Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA
He is right...the deep state is Obama's former cabinet and of course Obama himself.....

So now the "deep state" was just Obama's cabinet?

Man, I wish you guys would make up your mind who is in this Deep State and who isn't.
You make less sense as each day passes...No one said the entire FBI were involved....it was the few on the 7th floor that were working to undo an election...
The Obama appointees....

No there weren’t. That is total bullshit.
Drop the 7th floor then, is that better ?
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.
Funny...they sound just like you people...
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

You must not be a disciple of Alex Jones then. The deep state is real and it's run by shape shifting reptilian people.
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusations - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump turned a rumor into a full-blown government conspiracy in just 5 days - CNNPolitics

So..The Sec. of State...contradicts his boss---how droll!

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he "does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA -- contradicting President Donald Trump's repeated assertion that there are forces within the government conspiring against him.
Just hours after Trump tweeted about the existence of a "criminal deep state" within the government seeking to sabotage his presidency, Pompeo was asked point blank by lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee whether believes there is a deep state at the State Department.
"I don't believe there is a deep state at the State Department," Pompeo responded, adding that he had not seen the President's comments.
Pompeo was also asked if a "deep state" existed at the CIA where he formerly served as director.
"You know this term 'deep state' has been thrown around. I'll say this. The employees who worked with me at the CIA nearly uniformly were aimed at achieving the President's objectives and America's objectives," he said."
Notice that he said nothing about the FBI. Of course, he's never going to say anything critical about the agencies that he worked for. Only a buffoon would do such a thing.
does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA
He is right...the deep state is Obama's former cabinet and of course Obama himself.....

So now the "deep state" was just Obama's cabinet?

Man, I wish you guys would make up your mind who is in this Deep State and who isn't.
Hmmmm, no. McCabe, Ohre, Strozk, Page and others were not part of Obama's candidate.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.
Funny...they sound just like you people...
If reffering to Christian conservatives, then you are wrong, but you can run with that if you need to.
Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.
Funny...they sound just like you people...
If reffering to Christian conservatives, then you are wrong, but you can run with that if you need to.
Take the log out of your eye...then maybe we can talk.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.
Funny...they sound just like you people...
If reffering to Christian conservatives, then you are wrong, but you can run with that if you need to.
Take the log out of your eye...then maybe we can talk.
Ok it's out since there was none there, now let's talk.
"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.
Funny...they sound just like you people...
If reffering to Christian conservatives, then you are wrong, but you can run with that if you need to.
Take the log out of your eye...then maybe we can talk.
Ok it's out since there was none there, now let's talk.
Ahh..another example of that vaunted Christian humility.
The deep state isn't located in a building with an address duh... It is a state of mind, and in that state of mind we see Trump derangement syndrome residing in it's host with a full blown melt down taking place.

Has anybody ever said why they actually hate Donald Trump ?? Can they tell us something specifically (other than him derailing the queen of all race baiters Hilly) ?

I mean we have got to take this nation back from the day care toddlers, and restore it to the daycare staff.

He's a whore monger for one thing.
He's a congenital liar for another.
He's lowered the politics to actual name-calling (talk about day care toddler).
He's threatened to jail his political opponents.
He's called women "pigs"
He's made disparaging comments about POWs
He's made bizarre claims that are clearly not true-which is different from lying-in an attempt to engrandize himself.
That disgusting scene in the Cabinet room where he made people praise him....

Care to address any of them in a honest way?
Don't forget how penis measuring is now part of republican debates:

Donald Trump defends size of his penis - CNNPolitics

This is what the republican party is about nowadays. It's like the political party for middle schoolers.
The deep state isn't located in a building with an address duh... It is a state of mind, and in that state of mind we see Trump derangement syndrome residing in it's host with a full blown melt down taking place.

Has anybody ever said why they actually hate Donald Trump ?? Can they tell us something specifically (other than him derailing the queen of all race baiters Hilly) ?

I mean we have got to take this nation back from the day care toddlers, and restore it to the daycare staff.

He's a whore monger for one thing.
He's a congenital liar for another.
He's lowered the politics to actual name-calling (talk about day care toddler).
He's threatened to jail his political opponents.
He's called women "pigs"
He's made disparaging comments about POWs
He's made bizarre claims that are clearly not true-which is different from lying-in an attempt to engrandize himself.
That disgusting scene in the Cabinet room where he made people praise him....

Care to address any of them in a honest way?
Don't forget how penis measuring is now part of republican debates:

Donald Trump defends size of his penis - CNNPolitics

This is what the republican party is about nowadays. It's like the political party for middle schoolers.
With an agenda just as childish and wrongheaded.
Clapper said they (FBI) did have an Informant/spy in the Trump campaign and didn't tell Trump what does that sound like to you?

in case your half brain missed it in post #21.......lol

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...
Dec 18, 2017 - Multiple government officials told NBC News that senior FBI officials briefed both Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ...

So did barry so whats your point?
barry didnt care because he thought hillary was a shoe in.

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