Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

We need to bring back firing squads and line them all up for public viewing. Have a National lottery for chance to be an executioner

Because the Russians wanted Trump to win
Really? how has that worked out for them? If Trump and Putin worked together than Putin could use that information to Bribe Trump.....Take a look at what Trump has done to Putin including killing 200 in bedded Russians in Syria....you people are being intellectually stunted by CNN....its amazing to watch....
Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
No No No....that is not the reason Clapper gave for the informant/spy he said there was widespread Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign for president...why only send an informant into one campaign....no one in DC believes that...even Hillary's speech writer Penn is sickened at what the FBI did....He wonders why they didn't look into the Hillary campaign because after all she was the one that was actually hacked by Russia wiki links or someone and the FBI were more interested in the Trump campaign....LMAO

Because the Russians wanted Trump to win. Also the reason why they were interested in the Trump campaign was because Papadopolous may have been privy to the hacked DNC e-mails.

No they didn't. Who cares what the Russians want?

He was not you moron. You continue to show your stupidity. Besides why should we believe a Moonie newspaper.
Dude its all over the news...the guys name and his position in the campaign and the fact that he requested a permanent position in the Trump Cabinet....he wanted to continue to be involved....this is bigger than anything we have seen before...I guarantee you Obama cabinet members will go to prison over this and I would have never said that a week ago....

Two sources familiar with Papadopoulos's account told NBC News he has described being summoned to England in September 2016 by Halper, who was offering to pay him to discuss energy issues involving Turkey, Israel and Cyprus, which was his area of expertise.

Was there really a federal spy inside the Trump campaign?

He was not a part of the Trump campaign. Trump was not running in England. Quite lying. I guarantee no one is going to jail. If anyone did, it should be Trump and his sycophants like you.
Because the Russians wanted Trump to win
Really? how has that worked out for them? If Trump and Putin worked together than Putin could use that information to Bribe Trump.....Take a look at what Trump has done to Putin including killing 200 in bedded Russians in Syria....you people are being intellectually stunted by CNN....its amazing to watch....

It has worked out much better than they thought it would under Clinton. Despite the Russians working against us in Syria, Trump refused to place further sanctions on Russia because of this. They haven't gotten everything but they have gotten some things. Then of course Trump is giving them our intelligence.
Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
No No No....that is not the reason Clapper gave for the informant/spy he said there was widespread Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign for president...why only send an informant into one campaign....no one in DC believes that...even Hillary's speech writer Penn is sickened at what the FBI did....He wonders why they didn't look into the Hillary campaign because after all she was the one that was actually hacked by Russia wiki links or someone and the FBI were more interested in the Trump campaign....LMAO

Because the Russians wanted Trump to win. Also the reason why they were interested in the Trump campaign was because Papadopolous may have been privy to the hacked DNC e-mails.

No they didn't. Who cares what the Russians want?


They got what they wanted.
Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
No No No....that is not the reason Clapper gave for the informant/spy he said there was widespread Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign for president...why only send an informant into one campaign....no one in DC believes that...even Hillary's speech writer Penn is sickened at what the FBI did....He wonders why they didn't look into the Hillary campaign because after all she was the one that was actually hacked by Russia wiki links or someone and the FBI were more interested in the Trump campaign....LMAO

Because the Russians wanted Trump to win. Also the reason why they were interested in the Trump campaign was because Papadopolous may have been privy to the hacked DNC e-mails.

No they didn't. Who cares what the Russians want?


They got what they wanted.

And why does that matter? Obama got what he wanted when he meddled in the Israeli election. Its all good.

“The deep state is Obama’s former cabinet….” That is what you said.
Now you’re talking about the FBI???? And something about the 7th floor…

It must be time for your medication or something.

You’re the one making less sense every day.
You do know that the FBI head and the DOJ AG and the CIA chief are all presidential appointees don't you?

Well, the AG and DCI are cabinet members so you've covered them. The FBI director serves a 10 year term; presidents often inherit their FBI directors.

So now we're up to the cabinet and you're including the FBI director.... Anyone else a member of this "deep state"?
He was not you moron. You continue to show your stupidity. Besides why should we believe a Moonie newspaper.
Dude its all over the news...the guys name and his position in the campaign and the fact that he requested a permanent position in the Trump Cabinet....he wanted to continue to be involved....this is bigger than anything we have seen before...I guarantee you Obama cabinet members will go to prison over this and I would have never said that a week ago....
He requested nothing..he was recommended by a Trump aid..do get it right.
We need to bring back firing squads and line them all up for public viewing. Have a National lottery for chance to be an executioner

Depends on who you mean by 'them'---selected members of the alt/right..drawn by a lottery based on how many flags are flying from their pick-ups..and how big their exhaust pipes are..would get my vote.
Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%.
Nonsense.....ask the African American community what their unemployment % was under Obama....every time the unemployment number was released under Obama it was revised two weeks later....it was fake news then just like its fake news now.....I have eyes and I could see the struggling malls and one restaurant after another was closing...even in the grocery store you could see less quality less fresh goods on the shelf.....rewrite history in your head if you want but we were all here to witness Obama's lack luster economy....

Again, Trump is taking credit for Obama’s success. It was Obama who reduced the black unemployment rate. Black employment has also slowed under Trump. Trump is very adept at taking credit for Obama’s economy.
Again, Trump is taking credit for Obama’s success. It was Obama who reduced the black unemployment rate. Black employment has also slowed under Trump. Trump is very adept at taking credit for Obama’s economy.
Then why hasn't Trump ruined Obama's economy with all of the changes he has made?
You sound so ridiculous.....Trump has been President for over a year....

We lived it....your nonsense and history revision will not work.....
Again, Trump is taking credit for Obama’s success. It was Obama who reduced the black unemployment rate. Black employment has also slowed under Trump. Trump is very adept at taking credit for Obama’s economy.
Then why hasn't Trump ruined Obama's economy with all of the changes he has made?
You sound so ridiculous.....Trump has been President for over a year....

We lived it....your nonsense and history revision will not work.....
GDP growth is already lower.
Just wait for the next quarterly report.
Again, Trump is taking credit for Obama’s success. It was Obama who reduced the black unemployment rate. Black employment has also slowed under Trump. Trump is very adept at taking credit for Obama’s economy.
Then why hasn't Trump ruined Obama's economy with all of the changes he has made?
You sound so ridiculous.....Trump has been President for over a year....

We lived it....your nonsense and history revision will not work.....
GDP growth is already lower.
Just wait for the next quarterly report.
Your hopes and dreams maybe ??

So screw the economy and American security, it's take down Trump at any cost eh ??

Y'all keep pokin that feller, and your worst nightmares might come true.
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA
He is right...the deep state is Obama's former cabinet and of course Obama himself.....

So now the "deep state" was just Obama's cabinet?

Man, I wish you guys would make up your mind who is in this Deep State and who isn't.
You make less sense as each day passes...No one said the entire FBI were involved....it was the few on the 7th floor that were working to undo an election...
The Obama appointees....

No there weren’t. That is total bullshit.
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10%, to 4.8%. Job growth under Trump has SLOWED to under 200,000 jobs per month on average, ending the 6 years of over 200,000 jobs per month growth under Obama.

Today, Harley Davidson announced it’s closing one one its US plants, while forging ahead with construction of a plant in Indonesia. This after using Trump’s tax break to fund a $750 million dollar buy-back of shares.

Record amounts of debt you mean. Any record amounts coming into the Treasury are because of one-time payments to repatriate overseas profits. From here on in it’ll be deficits on steroids.

As for “things for women” Trump is trying to bring the cost down on, there were all kinds of protections for women’s health care costs in the Affordable Care Act that did this. Trump took out those provisions leaving women high and dry on birth control, while continuing to fund Viagara for men.

We’re paying real close attention to what Trump is doing and it is doing tremendous damage.
If not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Remember that... Instead of bashing Trump who is trying to help this country, why not try to join forces to help him make this country great again ??

You people have become sick, and the evil one is holding back your meds until you finish his job for him, then he'll have no further use for you. You can take that wisdom to the bank and cash it. You'll be rich if do heed the warnings and/or wake up calls to the reality of the situation soon.

"you people"....
That's right, all Demon-crat sick-o's. Those people.

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