POLL: Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 82 75.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 10 9.2%

  • Total voters
I also don't think it's about intelligence. It's well calculated politics. It's propaganda in the same mold as "republicans are racist bigots and favor huge corporations"......
Getting Blow Job from an intern = Ok
Taking $trillions of taxpayer money and giving directly to super corporations and Wall Street investment groups = OK
Reportedly saying shithole in a closed door meeting..... break out the pitchforks.

And THIS is how dumb we have become.
I don't think it's about intelligence, it's about politically-motivated hypersensitivity. Outrage for affect.
. You would think that the people would get enough of these leftist leaning networks, tune them out, and join the human race again. They don't get tired of living in la-la land ?
Trump is dealing in reality and liberals are in a PC fantasy world. Hatiis a shithole, Norway is not. Their are nations on this earth, through their own actions, not the actions of others, that are bloody, murderous, impoverished, shitholes.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
That's not what I said, that's what YOU said.

YOu agreed they were shit holes, and wondered if this would be the last straw.

HOw is that not, " telling the truth is the last straw"?
Can anyone here explain why they think that the USA needs immigrants from shithole countries?
. Well, there is nothing wrong with accepting people from shite-hole countries, but what the conversation was in retrospect all about, was in fact that what are these people bringing to America in order to stop us from turning this country into a shite-hole country, and all because we are allowing or have allowed to many foriegners into the country here illegally or legally from the so called shite-holes they have come from abroad without the proper expectations in the situation surrounding it all.??.... Sadly they have turned some area's of the country into shite-holes due to the abandonment of these people once they settled here with the blessings of those who wish to abuse and exploit them at the expense of American's already living here.

Definition of a shite-hole country - A place where two bit dictator's rule, warlords rule, and they have a super corrupt governmental systems.

Definition of a shite-hole area created in America by out of control immigration - These are places created in this country by those who have been displaced here by so called compassionate liberals who abandon these people by leaving them to their own devices, and then not expecting assimilation to happen because that would be racist, pumping huge amounts of government resources into them, causes mass exodus from the area's by American citizens, devalues the properties, and creates danger for Americans once the situations reach a point of desperation.

Trump was right to question the situation going on, and yes he was right to call these places what they are, and still care about the people struggling in these places. Otherwise Trump is no fool, and he has seen the devastating effects of out of control immigration to this nation, and he is right to question the motives and desires of the Demon-crats to want more of the same.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
/——/ Dems want to make telling the truth an impeachable offence

From their behavior, yes, what you said is correct.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
That's not what I said, that's what YOU said.

YOu agreed they were shit holes, and wondered if this would be the last straw.

HOw is that not, " telling the truth is the last straw"?
Because there may be people who were on the fence about him, and were annoyed by his comments, for their own reasons.

I don't know. That's why I said "I just wonder if..."
Did'nt denigrate any people, but he did alledgedly attack the corrupt leadership's who created the shite-holes the people are wanting to flea from. Look we can't just bring people in here by the hundreds of thousands, and then throw them into communities that would be devastated by the influx caused by the so called compassionate government who does these things with no care about the havoc it reeks upon the citizens of this country. I mean Americans have been murdered as a result of all this compassion for the global citizens, and just like in the latest case with Kate Steinle the refugee/illegal/immigrant gets away with it because they are protected above and beyond American's who live here.

33,000 Americans die every year from Gun violence, but you guys won't do anything about the guns. You'll whine about this one lady who was accidentally shot by a defective gun because an undocumented immigrant happened to be holding it. (Or at least, that's what the jury found).

Here's the thing. We have immigrants because there are gaps in the labor pools Americans can't fill. Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do, and some because they are jobs Americans can't do because our education system sucks.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
That's not what I said, that's what YOU said.

YOu agreed they were shit holes, and wondered if this would be the last straw.

HOw is that not, " telling the truth is the last straw"?
Because there may be people who were on the fence about him, and were annoyed by his comments, for their own reasons.

I don't know. That's why I said "I just wonder if..."

And what does that say about our country, our world?

Imagine if this is it, the straw that breaks and he gets impeached.

Can you imagine future history teachers having to tell kids that a President got impeached because he said something that everyone knew to be true?

The would (will?) consider this period an example of mass hysteria.

If not mass insanity.
And what does that say about our country, our world?

Imagine if this is it, the straw that breaks and he gets impeached.

Can you imagine future history teachers having to tell kids that a President got impeached because he said something that everyone knew to be true?

No crazier than impeaching a president over a blow job, or a petty political prank.

What it says about our country is we had a bad system that allowed a guy with a lot of money who had no business being president to become president despite the oppossition of the majority, and the people who know he is unsuited to the job FINALLY did something about it.

Unfortunately, the straw that will probably break the camel's back is when his crazy erratic actions trigger a crisis that gets a lot of people killed. We could have saved those lives, and we didn't.

shame on us.
Can anyone here explain why they think that the USA needs immigrants from shithole countries?
. Well, there is nothing wrong with accepting people from shite-hole countries, but what the conversation was in retrospect all about, was in fact that what are these people bringing to America in order to stop us from turning this country into a shite-hole country, and all because we are allowing or have allowed to many foriegners into the country here illegally or legally from the so called shite-holes they have come from abroad without the proper expectations in the situation surrounding it all.??.... Sadly they have turned some area's of the country into shite-holes due to the abandonment of these people once they settled here with the blessings of those who wish to abuse and exploit them at the expense of American's already living here.

Definition of a shite-hole country - A place where two bit dictator's rule, warlords rule, and they have a super corrupt governmental systems.

Definition of a shite-hole area created in America by out of control immigration - These are places created in this country by those who have been displaced here by so called compassionate liberals who abandon these people by leaving them to their own devices, and then not expecting assimilation to happen because that would be racist, pumping huge amounts of government resources into them, causes mass exodus from the area's by American citizens, devalues the properties, and creates danger for Americans once the situations reach a point of desperation.

Trump was right to question the situation going on, and yes he was right to call these places what they are, and still care about the people struggling in these places. Otherwise Trump is no fool, and he has seen the devastating effects of out of control immigration to this nation, and he is right to question the motives and desires of the Demon-crats to want more of the same.
Exactly. Visit north Minneapolis and the Somali muslim neighborhoods. Democrats have ruined a once great city in order to profit and keep power.
I think there is a good fraction of conservatives and republicans and independents that have been holding their nose while supporting Trump. But there is a breaking point within everybody and comments like this recent one will take a fraction of people to their breaking point. Many are already well past the point and I expect they won’t be voting for him again.

I certainly don’t think he is adding to his supporters with comments like this... and I know it is strengthening the resolve of his opponents

And odd stance considering that EVERYONE in the room was using dicey language! And it was in closed session, not like he was up on a podium speaking before the UN! Yet only Trump's words were leaked. Besides, Haiti REALLY IS A SHITHOLE! I would rather admit that and know my government sees it too than keep my head up my ass and pretend otherwise. You---- not so much.
You think this whole this is about Trump calling haiti a shithole?! Wow, try again. Must be over your head
-------------------------------------------------aw Trump did good in my opinion if he said it . Likely had Americans all over the USA shaking their heads in agreement with his SUPPOSED comments. By the way , SUPPOSEDLY Trump never made the comment so shame on him if he didn't . I did post a link to info that TRUMP did not make the comments yesterday Slade . So to sum things up , looks like we have a guaranteed 3 more years of TRUMP and MAYBE 7 more years of TRUMP Slade .
aw Trump did good in my opinion if he said it . Likely had Americans all over the USA shaking their heads in agreement with his SUPPOSED comments. By the way , SUPPOSEDLY Trump never made the comment so shame on him if he didn't . I did post a link to info that TRUMP did not make the comments yesterday Slade . So to sum things up , looks like we have a guaranteed 3 more years of TRUMP and MAYBE 7 more years of TRUMP Slade .

Trump will be gone in a year. We will all look back at this period with profound embarrassment.
Did'nt denigrate any people, but he did alledgedly attack the corrupt leadership's who created the shite-holes the people are wanting to flea from. Look we can't just bring people in here by the hundreds of thousands, and then throw them into communities that would be devastated by the influx caused by the so called compassionate government who does these things with no care about the havoc it reeks upon the citizens of this country. I mean Americans have been murdered as a result of all this compassion for the global citizens, and just like in the latest case with Kate Steinle the refugee/illegal/immigrant gets away with it because they are protected above and beyond American's who live here.

33,000 Americans die every year from Gun violence, but you guys won't do anything about the guns. You'll whine about this one lady who was accidentally shot by a defective gun because an undocumented immigrant happened to be holding it. (Or at least, that's what the jury found).

Here's the thing. We have immigrants because there are gaps in the labor pools Americans can't fill. Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do, and some because they are jobs Americans can't do because our education system sucks.
. Haven't you realized yet, that until liberals straighten their idiot selves up, and quit creating or protecting criminals in the societies, that we will have to hold on to our guns until Hell freezes over ??

Your ideas about the immigration is highly uneducated views or just bullcrap political views that have no basis in reality. We've heard the bullcrap to long now, and have seen the results on the ground, and the two just don't add up.
aw Trump did good in my opinion if he said it . Likely had Americans all over the USA shaking their heads in agreement with his SUPPOSED comments. By the way , SUPPOSEDLY Trump never made the comment so shame on him if he didn't . I did post a link to info that TRUMP did not make the comments yesterday Slade . So to sum things up , looks like we have a guaranteed 3 more years of TRUMP and MAYBE 7 more years of TRUMP Slade .

Trump will be gone in a year. We will all look back at this period with profound embarrassment.
------------------------------------------------ 'impeach 45' , yeah , thats yer plan , you've been talking it up for his entire first year Maxine , er , i mean JoeB
Haven't you realized yet, that until liberals straighten their idiot selves up, and quit creating or protecting criminals in the societies, that we will have to hold on to our guns until Hell freezes over ??

Most people killed by guns either kill themselves or are killed by friends or family members.... so, um, no, this is a case where the "solution" is worse than the problem.

Your ideas about the immigration is highly uneducated views or just bullcrap political views that have no basis in reality. We've heard the bullcrap to long now, and have seen the results on the ground, and the two just don't add up.

Here's the thing. I work in manufacturing in an office position. Currently at the third manufacturing company I've worked at since 1992.

You know what I see out on the assembly lines? Immigrants. From Poland, India and Mexico, mostly.

Americans don't want to do the job of standing on their feet all day doing repetitive tasks. These aren't even low paying jobs, and the people doing them are here legally.

The thing is, White People long for the wonderful union job that their dads used to have, they just don't actually want to do them.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
That's not what I said, that's what YOU said.

YOu agreed they were shit holes, and wondered if this would be the last straw.

HOw is that not, " telling the truth is the last straw"?
Because there may be people who were on the fence about him, and were annoyed by his comments, for their own reasons.

I don't know. That's why I said "I just wonder if..."

And what does that say about our country, our world?

Imagine if this is it, the straw that breaks and he gets impeached.

Can you imagine future history teachers having to tell kids that a President got impeached because he said something that everyone knew to be true?

The would (will?) consider this period an example of mass hysteria.

If not mass insanity.
. The hope of the left is that they will control the public education system long enough to create a citizenry of brainwashed leftist who will believe (in a cult like manor), anything the left tells them to believe. They see Trump as a huge distraction, and last gasp of the masses/silent majority who have sat back and let the left change dramatically the world around them. They woke up and placed Trump in office, but many think it may have been to late.

It's a war, and in wars there are strategies. The conservatives need to unite to strategically go after the entrenched fortifications the left have created for themselves in this nation.

The shots that started the war was the attacking of the children with leftist ideologies and training against the children's wishes, and against the parents wishes. If Trump is going to be the conservatives general in this war, then he needs to be as FDR and Harry S.Truman was when fought for this nation against world enemies. We need characters like this again in our midst.

Hopefully we have one in Trump.

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