POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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It must feel so much worse for you to have the burden as a self made man of being forced to pay extra at the gas pump. I understand that cost is so much harder to bare than being bombed by a dictator hell bent on destroying not only a neighboring nation but his own country as well. Bet you that the Russian people would be happy to pay an extra dollar for gas than the total economic destruction that is now happening to their country.
No destruction is happening in Russia.
At this time Yes,
banning together as Americans against a dictator hell bent on gaining power through the loss of life's the destruction of its neighbors The suffering of his own people & the damage to the whole world.
They seem to equate the "suffering" they're going through (and blaming entirely on Biden, of course) with the suffering that Putin's victims have gone through and are still going through.

Not easy to wrap one's head around that one. But it works for them. Pretty amazing.
Do you have reading comprehension issues? You'd obviously have to make another poll to see those results.
I knew you didn’t have a link I just wanted you to say you pulled it out of your ass again. ;)
As gas prices rise you will see how little the average American cares about the Ukraine and Brandon's war. You folks are ignoring who is most adversely effected by Biden's terrible policies, the poor.

I think you're not witnessing the moment.
I think you're not witnessing the moment.
That's your whole problem, you can't see past the moment. The world is souring on Zelensky. Thousands of people of color are trapped in Ukraine being treated like dirt by Ukrainians. That might have flown in the first few days, but not in week 2 and beyond.
That's your whole problem, you can't see past the moment. The world is souring on Zelensky. Thousands of people of color are trapped in Ukraine being treated like dirt by Ukrainians. That might have flown in the first few days, but not in week 2 and beyond.

Who is souring on Zelensky? I mean other than those who like Putin.

High gas prices are temporary, losing democracies is not.
Who is souring on Zelensky? I mean other than those who like Putin.

High gas prices are temporary, losing democracies is not.
The rest of the world is seeing this for what it is. This is a European problem. More and more Americans will follow that line of thinking as gas prices and inflation hit home. Nobody cares what system of government some European country had thousands of miles away.
The rest of the world is seeing this for what it is. This is a European problem. More and more Americans will follow that line of thinking as gas prices and inflation hit home. Nobody cares what system of government some European country had thousands of miles away.
You are mistaken

people do care about russian aggression

and we will hold biden responsible for high gas prices
A robust policy of deterrence, like maintaining the Trump administration’s sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that Biden waived last May, might have prevented the crisis.

But now it’s too late. The thing about deterrence is that you have to use it before your opponent makes his move.

Biden’s team came into office and, by dropping Nord Stream 2 sanctions, immediately signaled to Putin that now was the time to press his longstanding aims in Ukraine.
You are mistaken

people do care about russian aggression

and we will hold biden responsible for high gas prices
I'll get back to you in a week. Domestic interest is already waning, but perhaps you are correct.

November is a long ways away. I'm thinking Democrats will replace Biden by then. Nothing is getting better.
I'll get back to you in a week. Domestic interest is already waning, but perhaps you are correct.

November is a long ways away. I'm thinking Democrats will replace Biden by then. Nothing is getting better.
Because hitler got away with occupying parts of europe el duche followed his example and so did japan

china is planning to make a move on Taiwan and only a dottering old fool stands in their way

God help us
Because hitler got away with occupying parts of europe el duche followed his example and so did japan

china is planning to make a move on Taiwan and only a dottering old fool stands in their way

God help us
Japan was at war long before Hitler. The West claims 1940, but they invaded China in 1937.

Taiwan belongs to China, decades of Sino-American diplomacy have cemented that. In fact we have way less justification to get involved there than the Ukraine. Although China may feel pressured to take it back by force now, as there has never been a time the US has been this weak. The second we accepted the One China Policy, this was always going to be the result. If we declare Taiwan independent, it's war, simple as that, and it will us who started it.

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