POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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No. You just see it that way because, in your view, party loyalty is every. fucking. thing. For us or against us! Everyone who doesn't fellate Trump with you, is the enemy. You've gone "full retard". Come back to the light.
BS. I never asked or wanted to force anyone against their will to do a damned thing......I understand how corrupt our govt is today. And I'm aware it is both sides.

But the leftist in this country have gone full retard for the establishment..........It you can't see that after Covid and what they did then YOU ARE A LOST CAUSE. Right now they are destroying our country and you attack me BECAUSE OF TDS.

Have you lost what FREEDOM MEANS..........HMMM........all because of your HATE OF TRUMP...............hmmm

The world sees War right now because the people are pissed off over Covid and the globalist KNOW IT.........This is to defuse that hate they have earned.

Come to the light..........lol.. ............Forever we ignored the fuckers............they never stop........and we are TIRED OF IT........Don't PUSH. or they will open pandora's box.
BS. I never asked or wanted to force anyone against their will to do a damned thing......I understand how corrupt our govt is today. And I'm aware it is both sides.

But the leftist in this country have gone full retard for the establishment..........It you can't see that after Covid and what they did then YOU ARE A LOST CAUSE. Right now they are destroying our country and you attack me BECAUSE OF TDS.

Have you lost what FREEDOM MEANS..........HMMM........all because of your HATE OF TRUMP...............hmmm

The world sees War right now because the people are pissed off over Covid and the globalist KNOW IT.........This is to defuse that hate they have earned.

Come to the light..........lol.. ............Forever we ignored the fuckers............they never stop........and we are TIRED OF IT........Don't PUSH. or they will open pandora's box.
Stay the course!

It'll be over soon.
Actual humans, little children, men women & old people are being murdered. Homes and towns destroyed. Huge burdens are placed on neighboring country's. The Russian people are suffering. And us spoiled Americans are crying over paying 30 cents more at the gas pump.
Garbage. Day one in office Biden attacked fossil fuels..........and caused them to go up...........And now it's our PATRIOTIC DUTY to GET FUCKED AGAIN by people like you who were causing inflation out the ass before this war was even on the radar.

Why should we be punished because your side are IDIOTS...........

Go tell Brandon to grow a fucking set and say.......this war is fucking Americans at the pump......start drilling btw...........and threaten War.. That is how it is played.........It is dangerous but the only way to deal with a bully.
Stay the course!

It'll be over soon.
What the end of our nation? As they finish off the dollar......or get us in WWIII. We have an Imbecile n the WH now........Guess you missed that.........lol

Fine..........pull the fucking trigger on Russia and get it over with............See if Putin is bluffing.
I did not say that... Biden is doing everything in his power to harm the United States
I don't think you really believe that. If you did, you'd be in open revolt. But you're not in open revolt - you're just playing partisan political games, trying to score points at the expense of the nation.
Garbage. Day one in office Biden attacked fossil fuels..........and caused them to go up...........And now it's our PATRIOTIC DUTY to GET FUCKED AGAIN by people like you who were causing inflation out the ass before this war was even on the radar.

Why should we be punished because your side are IDIOTS...........

Go tell Brandon to grow a fucking set and say.......this war is fucking Americans at the pump......start drilling btw...........and threaten War.. That is how it is played.........It is dangerous but the only way to deal with a bully.
It must feel so much worse for you to have the burden as a self made man of being forced to pay extra at the gas pump. I understand that cost is so much harder to bare than being bombed by a dictator hell bent on destroying not only a neighboring nation but his own country as well. Bet you that the Russian people would be happy to pay an extra dollar for gas than the total economic destruction that is now happening to their country.
It must feel so much worse for you to have the burden as a self made man of being forced to pay extra at the gas pump. I understand that cost is so much harder to bare than being bombed by a dictator hell bent on destroying not only a neighboring nation but his own country as well. Bet you that the Russian people would be happy to pay an extra dollar for gas than the total economic destruction that is now happening to their country.
That is virtue signaling and NOTHING MORE. We are ticked off because Brandon attacked oil and gas from day 1 and was already fucking America before this happened.

He purposely stopped drilling and was sued by oil companies as a result to drill............But now we are supposed to be patriotic and NOT CALL HIM OUT FOR THIS.............

That is virtue signaling and NOTHING MORE. We are ticked off because Brandon attacked oil and gas from day 1 and was already fucking America before this happened.

He purposely stopped drilling and was sued by oil companies as a result to drill............But now we are supposed to be patriotic and NOT CALL HIM OUT FOR THIS.............

At this time Yes,
banning together as Americans against a dictator hell bent on gaining power through the loss of life's the destruction of its neighbors The suffering of his own people & the damage to the whole world.
At this time Yes,
banning together as Americans against a dictator hell bent on gaining power through the loss of life's the destruction of its neighbors The suffering of his own people & the damage to the whole world.
How about old school in your face gunboat diplomacy..............and stop fucking our own people?

You are still VIRTUE SIGNALING ..............Brandon NEVER EVEN put our military on alert and let it slip either he would not respond with the military.

So Putin knows this before attacking. And why he did so............GROW A SET and tell Brandon to grow one also.
They both are corrupt.

Both got their positions because of fraud.

They both do stupid things.

Putin has a higher IQ than Biden.

Putin is not senile like Biden.

They both are Communists at heart.

They both are deranged.

Putin, as derange as he is looks after the best interest of his country while Biden doesn't give a shit about his country.
They both are corrupt.

Both got their positions because of fraud.

They both do stupid things.

Putin has a higher IQ than Biden.

Putin is not senile like Biden.

They both are Communists at heart.

They both are deranged.

Putin, as derange as he is looks after the best interest of his country while Biden doesn't give a shit about his country.
And Putin does not have a crackhead son receiving enormous sums of money from Ukrainian oligarchs for doing absolutely nothing.

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