Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

Clapper said there was an informant in the Trump campaign sent there by the FBI to look into Russian meddling...but the didn't tell Trump and they didn't put a spy in Hillary's campaign and they may not have even gotten a warrant....they were spying on Trump and giving the info to Hillary and Obama..... anyone with a brain can see it..... SPYGATE get used to hearing that...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...
Dec 18, 2017 - Multiple government officials told NBC News that senior FBI officials briefed both Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ...
They spied on the Trump campaign and now Caputo is saying that more agencies then the FBI spied on Trump....like maybe the NSA and the CIA....SPYGATE!!!!!!!

There is a Deep State.....forces loyal to the Great Obama working to undermine Trump
Several FBI agents want to testify against Comey and Clapper...they want to tell the IG what they know...Caputo is raising money for them via his fund me page to acquire legal representation so they don't have to wait for a Congressional subpoena.....Shit is going to hit the fan......
Sounds more and more anyone who trump and his enablers disagree with or see as a threat is a member of this ever-expanding deep state enterprise.

Anyone who refuses to join the Trump Cult must be part of the "deep state"........lol
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusations - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump turned a rumor into a full-blown government conspiracy in just 5 days - CNNPolitics

So..The Sec. of State...contradicts his boss---how droll!

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he "does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA -- contradicting President Donald Trump's repeated assertion that there are forces within the government conspiring against him.
Just hours after Trump tweeted about the existence of a "criminal deep state" within the government seeking to sabotage his presidency, Pompeo was asked point blank by lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee whether believes there is a deep state at the State Department.
"I don't believe there is a deep state at the State Department," Pompeo responded, adding that he had not seen the President's comments.
Pompeo was also asked if a "deep state" existed at the CIA where he formerly served as director.
"You know this term 'deep state' has been thrown around. I'll say this. The employees who worked with me at the CIA nearly uniformly were aimed at achieving the President's objectives and America's objectives," he said."

That's so comforting, and I totally believe you!


Caputo is raising money for them via his fund me page to acquire legal representation so they don't have to wait for a Congressional subpoena.....Shit is going to hit the fan.....

Do you mean THIS Cavuto??? LOL

Fox's Cavuto on pattern of false statements: 'Mr. President, that’s your swamp'
Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Thursday scolded President Trump for making contradictory statements about a payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, calling the president’s habit of making inaccurate statements his “swamp.”

“Let me be clear, Mr. President. How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the waters? You didn’t know about the $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did,” Cavuto said.
OK..I'll bite..what do they matter..they're out of office...thus have no power...how do they effect their evil machinations?
They spied on the Trump campaign and now Caputo is saying that more agencies then the FBI spied on Trump....like maybe the NSA and the CIA....SPYGATE!!!!!!!or like I like to call it.....OBAMA SPYGATE!!!!!
But just think about that...all of those agencies spying on Trump and still they do not have a shred of evidence of any wrong doing....
And they don’t have a shred of evidence Trump was spied upon.
And they don’t have a shred of evidence Trump was spied upon.

I sincerely do NOT understand these Trump cultists.......

IF the FBI was aiming to UNDERMINE Trump, why didn't that agency tell us that Trump was under investigation BEFORE the election?
And they don’t have a shred of evidence Trump was spied upon
Clapper said they (FBI) did have an Informant/spy in the Trump campaign and didn't tell Trump what does that sound like to you?

Clapper said they (FBI) did have an Informant/spy in the Trump campaign and didn't tell Trump what does that sound like to you?

in case your half brain missed it in post #21.......lol

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...
Dec 18, 2017 - Multiple government officials told NBC News that senior FBI officials briefed both Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ...
No one spied on the Trump campaign. Caputo is a liar. Just because a couple of people joked about it at a party we are going to smear more people. Trump and his supporters are the animals
Clapper said there was an informant in the Trump campaign sent there by the FBI to look into Russian meddling...but they didn't tell Trump and they didn't put a spy in Hillary's campaign and they may not have even gotten a warrant....they were spying on Trump and giving the info to Hillary and Obama..... anyone with a brain can see it..... SPYGATE get used to hearing that.......

A informant asked a couple of Trump people questions. That is it. We will hear SPYGATE because the Republicans have nothing else.
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusations - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump turned a rumor into a full-blown government conspiracy in just 5 days - CNNPolitics

So..The Sec. of State...contradicts his boss---how droll!

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he "does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA -- contradicting President Donald Trump's repeated assertion that there are forces within the government conspiring against him.
Just hours after Trump tweeted about the existence of a "criminal deep state" within the government seeking to sabotage his presidency, Pompeo was asked point blank by lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee whether believes there is a deep state at the State Department.
"I don't believe there is a deep state at the State Department," Pompeo responded, adding that he had not seen the President's comments.
Pompeo was also asked if a "deep state" existed at the CIA where he formerly served as director.
"You know this term 'deep state' has been thrown around. I'll say this. The employees who worked with me at the CIA nearly uniformly were aimed at achieving the President's objectives and America's objectives," he said."

Clearly Pompeo never watched Burn Notice.
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusations - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump turned a rumor into a full-blown government conspiracy in just 5 days - CNNPolitics

So..The Sec. of State...contradicts his boss---how droll!

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he "does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA -- contradicting President Donald Trump's repeated assertion that there are forces within the government conspiring against him.
Just hours after Trump tweeted about the existence of a "criminal deep state" within the government seeking to sabotage his presidency, Pompeo was asked point blank by lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee whether believes there is a deep state at the State Department.
"I don't believe there is a deep state at the State Department," Pompeo responded, adding that he had not seen the President's comments.
Pompeo was also asked if a "deep state" existed at the CIA where he formerly served as director.
"You know this term 'deep state' has been thrown around. I'll say this. The employees who worked with me at the CIA nearly uniformly were aimed at achieving the President's objectives and America's objectives," he said."

Before six months ago what Repubulican ever talked about the term 'deep state'?

Cons are throwing everything they can at the wall to get something, SOMETHING, to stick All they do is lie but they've come to a place where they believe if you lie big enough and long enough everyone will believe it.

No just the sheep in the little bubble. The rest of America knows it's just more Trump/GOP bullshit.
Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusations - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump turned a rumor into a full-blown government conspiracy in just 5 days - CNNPolitics

So..The Sec. of State...contradicts his boss---how droll!

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he "does not believe there is a deep state" at the State Department or the CIA -- contradicting President Donald Trump's repeated assertion that there are forces within the government conspiring against him.
Just hours after Trump tweeted about the existence of a "criminal deep state" within the government seeking to sabotage his presidency, Pompeo was asked point blank by lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs Committee whether believes there is a deep state at the State Department.
"I don't believe there is a deep state at the State Department," Pompeo responded, adding that he had not seen the President's comments.
Pompeo was also asked if a "deep state" existed at the CIA where he formerly served as director.
"You know this term 'deep state' has been thrown around. I'll say this. The employees who worked with me at the CIA nearly uniformly were aimed at achieving the President's objectives and America's objectives," he said."
What else can you call entrenched bureaucracy ?
Riiiiiight all those anti Trump FBI texts were imaginary. FISA court warrants also imaginary. DOJ/FBI collusion to give Hillary a pass on breaking the law, also nothing to see here. :icon_rolleyes:
The deep state isn't located in a building with an address duh... It is a state of mind, and in that state of mind we see Trump derangement syndrome residing in it's host with a full blown melt down taking place.

Has anybody ever said why they actually hate Donald Trump ?? Can they tell us something specifically (other than him derailing the queen of all race baiters Hilly) ?

I mean we have got to take this nation back from the day care toddlers, and restore it to the daycare staff.

He's a whore monger for one thing.
He's a congenital liar for another.
He's lowered the politics to actual name-calling (talk about day care toddler).
He's threatened to jail his political opponents.
He's called women "pigs"
He's made disparaging comments about POWs
He's made bizarre claims that are clearly not true-which is different from lying-in an attempt to engrandize himself.
That disgusting scene in the Cabinet room where he made people praise him....

Care to address any of them in a honest way?
Yep, and he done it all to drive the LEFTIST, control freak communist completely out of their minds...

Good job Trump. LOL

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