Polls are fake, but they're not


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls. That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
They'll only accept the ones that say Trump is ahead NO MATTER the technique used. BTW, those that complain about "registered voters" polls, wouldn't they favor the Republicans anyway, since the "prevailing wisdom" is that most D voters are illegals or dead?
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
And many of women's boobs are fake, but they're not. The "fake" ones are at least nice to look at most of the time. Men's "fake" boobs? I'm NOT going there..................
Polls are nothing more than a snapshot of the current opinions of those who happened to answer them. Some are more accurate than others, but they generally are used as a manipulative tool rather than a predictive one. Many are weighted towards the outcome desired by the administrators of said poll, and should be taken with a grain of salt to avoid a crushing disappointment akin to that of the democrats in 2016.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Polls are fuck'n stupid.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
Don't post any "registered voter" polls because they're all weighted bullshit.

Polls are just a snapshot in time, and are weighted because of the formula towards Democrats as they control the most populated states. A rule of thumb is-----------> in a national poll for elected office, if the Democrat is not winning by at least 4 points, he/she is actually losing if the electoral college is used to determine the winner. We seen this play out in 2016, and in Bush V Gore.

If you are a political historian of modern times, you know the polls mean little until the debates. Ronald Reagan was getting his proverbial a** handed to him by Carter to the tune of minus 10 points, then the debates happened, and Carter was a post toasty on election day. Same thing with Bush V Gore, although in fairness, it was closer throughout the campaigns.

For a modern historical perspective, both party's have overtaken the other by just debate performance. Think Kennedy V Nixon. The big one was Reagan V Carter.

Why is this?

Because the candidates are forced out of attack mode and into defending their platform; their plan for the country. This is where the rubber meets the road, period.

On that note, it is why Trump is going to win unless he comes off as some sort of meany. Nobody wants higher taxes, nobody wants unrest in the streets, and nobody trusts Iran, or China...............except Joe Biden and the Democratic Socialists.

Trust me when I tell you that the Left has thrown all their eggs into suburban soccer moms flipping. Yep, those soccer moms with kids are going to vote for the mobs, lol. Talked to soccer moms lately? Try it, and see what they are saying, lol.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.

Pyetro seems to be on full out demoralization campaign.

Trump supporters are among the most determined, while Biden has caved into basement. That's the reality of the situation, appealing to illusory majority is not going to work. And yes, the polls are fake as hell, no Trump voter is giving them honest answers.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
You love the ones that show Bidet ahead, but try to discredit those that show Trump ahead. Why is that?
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
You love the ones that show Bidet ahead, but try to discredit those that show Trump ahead. Why is that?

What polls show Trump ‘ahead.’

All the national polls as of 8/26/2020 show Biden ahead – even the likes of Rasmussen show Biden ahead by a point.

Too funny.
Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls.
That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
You love the ones that show Bidet ahead, but try to discredit those that show Trump ahead. Why is that?

What polls show Trump ‘ahead.’

All the national polls as of 8/26/2020 show Biden ahead – even the likes of Rasmussen show Biden ahead by a point.

Too funny.
In recent past, people have quoted polls that had Trump ahead, and of course, those polls are to be discredited. Admit it, you know this to be true.
Why polling failure is often a fake news journalistic failure.

We need to look no further than 2016, when polls misfired in key states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Wins there propelled Trump to an Electoral College victory.
State polls were important to the forecast models of, among others, HuffPost, which declared just before the election that Clinton’s probability of victory was 98.2 percent, that she would “fairly easily hold onto Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania,” and that Trump had “essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.”
In a brave and revealing mea culpa two days after the election, HuffPost’s polling director, Natalie Jackson, wrote: “The problem was that I placed way too much faith in polls. I assumed they would be right. … I kept looking at the consistency of the polls. They wavered in the exact margins, sure, but always showed Clinton winning in the key states that she needed to win. I saw no reason to question that the polls would be accurate overall. So I defended and stood by the numbers — as anyone who trusts their work does. That’s left me eating some crow.”
Apparently some folks didn't get their fill of crow in the last presidential election.

Trump double dipped on Convention Bounces, first he swiped Biden's bounce and then got his own bounce.

Based on the number of threads citing poll numbers, it can be concluded that Republicans now trust polls. That is of course, unless conservatives yell fake news if they see a poll they don't like.
In the next weeks, I'll be posting new polls to see whether Republicans will continue to accept them or yell fake news.
They'll only accept the ones that say Trump is ahead NO MATTER the technique used. BTW, those that complain about "registered voters" polls, wouldn't they favor the Republicans anyway, since the "prevailing wisdom" is that most D voters are illegals or dead?

No, if a poll says Trump is 6 points behind, that really means he is 4 points ahead! There is about a 10 point bias built into every poll.
I would never respond to a polling survey of any kind. They are all designed to push a narrative until about 2 weeks out. At that point, they tighten them up so they can claim accuracy at the end. Dukakis + 17, Clinton +14, Biden +14, Gillum +9. Folks, they are lying to you. Those candidates were never up by those margins. They are political tools, nothing more. I don't care what side of the isle you find yourself, no one should allow themselves to be manipulated by these polling companies.
I would never respond to a polling survey of any kind. They are all designed to push a narrative until about 2 weeks out. At that point, they tighten them up so they can claim accuracy at the end. Dukakis + 17, Clinton +14, Biden +14, Gillum +9. Folks, they are lying to you. Those candidates were never up by those margins. They are political tools, nothing more. I don't care what side of the isle you find yourself, no one should allow themselves to be manipulated by these polling companies.
I don't live on an island. Most people don't.

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