POLL: Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

Will Trump's "Shithole" comments change any minds about him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 82 75.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 10 9.2%

  • Total voters
There is no filter between Trump's brain and his mouth. He says whatever pops in his mind. If he were a politician he would have said dysfunctional. But that too would have caused to snowflakes to hyperventilate because they deny that the poorest nations are poor because they are dysfunctional and corrupt. The left live in an alternate reality.
" If he were a politician....
Just yesterday he admitted," I am a politician."
What color is the sky in the world you live in?
Sorry, I don't hang on Twitter all day to see what he says like you. If you think Trump is a politician that is your problem.
I have never even once sought him out on twitter. His tweets are covered in the news of which I do watch.
But you’re avoiding the point. You said “ if he was a politician....”
And I corrected you on that even he admitted he is one YESTERDAY. So once again a lib has to educate a cultist.
This Pollyanna view you have of him is quite amusing.
He’s stocking the swamp with wall st executives and being the hypocritical lying politician you dreaded.
But of course you’re not honest enough to admit it.
Did you know he advocated against the WH’s own policy after watching Fox and Friends yesterday? I bet you don’t.
There is no filter between Trump's brain and his mouth. He says whatever pops in his mind. If he were a politician he would have said dysfunctional. But that too would have caused to snowflakes to hyperventilate because they deny that the poorest nations are poor because they are dysfunctional and corrupt. The left live in an alternate reality.
Well, everyone's running around looking for political advantage, jumping on any opportunity to be outraged.

We're pretty silly right now.

I don’t see how anyone gets a political Advantage with this stupid thing
You’re kidding right?
The whole world and country is outraged over his racist comments. The republicans for the most part are accessories to it . They lack the back bone to do the right thing and speak up.
Ya think the country isnt observing this shit sandwich by the GOP and Mr shithole?
Maybe Trump should have called Haiti racist, imperialistic, half its citizens are deplorable, it starts wars for oil, etc etc.
Now you’ve gone from the ridiculous to the absurd in a desperate attempt to defend the indefensible.
There is no filter between Trump's brain and his mouth. He says whatever pops in his mind. If he were a politician he would have said dysfunctional. But that too would have caused to snowflakes to hyperventilate because they deny that the poorest nations are poor because they are dysfunctional and corrupt. The left live in an alternate reality.
Well, everyone's running around looking for political advantage, jumping on any opportunity to be outraged.

We're pretty silly right now.

I don’t see how anyone gets a political Advantage with this stupid thing
You’re kidding right?
The whole world and country is outraged over his racist comments. The republicans for the most part are accessories to it . They lack the back bone to do the right thing and speak up.
Ya think the country isnt observing this shit sandwich by the GOP and Mr shithole?

You’re having a meltdown over a statement you can’t verify was said. You seriously think showing how unstable you are benefits you politically?
Trump made no shithole comments. The DNC told democrats that if they worked out a deal with Trump their careers were over.

Trump knows chumps when he sees them. He knows he can walk out on the street and shoot someone in broad daylight.....and still have support from his base.

Why would this change any minds?
Democrats love shitholes, they’ve turned every city they’ve run for decades into one.
I'll believe it when I hear audio..... sounds like more anti-Trump nonsense.

Not a single one of the Republican's present there at the meeting have denied that Trump said it.

Not one of these guys has denied it. All are refusing to confirm or deny it- I wonder why?

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), David Perdue (R-Ga.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.); House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and Reps. Bob Goodlatte, (R-Va.) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.),

Cotton and Perdue have both denied it.
No they didn't.
They said they don't recall. They're giving it the old college try to attempt to save his ass. They must have been asleep. Trump speaking does that to people.
Anyway you can't put that genie back into the bottle again.

The Complicit GOP is afraid of Benedict Donald. Why?

Could they be hiding something? Is Putin now the head of the GOP? Maybe not, but the man that HE chose to be the, so called, president is.
Further confirmation of the fact that Trump is a racist, bigot, and unfit to be president.

We have judged him fit. And the only test he has to pass is the electoral college test. Learn to lose...or at l;east get used to it.

Fat Donnie gets his medical exam today

We will see how fit he is
What are the chances he’ll let the truth come out about his exam?
He’s stifled the truth since day one why will he stop now?

m wonder if we ever got the truth about Bubba's STD's when he had his medical exams? This is a fun game.
Really not about if its a shit hole country or not.
We really can not isolate our self's from the rest of the world
Maybe it's just a front, but western governments are known for having SOME class & dignity attached to our leaders.
The country's that have leaders that say rude insulting things, are looked down on.
if I tell you that you look like shit today (and you do) it maybe honest but is it a good thing to do?
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

If what he said was true, and you agree with him, why do you think that would have any impact?
Because I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the electorate.

You do realize that the "electorate" will either not hear about this, or care if they do because most will agree.
I've been to Haiti and El Salvador.
Obvious why their citizens wish to immigrate to America.
Well, that's what I'm wondering about.

I agree, they're shitholes. I just wonder if this will be the last straw for some.

I'd guess we'll know more in November.

If what he said was true, and you agree with him, why do you think that would have any impact?
Because I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the electorate.

You do realize that the "electorate" will either not hear about this, or care if they do because most will agree.
As I originally said, that's what I'm wondering about.
All those who think PC infested smooth talking 'professional' politicians don't use the exact same language Trump does off mic, form a line to the left to seek naïve counseling. Christ almighty people do you really want a president who puts on an act and pretends to be someone they are not e.g. professional politicians.
Come on blues, this isn’t a PC thing. This was a dumb ass thing to say. First off our POTUS shouldn’t be calling other countries shitholes even if they are, but the real point is he was speaking to keeping the people from those countries out of our country. You do realize how bad that is coming from our POTUS, right?

Those countries ARE shitholes what should he have called them? By all means share with us your 'PC' term? Do you know what these shithole countries call the U.S.A.? Yeah a hell of a lot worse than shithole.
They are a diverse convergence created by Americano-mind-melded poverty attacked-inistan.
Again I’ll say it. The controversy isn’t about calling a place a shit hole. That’s fake, made up.... you understand that, right?

No names, didn't happen:

BUT we've got both Senators Durbin and Graham saying Trump said that. And it does sound like him.

I'm fine with it. I usually say Sandlands or Africa, but he can say whatever he wants.
We first need to end Illegal Immigration before we can seriously address Legal Immigration. No sane individual can argue that unfettered Immigration is benefiting American Citizens. It is time for revolutionary change in our Immigration System.

They said:

"In regards to Senator Durbin’s accusation, we do not recall the President saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest," the senators wrote.

Nowhere does it deny Trump said it.

Yeah that’s a denial
WOW. You would deny a denial denial
We first need to end Illegal Immigration before we can seriously address Legal Immigration. No sane individual can argue that unfettered Immigration is benefiting American Citizens. It is time for revolutionary change in our Immigration System.

We have to get rid of the bathwater, baby be damned.

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