Poll: Will the recounts be worth the effort?

Will the recount efforts change the outcome of the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No

    Votes: 59 84.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 11.4%

  • Total voters
Lets get a couple fucking things straight idiots...

Jill Stein asked for the recount not Hillary Clinton.

Recounts are common.

Trump stated the Election was rigged not Clinton.

What is your problem with a recount anyway?

The real question is what would happen if there was illegal interference in Wisconsin...
Would the Righties agree to recounts everywhere?

You're a fool if you think Hillary is not involved in asking for the recount.

Does Jill Stein think they will find 1.4 million votes for her somehow?

She got 30,000 votes in Wisconsin.

How, specifically, would she be named the winner? If Jill is doing it to help Hillary, the question would be "Why"?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Just look at the history of the ever increasing legal expense "estimate" for the recounts.

This is Jill and her cronies looking for one last big slurp from the Clinton Trough.

I think you are spot on.
Lets get a couple fucking things straight idiots...

Jill Stein asked for the recount not Hillary Clinton.

Recounts are common.

Trump stated the Election was rigged not Clinton.

What is your problem with a recount anyway?

The real question is what would happen if there was illegal interference in Wisconsin...
Would the Righties agree to recounts everywhere?

You're a fool if you think Hillary is not involved in asking for the recount.

Does Jill Stein think they will find 1.4 million votes for her somehow?

She got 30,000 votes in Wisconsin.

How, specifically, would she be named the winner? If Jill is doing it to help Hillary, the question would be "Why"?
Because she's always been just another Democrat...ostensibly with worse hygiene.

Lets get a couple fucking things straight idiots...

Jill Stein asked for the recount not Hillary Clinton.

Recounts are common.

Trump stated the Election was rigged not Clinton.

What is your problem with a recount anyway?

The real question is what would happen if there was illegal interference in Wisconsin...
Would the Righties agree to recounts everywhere?

Yeah, well hilIARy has piled onto the recount effort with Jill...while the advertised price tag has gone through the rough.

With no guarantee that they'll even use the money for a recount.


And they are NOT giving it back. They already said some happy horseshit about keeping the extra money to help future election integrity or something along those lines.
Which means they'll use the money to pay people to disrupt Republican rallies, level false accusations against Republican candidates, pay people to vote multiple times in different states, etc. etc. etc.
These people are lower than dog shit. We need to get water cannons for every major city. Then use them anytime these self entitled shitbirds show up.


How much do you think Jill Stein is being paid by the Clintons for this stupid shit?
Gotta get that Clinton Foundation loot laundered ASAP!

I think that since Trump was willing to let sleeping dogs lie, and Hillary will not let things go, Trump should do the same. He should announce that he's backing off of his position not to hire a special prosecutor to look into the email scandal. Furthermore, Trump should have his people there to assure the recount is fair, and also look for illegal votes at the same time.
Why should Hillary get a pass when people guilty of far less serious offenses are sitting in prison?
How much do you think Jill Stein is being paid by the Clintons for this stupid shit?
Gotta get that Clinton Foundation loot laundered ASAP!

I think that since Trump was willing to let sleeping dogs lie, and Hillary will not let things go, Trump should do the same. He should announce that he's backing off of his position not to hire a special prosecutor to look into the email scandal. Furthermore, Trump should have his people there to assure the recount is fair, and also look for illegal votes at the same time.
Why should Hillary get a pass when people guilty of far less serious offenses are sitting in prison?

I don't think she should, but I also think that Trump was willing to let bygones be bygones which was fair if Hillary just accepted the loss and retired. It's a no loss adventure for Hillary, so why shouldn't she do it?

That's why I think Trump should make it a gamble for her instead of a no-loss ride.
IF and that is a big if, the recount uncovers significant fraud on the part of Democrats using illegals as voters, far too many dead democrat voters and a regular pattern of calibration errors favoring Democrats, then yes I am prepared to accept the results.
I like how she says "If we raise more than what’s needed, the surplus will also go toward election integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform." That, right there should raise a red flag since the left has opposed EVERY election integrity effort in the past.

A University of Michigan professor found statistical irregularities that should be looked at to ensure that it wasn't hacked by the Russians otherwise mishandled.

The Clinton camp declined a recount because they knew there was no way 3 states were completely hacked, especially PA which is out of reach. But Jill Stein/Green Party said they were moving forward with or without them.

Everyone knows this won't change the election results.

However, if Stein/Green Party find evidence of tampering, however small, than they will have the ammo needed to force the states to further protect the security of the process.
How much do you think Jill Stein is being paid by the Clintons for this stupid shit?
Gotta get that Clinton Foundation loot laundered ASAP!

I think that since Trump was willing to let sleeping dogs lie, and Hillary will not let things go, Trump should do the same. He should announce that he's backing off of his position not to hire a special prosecutor to look into the email scandal. Furthermore, Trump should have his people there to assure the recount is fair, and also look for illegal votes at the same time.
Why should Hillary get a pass when people guilty of far less serious offenses are sitting in prison?

I don't think she should, but I also think that Trump was willing to let bygones be bygones which was fair if Hillary just accepted the loss and retired. It's a no loss adventure for Hillary, so why shouldn't she do it?

That's why I think Trump should make it a gamble for her instead of a no-loss ride.

It shouldn't be up to Trump to let bygones be bygones. Justice demands that she be prosecuted for her crimes, just like anyone else would be prosecuted.
Stein admitted on PBS that there is no evidence of voter fraud. The Democratic Party of Division Making continues.
I like how she says "If we raise more than what’s needed, the surplus will also go toward election integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform." That, right there should raise a red flag since the left has opposed EVERY election integrity effort in the past.

A University of Michigan professor found statistical irregularities that should be looked at to ensure that it wasn't hacked by the Russians otherwise mishandled.

The Clinton camp declined a recount because they knew there was no way 3 states were completely hacked, especially PA which is out of reach. But Jill Stein/Green Party said they were moving forward with or without them.

Everyone knows this won't change the election results.

However, if Stein/Green Party find evidence of tampering, however small, than they will have the ammo needed to force the states to further protect the security of the process.
Voting machines are not connected to the internet. It is physically impossible for the Russians to hack them. Obviously, this whole thing is a scam.
Even Obama stated that there is no evidence of tampering with machines.

Stein needed to raise money for the green party. A fraction of what she already has will pay for the request to recount, but the deadline is near. That means all $7 million will be kept and spent however her party sees fit.
A University of Michigan professor found statistical irregularities that should be looked at to ensure that it wasn't hacked by the Russians otherwise mishandled.
A professor? Really? They're some of the most dishonest liberals in the world.
A week before the election righties cried how the election was "rigged /stolen /fixed ".

Now that Trump won its "how dare you challenge the results !!!"

You are completely missing the point....probably on purpose.

The IRONY is the alt-left wanting TRUMP to PROMISE to accept the election results, but it's actually HILLARY who wants a recount.

That is very funny shit.

Recounts are common in tight races .
There were tight races in 2008 and 2012 and I don't remember any recounts.
Even Obama stated that there is no evidence of tampering with machines.

Stein needed to raise money for the green party. A fraction of what she already has will pay for the request to recount, but the deadline is near. That means all $7 million will be kept and spent however her party sees fit.
She was put up to it by the Clinton campaign and funded by the Clinton donors.
A University of Michigan professor found statistical irregularities that should be looked at to ensure that it wasn't hacked by the Russians otherwise mishandled.
A professor? Really? They're some of the most dishonest liberals in the world.
The professor will come forth shortly as soon as he gets Mary Ann, the Howes, the Captain and Gilligan off the island.
A week before the election righties cried how the election was "rigged /stolen /fixed ".

Now that Trump won its "how dare you challenge the results !!!"

You are completely missing the point....probably on purpose.

The IRONY is the alt-left wanting TRUMP to PROMISE to accept the election results, but it's actually HILLARY who wants a recount.

That is very funny shit.

Recounts are common in tight races .
306 to 232, not that close
A University of Michigan professor found statistical irregularities that should be looked at to ensure that it wasn't hacked by the Russians otherwise mishandled.
A professor? Really? They're some of the most dishonest liberals in the world.
The professor will come forth shortly as soon as he gets Mary Ann, the Howes, the Captain and Gilligan off the island.

How would Russia have hacked paper optical scan ballots in Michigan?

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