POLL: What should the punishment be for protesting football players?

How should NFL players be punished?

  • No punishment

    Votes: 44 46.3%
  • Fine each time they do it

    Votes: 8 8.4%
  • Fine & Suspension

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • You're Fired!

    Votes: 20 21.1%
  • Mango. Mango everywhere.

    Votes: 8 8.4%

  • Total voters
First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.
Haven't seen any employers complaining yet.
Leave it up to the teams.

I've already decided not to buy their "product". I am voting with my wallet.

My wife is glad to have her Sundays back!!
First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.
Haven't seen any employers complaining yet.

If they are fine with it, then that is telling all the fans that is how they feel. It certainly is their right to do so. The fans will return the favor by boycotting them if they feel insulted by the message being sent by team owners and the NFL.
It is not only the politics and religion that get dragged into sports but the fact that these jokers want to bite the hand that feeds them....if white folk boycott the games who is going to pay them? The nfl will not be able to....they would have to go on welfare.
First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.
Haven't seen any employers complaining yet.
If they are fine with it, then that is telling all the fans that is how they feel. It certainly is their right to do so. The fans will return the favor by boycotting them if they feel insulted by the message being sent by team owners and the NFL.
Yeah, could be. I have no doubt the owners aren't thrilled with this, since it puts them between a rock and hard place.
You know, the fans can say they are going to boycott the NFL all they want, but the fans aren't the real source of money for the NFL and players.

It's in the marketing of all the beer and man products during the commercials that is the real cash cow.

If you want to get the NFL to bow to pressure, you're gonna have to get the advertisers onboard as well.

But.................I don't think beer sales are going to decrease just because of some NFL players protesting.
Punishment for exercising one's 1st Amendment rights? This IS America, is it not?

The options aren't legal punishments, they are employer punishments. The first amendment does not require an employer to allow employees to protest during work. There are also, supposedly, rules already in place in the NFL which require players to be on the field and standing for the national anthem, but they are not being enforced.

I don't get upset by the protests, but if the NFL decides to punish the players according to already written rules, there would be no first amendment issue.
First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.
Haven't seen any employers complaining yet.
If they are fine with it, then that is telling all the fans that is how they feel. It certainly is their right to do so. The fans will return the favor by boycotting them if they feel insulted by the message being sent by team owners and the NFL.
Yeah, could be. I have no doubt the owners aren't thrilled with this, since it puts them between a rock and hard place.

They can end it with fines and suspensions. If they can suspend players just on accusations of domestic abuse that doesn't affect how they play, they sure as hell can suspend/fire them for conduct on the field while wearing the uniform.
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.

I woulda gone with "Pineapple" but mangoes are not my favourite fruit.... :uhh:

The question really isn't valid. There's no rule from anybody that says they have to stand for a national anthem. If you have no "violation" of something, then you can have no "punishment". Does not follow.

Further, NOT taking an action (standing) is not taking an action -- it's declining to take one. Any time mob mentality is challenged, that's a first down.
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You know, the fans can say they are going to boycott the NFL all they want, but the fans aren't the real source of money for the NFL and players.

It's in the marketing of all the beer and man products during the commercials that is the real cash cow.

If you want to get the NFL to bow to pressure, you're gonna have to get the advertisers onboard as well.

But.................I don't think beer sales are going to decrease just because of some NFL players protesting.

Look pal....this is not rocket science...........if whites boycott the games the advertisers will also leave....they are not going to pay for advertising if the majority of viewers leave...simple as that.
Punishment for exercising one's 1st Amendment rights? This IS America, is it not?

The options aren't legal punishments, they are employer punishments. The first amendment does not require an employer to allow employees to protest during work. There are also, supposedly, rules already in place in the NFL which require players to be on the field and standing for the national anthem, but they are not being enforced.

I don't get upset by the protests, but if the NFL decides to punish the players according to already written rules, there would be no first amendment issue.

Actually, there are no rules in the NFL that say anything about what the players are supposed to be doing during the national anthem. Matter of fact, they didn't start having the players on the field for the anthem until 2009, and it was marketing to make them look more "patriotic".

Anyone ever consider the fact that if the NFL hadn't done that marketing ploy, it wouldn't have given the players a platform to protest from?

And consider this....................a boycott by the fans won't have much effect. The real cash cow for the NFL is selling advertisements for stuff like beer and man products.

I don't really see beer sales going down just because some NFL players take a knee during the national anthem.
First Amendment rights of free speech don't apply at a work place and on private property. Employees represent their company and if they say or do things that reflect badly on their employer, that company has the right to fire them.
Haven't seen any employers complaining yet.
If they are fine with it, then that is telling all the fans that is how they feel. It certainly is their right to do so. The fans will return the favor by boycotting them if they feel insulted by the message being sent by team owners and the NFL.
Yeah, could be. I have no doubt the owners aren't thrilled with this, since it puts them between a rock and hard place.

They can end it with fines and suspensions. If they can suspend players just on accusations of domestic abuse that doesn't affect how they play, they sure as hell can suspend/fire them for conduct on the field while wearing the uniform.

What "conduct" would that be?

Say, you think they can fine the Pentagon for pimping that NA bullshit onto the players in the first place? Or don't you care about that?
You know, the fans can say they are going to boycott the NFL all they want, but the fans aren't the real source of money for the NFL and players.

It's in the marketing of all the beer and man products during the commercials that is the real cash cow.

If you want to get the NFL to bow to pressure, you're gonna have to get the advertisers onboard as well.

But.................I don't think beer sales are going to decrease just because of some NFL players protesting.

Of course that will help, but even without it, the NFL will be taking a huge haircut.

Broadcast rights are sold to the networks based upon the number of viewers.

As less people watch, the ad revenue drops.

Simple economics.

I hope these clowns end up destroying the league. The game is no fun to watch anymore. Too many penalties. Too many reviews, Too political. They can have it!
Okay, yes, another thread on this, sue me.

Let's get specific on what should not be done to players who kneel or sit or dance or sleep or do yoga during the national anthem. Please pick and explain.

My answer was "No punishment". If the team is okay with it, so am I.
I don't think there should be any punishment unless they are in breach of their contract and their employers decide to act.
However, although the team may be ok with it, ultimately it is probably the fans who will 'punish' them.

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