POLL: What should the punishment be for protesting football players?

How should NFL players be punished?

  • No punishment

    Votes: 44 46.3%
  • Fine each time they do it

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • Fine & Suspension

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • You're Fired!

    Votes: 20 21.1%
  • Mango. Mango everywhere.

    Votes: 8 8.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.
if it bugs me, i'll stop watching. i just wish that means the end of it. unfortunately, its shoved down our throats 24x7 now to where i just want to watch dirty jobs and impractical jokers. screw the rest of TV.
Loss of all income from playing football.

My boycott has begun, I urge all patriotic Americans to join me.
Just saw on the tube, a NFL player is arrested every seven days.

Perhaps they should be concentrating on different matters and cease being thugs
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.
What ever the people want.
Trump caused this for calling them names and calling out the whole NFL.

What's his punishment ?
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.
I say give them raises
Loss of all income from playing football.

My boycott has begun, I urge all patriotic Americans to join me.

The NFL needs to be divided......a league for blacks and a league for whites....as it now exists it is an unlevel playing field...the not quite human blacks were bred to be more muscular than whites, stronger bones, thicker skulls etc. Kinda like whites trying to compete with gorrillas in a wrestling match. It would also reduce the over-crowded stadiums....how many whites would be interested in watching Negroes play football if there was a all white league? Negroes always cause problems no matter where they go or what they do....that is why Nature secluded them in Africa and we went against the laws of nature by bringing the sub species over here.
You know, considering that the national anthem only takes 30 sec. to a minute of the game, and that whether or not a player stands or kneels really doesn't have any effect on the game itself, why bitch about it?

I usually watch the games at home, and during the opening festivities, I'm usually raiding the fridge for snacks.

As far as being "political"? What about all those hokey commercials for one political party or the other that are ran during the game? Are we going to bitch about those commercials as well?
Punishment for exercising one's 1st Amendment rights? This IS America, is it not?

First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.

The bill of rights is a restriction on the powers of the federal government, not on private citizens.
Loss of all income from playing football.

My boycott has begun, I urge all patriotic Americans to join me.

The NFL needs to be divided......a league for blacks and a league for whites....as it now exists it is an unlevel playing field...the not quite human blacks were bred to be more muscular than whites, stronger bones, thicker skulls etc. Kinda like whites trying to compete with gorrillas in a wrestling match. It would also reduce the over-crowded stadiums....how many whites would be interested in watching Negroes play football if there was a all white league? Negroes always cause problems no matter where they go or what they do....that is why Nature secluded them in Africa and we went against the laws of nature by bringing the sub species over here.
Sundance,,,You're so dumb you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel!

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