POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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Putin's policies are not harming Americans, unless psychological trauma of whining counts. Biden's policies are hurting Americans. More illegal drugs are flowing into this country and killing more Americans than ever, the financial damage of Biden's policies is both immediate and far reaching into the future, crime is running rampant in American cities which is directly related to failed border policies. I fail see a reason to choose on some online poll, I need only look out the window to know who is having an immediate negative impact on me, my neighbors, and countrymen.
...then you'd be in pain.
Good one, PeeWee
It's gone pretty much as I expected.

In a normal time, a murderous, authoritarian, corrupt, sociopathic, kleptocratic, thuggish, Russian dictator/war criminal would be unanimously condemned by Americans as being in a category by himself. But not today. Not in America.

There is no excuse for this. This is the environment and ideology created and nurtured by right wing media and craven politicians and politicos, and they goddamn well know better. They're the people I blame, not the misguided rubes who can only parrot the words and behaviors they hear and see.
kind of like what you do mac.....
As an American, I am much more directly and adversely affected by Biden's policies, than by Putin's. And the degree to which I am affected by Putin's policies is directly dependent on Biden's failure to support policies, himself, that protect my interests from the vicissitudes of foreigners and their activities.

As an American, I have to say that Biden is much worse than Putin. It's not even close.

If I was a resident/citizen of Russia, or Ukraine, or any other area more likely to fall under Putin's direct control, then my answer would be different, of course, but I am an American, and I have to answer in accordance with what affects me a an American.
So in WWII, you would have said FDR was worse than Hitler.

Uh.. no. :)

No. What ticks me off is people who love their party more than their country. In other words, traitors.
So now you don't like what I have to say and call me a Traitor.......I could care less what you call me. I do NOT BACK DOWN on what those sorry fuckers have done to this country and those who oppose their views.

I will continue to call their sorry asses ..........fitting symbol of the DNC.....out for it..........If you get butt hurt.........OH WELL.

So now you don't like what I have to say and call me a Traitor...
No, I don't like idiots cheering for our existential enemies in a idiotic, short-sighted attempt to score political points. Your precious fucking "parties" will be no more when our country goes to pieces.

You people are too stupid to live, and I suspect that will prove out in short order.
Most straightforward question ever.

Please vote and comment.

I don't see the point in giving the Trump supporters the forum. Obviously they approve of not abiding by elections. The issue is Trump and Putin's similarities, and why Trump was/is unfit for office.
No, I don't like idiots cheering for our existential enemies in a idiotic, short-sighted attempt to score political points. Your precious fucking "parties" will be no more when our country goes to pieces.
Where the fuck did I cheer Putin.? I have stated on many threads I'd be on the border with troops KNEE DEEP IN HIS ASS trying to get him to leave........I also said I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.........

Guess you missed that........Biden is a piece of S. to me.......He is worse that Putin.........I've explained why...........and I showed my opinions on WHY I can't stand them.

I don't care if you don't like what I say. They have attacked us over and over again for years........Using gov't as a weapon........I'm calling them out for it and if that hurts you take a number and get in line with the others who don't like what I have to say.
You people are too stupid to live, and I suspect that will prove out in short order.

You just lifted your skirt and showed what you are. Now going to wishing death on me because I refuse to agree with you. You belong with the leftist.

Now go get your VACCINE or we will DESTROY YOU............THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE TODAY.......And all of this currently going on is to END THE BS OF COVID....hoping by election time people will forget the miserable assholes who went FULL FASCIST OVER COVID.
The DNC operatives sure must be getting desperate if they have to use Putin as somebody to whom Biden actually compares favorably.

I look forward to the thread "Who is worse, Biden or Jeffrey Dahmer?"

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