Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA
He is right...the deep state is Obama's former cabinet and of course Obama himself.....

So now the "deep state" was just Obama's cabinet?

Man, I wish you guys would make up your mind who is in this Deep State and who isn't.
You make less sense as each day passes...No one said the entire FBI were involved....it was the few on the 7th floor that were working to undo an election...
The Obama appointees....

“The deep state is Obama’s former cabinet….” That is what you said.
Now you’re talking about the FBI???? And something about the 7th floor…

It must be time for your medication or something.

You’re the one making less sense every day.
“The deep state is Obama’s former cabinet….” That is what you said.
Now you’re talking about the FBI???? And something about the 7th floor…

It must be time for your medication or something.

You’re the one making less sense every day.
You do know that the FBI head and the DOJ AG and the CIA chief are all presidential appointees don't you?
You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.
You are the 3rd lib that has said that to me...and the 3rd lib that needs to watch Clapper on the View...he admits there was a spy inside of the Trump Campaign sent in by the FBI to inform and investigate Russian interference in our elections and when asked if there were more than one he said he had no knowledge of more than one.... that is not a no.......but they never told Trump and they continued to spy on the president elect.....and they didn't infiltrate Hillary or Bernie's campaign to look for Russian interference.......and she was the one that was supposedly hacked....Buuuuuuahahahahahahahahaha! Mother of all Backfire's...

"They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like ... what the Russians were doing," Clapper said on The View. "Trying to understand, 'Were the Russians infiltrating? Trying to gain access? Trying to gain leverage or influence?' Which is what they do."

Clearly there was no spy in the Trump campaign. They were following the Russia trail so to speak. A informant talked to Trump officials that were uncovered in the Russia investigation. If Russia hacked Clinton then there was no reason to look at Clinton. You are the MOTHER OF ALL IDIOTS. You are a looney tune who would be locked in a rubber room if it were still allowed.

FBI Director Wray, who was appointed by Trump, says what the Republicans have done is damaging to our country.
They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like ... what the Russians were doing," Clapper said on The View. "Trying to understand, 'Were the Russians infiltrating? Trying to gain access? Trying to gain leverage or influence?' Which is what they do."

Clearly there was no spy in the Trump campaign. They were following the Russia trail so to speak. A informant talked to Trump officials that were uncovered in the Russia investigation. If Russia hacked Clinton then there was no reason to look at Clinton. You are the MOTHER OF ALL IDIOTS. You are a looney tune who would be locked in a rubber room if it were still allowed.
If they were looking for Russian interference why didn't they look in Bernie's campaign or Hillary's...That is a made up defense that no one is buying...they were spying on the Campaign of a rival party...If they were not spying on Trump why didn't or wouldn't they tell Trump they were there? Don't be a sucker...
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

When you start at 4.1 percent, it is not that hard to do. The fact is that this started under Obama which shows that neither Obama or Trump are responsible. The labor participation rate is still very low under Trump just as it was for Clinton. Also wages are rising no faster than they did under Obama.

Trump has no clue what he is doing. Trump is not trying to bring down the cost of drugs. His plan was incoherent and the fact the stock prices of drug companies went up shows there is nothing to it.
Let's see, Pompeo is Secretary of State and he says that "there is no deep state in the State Dept." and the crazy angry desperate left treats it as breaking news. Ho-hum.
You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.
You are the 3rd lib that has said that to me...and the 3rd lib that needs to watch Clapper on the View...he admits there was a spy inside of the Trump Campaign sent in by the FBI to inform and investigate Russian interference in our elections and when asked if there were more than one he said he had no knowledge of more than one.... that is not a no.......but they never told Trump and they continued to spy on the president elect.....and they didn't infiltrate Hillary or Bernie's campaign to look for Russian interference.......and she was the one that was supposedly hacked....Buuuuuuahahahahahahahahaha! Mother of all Backfire's...

"They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like ... what the Russians were doing," Clapper said on The View. "Trying to understand, 'Were the Russians infiltrating? Trying to gain access? Trying to gain leverage or influence?' Which is what they do."

Clearly there was no spy in the Trump campaign. They were following the Russia trail so to speak. A informant talked to Trump officials that were uncovered in the Russia investigation. If Russia hacked Clinton then there was no reason to look at Clinton. You are the MOTHER OF ALL IDIOTS. You are a looney tune who would be locked in a rubber room if it were still allowed.

FBI Director Wray, who was appointed by Trump, says what the Republicans have done is damaging to our country.
You need a fact check. No spying on Trump's campaign.
Your making allegations without the slightest bit a proof.

Lets see Nunes come up with evidence of spying on Trump campaign: that'll be a laugh.
They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like ... what the Russians were doing," Clapper said on The View. "Trying to understand, 'Were the Russians infiltrating? Trying to gain access? Trying to gain leverage or influence?' Which is what they do."

Clearly there was no spy in the Trump campaign. They were following the Russia trail so to speak. A informant talked to Trump officials that were uncovered in the Russia investigation. If Russia hacked Clinton then there was no reason to look at Clinton. You are the MOTHER OF ALL IDIOTS. You are a looney tune who would be locked in a rubber room if it were still allowed.
If they were looking for Russian interference why didn't they look in Bernie's campaign or Hillary's...That is a made up defense that no one is buying...they were spying on the Campaign of a rival party...If they were not spying on Trump why didn't or wouldn't they tell Trump they were there? Don't be a sucker...

You are the sucker. Clearly the Russians were working against Clinton. That included pro-Trump messaging on social media in key states. There was no spy. The informant was never a part of the campaign and they were following leads. If they wanted to hurt Trump then why was the fact that the Trump campaign was being investigated never leaked. These are hard working members of law enforcement who are protecting this country. You want to use them as political pawns to explain away Trump's bad behavior.
He was never a part of the Trump campaign
He most certainly was...and he wanted and asked for a position in Trump's cabinet.....Can you imagine the FBI informant/spy getting a position on Trump's cabinet? that means the FBI was trying to be able to spy on the President of the United States the fact that that does not bother you is amazing....watch some news......
They were spying on — a term I don't particularly like ... what the Russians were doing," Clapper said on The View. "Trying to understand, 'Were the Russians infiltrating? Trying to gain access? Trying to gain leverage or influence?' Which is what they do."

Clearly there was no spy in the Trump campaign. They were following the Russia trail so to speak. A informant talked to Trump officials that were uncovered in the Russia investigation. If Russia hacked Clinton then there was no reason to look at Clinton. You are the MOTHER OF ALL IDIOTS. You are a looney tune who would be locked in a rubber room if it were still allowed.
If they were looking for Russian interference why didn't they look in Bernie's campaign or Hillary's...That is a made up defense that no one is buying...they were spying on the Campaign of a rival party...If they were not spying on Trump why didn't or wouldn't they tell Trump they were there? Don't be a sucker...

Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
Clearly the Russians were working against Clinton
Prove that.......!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't and no one has.....stop it!!!!!!!!

Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina said that the evidence gathered by the committee clearly showed Russia's disdain for Trump's rival, Hillary Clinton, and was "motivated in whole or in part by a desire to harm her candidacy or undermine her Presidency had she prevailed."

Gowdy is no fan of Clinton.

Gowdy breaks from GOP committee, says Russia worked to undermine Clinton

"Committee staff have spent 14 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft and analytic work, and we see no reason to dispute the conclusions," Burr said. "There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."

Warner said the committee's investigation showed that the intelligence agencies did "a very good job" in a short amount of time in assessing Russia's actions and motives for meddling in the election.

"The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated and ordered by (Russian) President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton," Warner said.

Senate Intel panel: Russia tried to help Trump, hurt Clinton, in 2016 election

I suppose the Russians were such good friends of Clinton they hacked the DNC servers.
Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
No No No....that is not the reason Clapper gave for the informant/spy he said there was widespread Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign for president...why only send an informant into one campaign....no one in DC believes that...even Hillary's speech writer Penn is sickened at what the FBI did....He wonders why they didn't look into the Hillary campaign because after all she was the one that was actually hacked by Russia wiki links or someone and the FBI were more interested in the Trump campaign....LMAO
He was never a part of the Trump campaign
He most certainly was...and he wanted and asked for a position in Trump's cabinet.....Can you imagine the FBI informant/spy getting a position on Trump's cabinet? that means the FBI was trying to be able to spy on the President of the United States the fact that that does not bother you is amazing....watch some news......

He was not you moron. You continue to show your stupidity. Besides why should we believe a Moonie newspaper.
He was not you moron. You continue to show your stupidity. Besides why should we believe a Moonie newspaper.
Dude its all over the news...the guys name and his position in the campaign and the fact that he requested a permanent position in the Trump Cabinet....he wanted to continue to be involved....this is bigger than anything we have seen before...I guarantee you Obama cabinet members will go to prison over this and I would have never said that a week ago....
Because officials from neither Hillary nor Bernie’s campaign hadover 100 contacts with Russian government/security officials during the campaign. When the FBI and the CIA listened in on Russian phone calls, nobody from Hillary’s Campaign was calling.
No No No....that is not the reason Clapper gave for the informant/spy he said there was widespread Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign for president...why only send an informant into one campaign....no one in DC believes that...even Hillary's speech writer Penn is sickened at what the FBI did....He wonders why they didn't look into the Hillary campaign because after all she was the one that was actually hacked by Russia wiki links or someone and the FBI were more interested in the Trump campaign....LMAO

Because the Russians wanted Trump to win. Also the reason why they were interested in the Trump campaign was because Papadopolous may have been privy to the hacked DNC e-mails.

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