POLL: Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 82 75.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 10 9.2%

  • Total voters
Why don't you work on cleaning up the murder rate in Chicago instead of wasting time dreaming about removing Trump. Democrats have a lot of work to do.

Murder rate is down 16% from the previous year. Thanks for asking.

Would be down more if they'd let us have our gun control back.
We set a record for most murders ever this year in the city I live in! It was not Trumps fault though! I personally hold the people that commited the crimes responsible!
/----/ "Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do," Voting for democRATS is a job Americans don't want to do so that's why we need to flood the country with illegals who will.

I think that you are really kind of simple on this issue.

During Obama's term, the number of undocumented immigrants went down.


The real spike came in the Bush years, where it rose from 7.9MM in 2000 to 12.2MM in 2008.

Not that I blame Bush for that, I blame a number of factors. One of them was how NAFTA made American corn so cheap in Mexico that they essentially stopped farming it, resulting in thousands of displaced workers who moved here.

So Bush planned to increase the number of illegals to vote for Democrats? That wasn't very smart of him, was it?
The real question Americans should be contemplating is, how does accepting millions more in from 'shitholes' benefit American Citizens? At this point, it's costing us $Billions and costing us American Jobs. When Immigration stops benefiting Citizens and becomes a detriment, it is time to make dramatic changes in the system. We've reached a tipping-point on Immigration. It's hurting us, not helping us.
Say something that isn’t true long enough it is accepted. It’s what libs do. Manipulation is always their ploy. It’s why I’ll never vote for one.evah
I wonder how many in both Congress and the media who are feigning such outrage over this have used the word shithole to describe another country. For the record some countries are shitholes was the statement crude and politically incorrect yes it is but Trump being crude and politically incorrect is hardly anything new.
Isn’t that why we voted for him. Shoots straight?
More Democrat Fake News B.S. You're just getting reeled in again. But regardless, Trump's right on Immigration. It's no longer benefiting American Citizens. It is time for major change.
What’s fake? IF you gonna Call something I said fake then at least say what it is and why it is fake. You’re full of shit

You're getting reeled in by Democrat Fake News, because you wanna be reeled in. You've become a dupe.
What’s fake? Do you even know or do you just say that now when you lose arguements

It's unamed sources once again by the Washington Post to create a controversy and smear the president.

Quit being a dupe.
Don’t try and cover for him. Make him do a little work to back up his ignorance. Sources are named and have made public statements. Durbin described it in detail this morning. And 4 others made corroborating statements to multiple news outlets. Keep yelling fake news though, I know that’s where you feel safe
I don’t care
You're getting reeled in by Democrat Fake News, because you wanna be reeled in. You've become a dupe.
What’s fake? Do you even know or do you just say that now when you lose arguements

It's unamed sources once again by the Washington Post to create a controversy and smear the president.

Quit being a dupe.
Don’t try and cover for him. Make him do a little work to back up his ignorance. Sources are named and have made public statements. Durbin described it in detail this morning. And 4 others made corroborating statements to multiple news outlets. Keep yelling fake news though, I know that’s where you feel safe

Durbin?! Really? A partisan Democrat hack? No thanks, i'll pass. I call Bullshite.
Of course you do. That’s fine think whatever you want
Isn’t that America?
/----/ "Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do," Voting for democRATS is a job Americans don't want to do so that's why we need to flood the country with illegals who will.

I think that you are really kind of simple on this issue.

During Obama's term, the number of undocumented immigrants went down.


The real spike came in the Bush years, where it rose from 7.9MM in 2000 to 12.2MM in 2008.

Not that I blame Bush for that, I blame a number of factors. One of them was how NAFTA made American corn so cheap in Mexico that they essentially stopped farming it, resulting in thousands of displaced workers who moved here.

So Bush planned to increase the number of illegals to vote for Democrats? That wasn't very smart of him, was it?
/----/ Speaking of simple, look at this article from April 2014
High deportation figures are misleading
" the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

The shift in who gets tallied helped the administration look tough in its early years but now may be backfiring politically.
Politically his comments were stupid, and more Republican lawmakers will distance themselves from him.

He's spot on however, to question why we continue to allow uneducated people who will only tax our government resources further.
So he’s right! You said it. Who cares the language if it’s correct. Right?

He didn't say it, it's made up by the fake news media.

Derp....but IF he did say it...derp...he's 100% right...derp...derp...
So you think Haiti is a great vacation spot? LOL. Have you been yet? Who do you think gets more vacationers? Hawaii or Haiti?
/----/ An even better question is why does the Dominican Republic fair so much better than Haiti when they share the same island and resources. The DR government is far less corrupt and tourists (including my family) vacation there regularly.
----------------------------------------- so what , now WE got it good , why let shithole people mess it up RRight ??

African immigrants to the USA are better educated. 43% have a bachelors degree vs 33% in the USA.
Who’s educating them? If their education is sooo much better than ours why come to an Inferior education country?
----------------------------------------- so what , now WE got it good , why let shithole people mess it up RRight ??

African immigrants to the USA are better educated. 43% have a bachelors degree vs 33% in the USA.
Why can’t these genius help their own country then?
/----/ Great question. Here's an answer:
"At any rate, there's a whole, very large literature on why Africa is particularly screwed up. The awful climate under which most of it labors. The bad maritime geography: apparently one of the two coasts offers extremely little scope for building ports, the rivers don't go where you want them, and when they do happen to meander near something interesting, they are hard to navigate. The huge patchwork of ethnicities. The bad borders--in Asia, borders were drawn somewhat along ethnic power lines, whereas in Africa, they were drawn mostly to suit the convenience of whatever western country wanted to do business there after the colonian powers left, and there is an emerging literature indicating that border that cut across ethnic lines are a recipe for conflict, and thus poverty. The unique medical problems of Africa--what with us having emerged there, the local bugs have had longer to develop a taste for us than elsewhere, and there are lots of reservoirs of new disease in our near genetic cousins. And that's just scratching the surface. Africa has a lot of unique factors that we've identified causing huge problems in other places, all squished together into a toxic cocktail."
Why is Africa so screwed up?
If people from shithole countries that contributed to it being a shithole country come here, I expect our country to turn into a shithole one. That happened over the obummer presidency. And libs want it to continue. Fk you
/----/ "Some of them because they are jobs Americans don't want to do," Voting for democRATS is a job Americans don't want to do so that's why we need to flood the country with illegals who will.

I think that you are really kind of simple on this issue.

During Obama's term, the number of undocumented immigrants went down.


The real spike came in the Bush years, where it rose from 7.9MM in 2000 to 12.2MM in 2008.

Not that I blame Bush for that, I blame a number of factors. One of them was how NAFTA made American corn so cheap in Mexico that they essentially stopped farming it, resulting in thousands of displaced workers who moved here.

So Bush planned to increase the number of illegals to vote for Democrats? That wasn't very smart of him, was it?
/----/ Speaking of simple, look at this article from April 2014
High deportation figures are misleading
" the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

The shift in who gets tallied helped the administration look tough in its early years but now may be backfiring politically.

You can dance all day, but under Obama, the numbers went down.
Under Bush, the numbers went up.
----------------------------------------- so what , now WE got it good , why let shithole people mess it up RRight ??

African immigrants to the USA are better educated. 43% have a bachelors degree vs 33% in the USA.
Why can’t these genius help their own country then?
/----/ Great question. Here's an answer:
"At any rate, there's a whole, very large literature on why Africa is particularly screwed up. The awful climate under which most of it labors. The bad maritime geography: apparently one of the two coasts offers extremely little scope for building ports, the rivers don't go where you want them, and when they do happen to meander near something interesting, they are hard to navigate. The huge patchwork of ethnicities. The bad borders--in Asia, borders were drawn somewhat along ethnic power lines, whereas in Africa, they were drawn mostly to suit the convenience of whatever western country wanted to do business there after the colonian powers left, and there is an emerging literature indicating that border that cut across ethnic lines are a recipe for conflict, and thus poverty. The unique medical problems of Africa--what with us having emerged there, the local bugs have had longer to develop a taste for us than elsewhere, and there are lots of reservoirs of new disease in our near genetic cousins. And that's just scratching the surface. Africa has a lot of unique factors that we've identified causing huge problems in other places, all squished together into a toxic cocktail."
Why is Africa so screwed up?
So if we bring in most all of other countries genius’ aren’t we then hurting all of the other people in those countries? So instead of nation building, we’re nation destroyers.

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