POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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You can't even stay on topic.

Baby steps.
I've done a very good job at shutting up MAC........and your side.........

I've shown data and topics that show your side SUCKS.......and why BIDEN IS WORSE.............

I'm not paying out the ass for gas and food because of PUTIN........Putin didn't wipe out small businesses here............Putin didn't get people fired for not taking the vaccine.


Biden affects us with all of this............NOT PUTIN.
Most straightforward question ever.

Please vote and comment.

Putin is a former communist thug that has disregarded the Russian constitution and had it changed to allow him to keep control of the country as Autocrat in Charge. Russia needs to give him the boot or maybe the old Russian polonium in the underpants trick.
On what basis do you make that claim?

All of my, ancestors, as far back as great grandparents, were naturally-born Americans, and I have at least two ancestral lines that are known to have been here since the 1600s.

My allegiance is to this country, and not to any other.

Are you calling me “Russian” because I recognize the criminal infesting the white house, and sitting at the head of the corrupt government of my own country, as a greater threat to my country and to my own interest than a tyrant on the other side of the world?
The corrupt head of YOUR. Country is Putin
To answer quite easily, Yes, all you are basing your statement on is all SPECULATION!!
It is what you want to believe, so, yes you are anti-american.
To bad you don't care for this reply..just as you state.
On what basis do you make that claim?

All of my, ancestors, as far back as great grandparents, were naturally-born Americans, and I have at least two ancestral lines that are known to have been here since the 1600s.

My allegiance is to this country, and not to any other.

Are you calling me “Russian” because I recognize the criminal infesting the white house, and sitting at the head of the corrupt government of my own country, as a greater threat to my country and to my own interest than a tyrant on the other side of the world?
We did but you shitheads stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
There was a pandemic going on. You expected us to go stand in line when we were supposed to be socially distancing? Funny none of you pussies dared take off your mask at the polls. I know because I went and voted rather than mail in my vote.

Mail in voting is the future. The pandemic showed us it was very effective. More votes cast than ever before. People too lazy to go stand in a long line weren't too lazy to fill out their ballot and put it in the mail. That scares you Republicans. #morevotesnotless
As an American, I am much more directly and adversely affected by Biden's policies, than by Putin's. And the degree to which I am affected by Putin's policies is directly dependent on Biden's failure to support policies, himself, that protect my interests from the vicissitudes of foreigners and their activities.

As an American, I have to say that Biden is much worse than Putin. It's not even close.

If I was a resident/citizen of Russia, or Ukraine, or any other area more likely to fall under Putin's direct control, then my answer would be different, of course, but I am an American, and I have to answer in accordance with what affects me a an American.
^ this is perfect!
There was a pandemic going on. You expected us to go stand in line when we were supposed to be socially distancing? Funny none of you pussies dared take off your mask at the polls. I know because I went and voted rather than mail in my vote.

Mail in voting is the future. The pandemic showed us it was very effective. More votes cast than ever before. People too lazy to go stand in a long line weren't too lazy to fill out their ballot and put it in the mail. That scares you Republicans. #morevotesnotless
If you are too dang lazy to get off your ass to go vote then you don't matter.

If it was a Pizza you'd be running........Oh and show your dang Id. while you are at it.

Oh and masks were not required for voting here in Alabama.........RED STATE who believes in Freedom to choose.......Your side is the STALIN METHODS OF OBEY ME.

If you are too dang lazy to get off your ass to go vote then you don't matter.

If it was a Pizza you'd be running........Oh and show your dang Id. while you are at it.

Oh and masks were not required for voting here in Alabama.........RED STATE who believes in Freedom to choose.......Your side is the STALIN METHODS OF OBEY ME.

I agree anyone who said it was mandatory to get the shot went too far but not to wear a fucking mask pussy.
I agree anyone who said it was mandatory to get the shot went too far but not to wear a fucking mask pussy.
So in your IDIOTIC WORLD.........not wearing a mask and you are a PUSSY........LMAO

The mask didn't stop a damned thing.............Nor the lock downs..............People like you are LOCUSTS........YOU FUCKED THIS COUNTRY OVER IN A COUPLE OF YEARS.

Inflation out the ass...........World wide shortages of EVERYTHING.........And thinking someone who says wearing a dang mask is a THREAT to HUMANITY.

Wow, this poll is actually reflective of American society. I'd say roughly 1/3 of this country is comprised of anti-American pieces of shit, and the poll (presently) reflects that.
It's gone pretty much as I expected.

In a normal time, a murderous, authoritarian, corrupt, sociopathic, kleptocratic, thuggish, Russian dictator/war criminal would be unanimously condemned by Americans as being in a category by himself. But not today. Not in America.

There is no excuse for this. This is the environment and ideology created and nurtured by right wing media and craven politicians and politicos, and they goddamn well know better. They're the people I blame, not the misguided rubes who can only parrot the words and behaviors they hear and see.
It's gone pretty much as I expected.

In a normal time, a murderous, authoritarian, corrupt, sociopathic, kleptocratic, thuggish, Russian dictator/war criminal would be unanimously condemned by Americans as being in a category by himself. But not today. Not in America.

There is no excuse for this. This is the environment and ideology created and nurtured by right wing media and craven politicians and politicos, and they goddamn well know better. They're the people I blame, not the misguided rubes who can only parrot the words and behaviors they hear and see.

You are a CLOWN.............Complete Clown...........Had he done it on our watch we'd be knee deep in his ass...........You cheating and getting a pussy elected is why this is happening..

As you BLAME US for it.............then say MORE LIES THAT WE ARE PUTIN LOVERS..........LOL

Here's your award clown.

Most straightforward question ever.

Please vote and comment.

Without criteria, this poll is useless and just exposes you as the DNC butt boi we all know you are.

By the way, your personal record on human rights is worse than Putin's.

You ready MAC..? Want to do that your side violent versus..........lmao ...........the great INSURRECTION .......the Fire Extinguisher REBELLION.



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