POLL: Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 82 75.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 10 9.2%

  • Total voters
---------------------------------------- the people are third worlders , haven't built anything of worth and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the USA Slade .
Those people are the ones who built our country you dumbshit
I don't see any houses built from shit. Only dumbshit,s are you who believe what the liberal propagandist teach you in public schools.

None of these bleeding heart liberals will volunteer to take refuges into their home and pay to care for them, pay to educate, feed, house them. These idiots pat themselves on the back thinking they accomplished something by helping a fraction of 1% of the worlds poor people its a joke.
The bleeding heart liberals pay taxes and are supporting a portion of those funds going toward humanitarian efforts. What horrible people we are. You got us

Lib please we are $20 trillion in debt. Tell us how much money should we borrow from China to feed, house, clothe, educate broke ass refuges I'm sure we'd all be interested in your answer. :eusa_hand:
I don’t know I’d have to look at the budget. Let me ask you. How much do we spend now. What’s the NET loss and what does that amount to as % of spending?
I think there is a good fraction of conservatives and republicans and independents that have been holding their nose while supporting Trump. But there is a breaking point within everybody and comments like this recent one will take a fraction of people to their breaking point. Many are already well past the point and I expect they won’t be voting for him again.

I certainly don’t think he is adding to his supporters with comments like this... and I know it is strengthening the resolve of his opponents

And odd stance considering that EVERYONE in the room was using dicey language! And it was in closed session, not like he was up on a podium speaking before the UN! Yet only Trump's words were leaked. Besides, Haiti REALLY IS A SHITHOLE! I would rather admit that and know my government sees it too than keep my head up my ass and pretend otherwise. You---- not so much.
You think this whole this is about Trump calling haiti a shithole?! Wow, try again. Must be over your head

Mac please answer the question:

"Is Haiti a shithole?"

Thanks. And please have a straight up answer for once.
Sure! I've said it in threads all over the place: Of course it is.

Haiti was a shithole a month ago, it was a shithole the day Trump said it was, it's a shithole today, it'll be a shithole a year from now.

That wasn't the point of the thread, of course, but I'm happy I can provide clarification of my opinion.

Happy to answer questions any time. I even have my specific opinions on the specific issues listed in the link on the second line of my sig. How straight up is that!

You're welcome!
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I think we all need to come to grips with the terrible truth:

It is time to declare a National Day of Mourning over Trump's use of the term "shithole".

I saw Dick Durbin speaking about this yesterday, and he was close to tears while describing his trauma over the fact that he was present when a President said a bad word.

"I cannot believe that in the history of the White House, in the Oval Office, any president has ever spoken words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday." He said that. Those are Durbin's words.

Let us mourn.
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The fact Dick Turbin is actually in Washington on US citizen taxpayers' payroll is crazy. He really should be in shithole countries like Haiti helping his people learn how to wash their hands.
Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Not Republicans. They agree with him.
Blacks are two on the GOP hate list.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:
1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists
/——/ Actually you’re on the top of our hate list.
I think we all need to come to grips with the terrible truth:

It is time to declare a National Day of Mourning over Trump's use of the term "shithole".

I saw Dick Durbin speaking about this yesterday, and he was close to tears while describing his trauma over the fact that he was present when a President said a bad word.

"I cannot believe that in the history of the White House, in the Oval Office, any president has ever spoken words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday." He said that. Those are Durbin's words.

Let us mourn.
Meh, they just get blow jobs, bite a woman's lip, then tell her she best put some ice on that lip etc. And remember this guy is still being praised by the left to this very day. #metoo must have missed this cat or he's still wearing his super heroe costume that repels any charges by these women to date.
Joe Biden talking about Indian Americans at 7-11's and Duncan Doughnuts as if he was frustrated that they were coming here and progressing so fast, that if go to these places you have to have a slight Indian accent. Good grief.. These leftist are the worst race hustlers ever, and they sit there with bated breath looking for the slightest slip up to drag Trump into their world.

for the people who voted against him (which probably didn't include you no matter how much you protest), not so much. It's really a "I told you so moment", but we have a couple of those a week.

For those who did support him.

Well, they fall into three groups.

The Truly Deplorables, the Nazis, Klansmen, you know, the guys you think just need a hug, no, really. They eat this shit up.

The White Working Class who have dreams of Daddy's Union Job coming back.... they probably don't care so much, they've been conditioned to think of immigrants as competitors. They aren't going to turn on Trump until the economy goes south.

The "von Papen" Republicans, (I also heard the term "Vichy Republicans" on radio yesterday), these folks are ABSOLUTELY MORTIFIED about what Trump does. And if they were people of integrity, they'd be calling to remove Trump under the mechanisms of the 25th Amendment, which was designed for EXACTLY THIS SITUATION.

But they know if that they turn on Trump now, the folks in the first two groups will turn on them, nominate unwinnable Tea baggers in their districts, and hand their seats to Democrats or further radicalize the party. so they all smile sweetly as Trump says racist or crazy things.
Meh, they just get blow jobs, bite a woman's lip, then tell her she best put some ice on that lip etc. And remember this guy is still being praised by the left to this very day. #metoo must have missed this cat or he's still wearing his super heroe costume that repels any charges by these women to date.

Or people realize these charges were bullshit 20 years ago and they are still bullshit now.

Or maybe you hope enough time has passed where all these charges were discredited 20 years ago.
/----/ But it's OK for you to use foul language in a message board like Trump did in a meeting>

Um, yeah.

The foul language isn't the problem.
The problem is the denigrating of people in unfortunate situations.
. Did'nt denigrate any people, but he did alledgedly attack the corrupt leadership's who created the shite-holes the people are wanting to flea from. Look we can't just bring people in here by the hundreds of thousands, and then throw them into communities that would be devastated by the influx caused by the so called compassionate government who does these things with no care about the havoc it reeks upon the citizens of this country. I mean Americans have been murdered as a result of all this compassion for the global citizens, and just like in the latest case with Kate Steinle the refugee/illegal/immigrant gets away with it because they are protected above and beyond American's who live here.

for the people who voted against him (which probably didn't include you no matter how much you protest), not so much. It's really a "I told you so moment", but we have a couple of those a week.

For those who did support him.

Well, they fall into three groups.

The Truly Deplorables, the Nazis, Klansmen, you know, the guys you think just need a hug, no, really. They eat this shit up.

The White Working Class who have dreams of Daddy's Union Job coming back.... they probably don't care so much, they've been conditioned to think of immigrants as competitors. They aren't going to turn on Trump until the economy goes south.

The "von Papen" Republicans, (I also heard the term "Vichy Republicans" on radio yesterday), these folks are ABSOLUTELY MORTIFIED about what Trump does. And if they were people of integrity, they'd be calling to remove Trump under the mechanisms of the 25th Amendment, which was designed for EXACTLY THIS SITUATION.

But they know if that they turn on Trump now, the folks in the first two groups will turn on them, nominate unwinnable Tea baggers in their districts, and hand their seats to Democrats or further radicalize the party. so they all smile sweetly as Trump says racist or crazy things.
. Trump ain't going no where no matter what the deplorable left conjures up against him, and if they keep it up he might feel free to finally become their worst nightmare. Becareful what you push for, because you finally might get it, then what ??? You ain't tired of losing yet ? LOL
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
That's not what I said, that's what YOU said.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
/——/ Dems want to make telling the truth an impeachable offence
Getting Blow Job from an intern = Ok
Taking $trillions of taxpayer money and giving directly to super corporations and Wall Street investment groups = OK
Reportedly saying shithole in a closed door meeting..... break out the pitchforks.

And THIS is how dumb we have become.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

Telling the truth is the last straw?


Think about what you just said.
/——/ Dems want to make telling the truth an impeachable offence
. They are walking around with this impeachment mumbling going on like the poor crazy person's walking down the road talking to themselves. lol. You've seen them.
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Getting Blow Job from an intern = Ok
Taking $trillions of taxpayer money and giving directly to super corporations and Wall Street investment groups = OK
Reportedly saying shithole in a closed door meeting..... break out the pitchforks.

And THIS is how dumb we have become.
I don't think it's about intelligence, it's about politically-motivated hypersensitivity. Outrage for effect.
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