POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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No one expects any different from PUtin---usually we have as stronger leader to deter the Russias from being to bad----but nope we got Fuck up Biden and the whole world has gone to shit.
So, score one for deflect.

You guys would rather see Putin "win" than Biden. Amirite?
In a normal time, a murderous, authoritarian, corrupt, sociopathic, kleptocratic, thuggish, Russian dictator/war criminal would be unanimously condemned by Americans as being in a category by himself. But not today. Not in America.
You have to remember, he was Trump's BFF for 4 long years. It's going to take deprogramming to change anything.
You have to remember, he was Trump's BFF for 4 long years. It's going to take deprogramming to change anything.


I dedicate this song to those obsessed with Trump and TDS.

Here you guys are.

I dedicate this thread to the partisan shitstains, ready to destroy their country in the name of advancing their party. Uncle Putty loves you.
I dedicate this thread to the partisan shitstains, ready to destroy their country in the name of advancing their party. Uncle Putty loves you.
Oh STFU...........You haven't voted for anyone who actually won an election your whole life.


And EXACTLY What have I posted that ISN'T TRUE.............I've pointed out MANY FACTS...........using examples.........But I'm the problem because I'm calling their sorry asses out for it?

Does my posting about all the shit they keep doing over and over again..........tick you off?

I've done a very good job at shutting up MAC........and your side.........

I've shown data and topics that show your side SUCKS.......and why BIDEN IS WORSE.............

I'm not paying out the ass for gas and food because of PUTIN........Putin didn't wipe out small businesses here............Putin didn't get people fired for not taking the vaccine.


Biden affects us with all of this............NOT PUTIN.

I guess there is a silver lining to every situation. You're miserable. Good.

Tell me again how a tyrannical dictator is better than an elected president.

Who is worse: Biden or Putin?​

Worse for what?
Putin is worse for European nations.
Biden is worse for my actual daily life, the concept of liberty, the respect for the federal government, inflation, court nominees, executive orders, children in his proximity, and coherent speech.
In the end, Biden's shortcomings enable Putin's aggression, so I'll go with Biden.
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I guess there is a silver lining to every situation. You're miserable. Good.

Tell me again how a tyrannical dictator is better than an elected president.

I'm calling your side out for being Fascist pricks.......I'm calling you out for being WEAK FAILURES.........

I'm showing how you caused the problem and why we are because of YOU..............

We know how to fix it..........Just need to never let you MORONS HAVE POWER AGAIN............You are walking CLUSTERFUCKS.

Now go back to the sitcom of Biden as the CLUSTERFUCK TURNS Soap Box Opera.
Putin isn’t shutting down our businesses or threatening people’s jobs for not taking an experimental jab that doesn’t even work.

Putin isn’t the one who called Trudeau and told him to crack down on peaceful protesters with the full might of the government, Biden did that.

I'm calling your side out for being Fascist pricks.......I'm calling you out for being WEAK FAILURES.........

I'm showing how you caused the problem and why we are because of YOU..............

We know how to fix it..........Just need to never let you MORONS HAVE POWER AGAIN............You are walking CLUSTERFUCKS.

Now go back to the sitcom of Biden as the CLUSTERFUCK TURNS Soap Box Opera.

Have you thought about decaf?
That’s over 2Xs as many Republicans who have a favorable view of Putin vs Biden. Seems a bit low to me.
Substitute Trump in the place of Biden and you'll most likely get the higher number you seek from your side of the aisle.

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