jobs in his company than the number of people who actually worked there!

3. Successfully financed the delivery of thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels

4. Obama added OVER $6 Trillion in new debt - more than every other President in history COMBINED, setting NEW 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total, deficit spending records along the way.

5. The last budget passed, required annually by law, was the one the GOP helped pass before the Democrats took over both the House and the Senate. For 4-5 years Liberals continued to pass a 'Continuing Resolution', breaking the law in doing so )again the law requires an annual BUDGET be passed. The next Budget that was actually passed was the 1st one after the GOP took back over the House.

..b...b...b...but the GOP! The Democrats controlled the House and Senate - 3 seats shy of a Super Majority. They controlled the government's purse strings. They controlled government spending....and they didn't do ANYTHING about the very same issues you declared the GOP should have taken on by now. No, they just added record-setting debt! Demand your own party take some personal responsibility for their own LACK of action!
As a start, I would cut:
Department of Uneducation - 50% (Return the funds to states and Commonwealths (there are four Commonwealths) to go directly to upgrading school facilities to meet technology advancements.)
Department of Labor -30%
Department of Commerce - 30%
Combine the two previously referenced departments into one
EPA - 50%
Department of Unjustice - 30%
Homeland InSecurity - 30% (Especially in the administrative area.)
Consumer Financial Board - 50% (Have you seen how much money they spent on n designer furniture)

Every single cut could be accomplished by a freezing on all new hiring, elimination of the abysmally high number of 'Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries positions (all of which do little but sit in large offices writing documents on matters they have no knowledge of)

DOD - A requirement that ALL programs be reviewed and any overlap be combined into one updated grouping, with a corresponding reduction in funding. A reduction in civilian DOD employees and utilization of active duty personnel to fill some of the civilian positions.

A comprehensive review of all government programs. Where more then one agency is part of a program, ex. school lunch programs (four agencies are involved), the programs be combined within one agency and personnel be cut.

This is only an initial list.

Oh, as a thought to resolution to the continuing VA ineptitude, all new hires at the VA, in management, must be former high ranking NCOs such as Sgt. majors, etc. As to physicians for basic health checkups, testing, etc., utilize senior level residents from nearby medical schools. In prior years, a VA hospital in VA followed such a practice.
As a start, I would cut:
Department of Uneducation - 50% (Return the funds to states and Commonwealths (there are four Commonwealths) to go directly to upgrading school facilities to meet technology advancements.)
Department of Labor -30%
Department of Commerce - 30%
Combine the two previously referenced departments into one
EPA - 50%
Department of Unjustice - 30%
Homeland InSecurity - 30% (Especially in the administrative area.)
Consumer Financial Board - 50% (Have you seen how much money they spent on n designer furniture)

Every single cut could be accomplished by a freezing on all new hiring, elimination of the abysmally high number of 'Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries positions (all of which do little but sit in large offices writing documents on matters they have no knowledge of)

DOD - A requirement that ALL programs be reviewed and any overlap be combined into one updated grouping, with a corresponding reduction in funding. A reduction in civilian DOD employees and utilization of active duty personnel to fill some of the civilian positions.

A comprehensive review of all government programs. Where more then one agency is part of a program, ex. school lunch programs (four agencies are involved), the programs be combined within one agency and personnel be cut.

This is only an initial list.

Oh, as a thought to resolution to the continuing VA ineptitude, all new hires at the VA, in management, must be former high ranking NCOs such as Sgt. majors, etc. As to physicians for basic health checkups, testing, etc., utilize senior level residents from nearby medical schools. In prior years, a VA hospital in VA followed such a practice.

a good start. very good post:thup:

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