Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities

Hate on hate crime. Don’t care.

The Saudis have been a big help to us in the region militarily. We need all the cooperative friendly governments there we can get.
Yeah, and most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis. With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?
The 911 attacks were from al Qaeda and al Qaeda has also attacked Saudi Arabia, so whatever our differences we clearly have interests in common with the Saudis.
That’s spoken like a true government media statist dupe.

Trick Question: how many nations has Iran invaded in the last 100 years, versus the good old USA?
It's a stupid question, not a trick question. Why would you ask about the last hundred years instead of the last 40 years since the ayatollahs took over? Hadn't you heard about the revolution? Do you think it was just a statist swampist lie? lol Iran is currently involved in wars in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen and intermittently shells the Kurds in Iraq.
LOL. Okay me deluded friend, tell me how many nations Iran has invaded in the last 40 years, versus the USA?

Secondly, the people of Iran overthrew the Shah. Do you know who installed the Shah? A revolution is not invading another nation silly.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
First, Mossadegh was democratically elected but when he lost his majority in the parliament, instead of stepping down he invoked old emergency laws and dismissed the parliament and began ruling by decree; that is, he became a tyrant. Although the same constitution that had allowed Mossadegh to become PM made the Shah head of state, Mossadegh demanded the Shah relinquish his constitutional power to him. He began trying to subvert elements of the military to overthrow the Shah and urged mobs to attack the Shah's palace. He was clearly trying to effect a coup, himself.

The streets of Tehran were filled with mobs, some supporting the Shah and some opposing him. Among those who opposed him were the Islamists, not a majority and communists who supported the USSR claim to some provinces of Iran. It was only at this point after gaining assurances from Britain it would provide fairer terms to Iran for its oil, that the US became involved. What you, in your ignorance and bigotry call the CIA coup, amounted only to providing office resources and advice to the Shah's supporters. It was when the military units Mossadegh had tried to subvert rejected him that the nation began to stabilize and the mobs began to thin. If the CIA can be credited with anything, it is with helping to stiffen the resolve of the Shah and his supporters before the military rejected Mossadegh's attempted coup.
Doesn’t matter. It was none of our government’s business to overthrow him.

You are aware that the Shah was ruthless and didn’t have the full support of his people. LOL. You cite these tyrannical actions by Mossadegh, but you must be aware the Shah was far worse.

None of it is our government’s business, unless you think the interests of big oil corporations match the interests of the American people.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.
I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.

Shut the fuck up you asswipe. You sound like a goofy kid who thinks he's cool but is really a dumbass
LOL. Okay me deluded friend, tell me how many nations Iran has invaded in the last 40 years, versus the USA?

Secondly, the people of Iran overthrew the Shah. Do you know who installed the Shah? A revolution is not invading another nation silly.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
You made your point: you hate America and you won't consider that America has done anything good.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.
Bullshit. You clearly hate America. You are one of those people who say I would love my country if only it were completely different from the way it is.
Yes of course, I’m a traitor for using my free speech rights ensconced in the First Amendment, but you are a true American hero.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.
I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.

Shut the fuck up you asswipe. You sound like a goofy kid who thinks he's cool but is really a dumbass
I KNOW you are a dumbass.

Please get banned again. You make all Americans look bad with your childish uninformed warmongering posts.
Yeah, and most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis. With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?

Thats a stupid ignorant post. Just because they happened to be Saudis has nothing to do with our alliance with the Saudi government you imbecile.There are plenty of Americans who are terrorists. Should all of our European Allies cut us off because we are some assholes who are American terrorists? Hell, there were American citizens who left the US to join ISIS for fucks sake. Does that make America ISIS?

Do us all a favor: Don't procreate. Moron.
Yeah, and most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis. With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?

Thats a stupid ignorant post. Just because they happened to be Saudis has nothing to do with our alliance with the Saudi government you imbecile.There are plenty of Americans who are terrorists. Should all of our European Allies cut us off because we are some assholes who are American terrorists? Hell, there were American citizens who left the US to join ISIS for fucks sake. Does that make America ISIS?

Do us all a favor: Don't procreate. Moron.

U.S.-Saudi Arabia Relations
U.S.-Saudi Arabia Relations

The U.S.-Saudi Arabia alliance is built on decades of security cooperation and strong business ties dominated by U.S. interests in Saudi oil. The relationship has survived severe challenges, including the 1973 oil embargo and 9/11 attacks, in which fifteen of the nineteen passenger jet hijackers were Saudi citizens. Successive U.S. administrations have held that Saudi Arabia is a critical strategic partner in the region. Relations between the two countries have grown especially warm under U.S. President Donald J. Trump and Saudi de facto leader Mohammed bin Salman, who was elevated to crown prince in mid-2017. Both have ramped up efforts to counter Iran, Saudi Arabia’s main regional rival...........

Defense and Counterterrorism

Providing security for the oil-rich Persian Gulf region has been a U.S. priority since World War II. U.S. companies were responsible for much of the oil produced in the region through the 1970s, and even as Saudi Arabia nationalized its oil industry at the end of that decade, it remained an important U.S. partner in the Cold War. The United States had for many years relied on Iran, under the rule of the shah, as part of a “twin pillar” policy of stabilizing the region. However, Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution upended that approach, leaving Saudi Arabia as the primary U.S. ally in the region for nearly four decades.

U.S.-Saudi military cooperation peaked in the first Gulf War, when in 1991 a U.S.-led coalition expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait. More than half a million U.S. troops flooded into the region, with many based in Saudi Arabia. The presence of U.S. soldiers drew ire from Saudi conservatives and reinforced arguments that the elite was too accommodating to Western and non-Muslim interests.

The United States, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan supported the resistance to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, which lasted from 1979 to 1989. Cash and weapons flowed to the Afghan jihad, which attracted thousands of Sunni Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa. Saudi-born Osama bin Laden, son of the founder of the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia, joined the jihad in the 1980s and recruited Saudi fighters.

Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia in 1990 with close links to the kingdom’s intelligence officials. But his opposition to U.S. troops in the Middle East put him at odds with the royal family, which welcomed the U.S. forces that had driven Saddam Hussein’s army out of Kuwait. Bin Laden, who would found al-Qaeda, left the country by early 1992 and was stripped of citizenship in 1994. From his new base in Afghanistan, where he was protected by the new Taliban leadership, bin Laden issued a fatwa against “Americans occupying the land of the two holy mosques” [PDF], referring to the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina, in 1996.

Following the 9/11 attacks, a wave of popular anti-Saudi sentiment in the United States damaged relations between the countries. The George W. Bush administration’s omission of twenty-eight pages from the 9/11 Commission Report fueled speculation that the U.S. government was covering up evidence that Saudi officials were complicit in the attacks. In 2016, the U.S. Congress passed legislation, over President Barack Obama’s veto and Saudi threats of economic retaliation, that allows the families of 9/11 victims to sue the kingdom, an exception to the principle of sovereign immunity. Some legal scholars, however, say that plaintiffs would likely be unable to collect on any damages.

Saudi Arabia is the top destination for U.S. arms, with U.S. defense sales to the kingdom totaling close to $90 billion since 1950, according to the Pentagon. President Trump has encouraged such deals, arguing that they create half a million American jobs; several major defense firms have made lower projections. During his May 2017 trip to the kingdom, Trump signed a series of arms deals expected to total some $350 billion over a decade. According to the arms researcher SIPRI, Saudi Arabia’s total arms imports were almost eighteen times greater [PDF] in 2017 than they were a decade earlier.
Yep, the ole pom got together with bibi and planned this to make it look like Iran. Pom just taking over bolton's duties.

You're a sick pig. Its always the feeelthy Joo's fault, right? You make a good Nazi.

Iran is the number one terrorist in the world all you little punkass assfucks. Defending Iran and trying to blame Israel or Trump just makes you an idiot and a l;iece of shit
It's a stupid question, not a trick question. Why would you ask about the last hundred years instead of the last 40 years since the ayatollahs took over? Hadn't you heard about the revolution? Do you think it was just a statist swampist lie? lol Iran is currently involved in wars in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen and intermittently shells the Kurds in Iraq.
LOL. Okay me deluded friend, tell me how many nations Iran has invaded in the last 40 years, versus the USA?

Secondly, the people of Iran overthrew the Shah. Do you know who installed the Shah? A revolution is not invading another nation silly.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
First, Mossadegh was democratically elected but when he lost his majority in the parliament, instead of stepping down he invoked old emergency laws and dismissed the parliament and began ruling by decree; that is, he became a tyrant. Although the same constitution that had allowed Mossadegh to become PM made the Shah head of state, Mossadegh demanded the Shah relinquish his constitutional power to him. He began trying to subvert elements of the military to overthrow the Shah and urged mobs to attack the Shah's palace. He was clearly trying to effect a coup, himself.

The streets of Tehran were filled with mobs, some supporting the Shah and some opposing him. Among those who opposed him were the Islamists, not a majority and communists who supported the USSR claim to some provinces of Iran. It was only at this point after gaining assurances from Britain it would provide fairer terms to Iran for its oil, that the US became involved. What you, in your ignorance and bigotry call the CIA coup, amounted only to providing office resources and advice to the Shah's supporters. It was when the military units Mossadegh had tried to subvert rejected him that the nation began to stabilize and the mobs began to thin. If the CIA can be credited with anything, it is with helping to stiffen the resolve of the Shah and his supporters before the military rejected Mossadegh's attempted coup.
Doesn’t matter. It was none of our government’s business to overthrow him.

You are aware that the Shah was ruthless and didn’t have the full support of his people. LOL. You cite these tyrannical actions by Mossadegh, but you must be aware the Shah was far worse.

None of it is our government’s business, unless you think the interests of big oil corporations match the interests of the American people.
Apparently nothing matters to you but hating the US. We didn't overthrow him, but with so much of the world's oil supply coming from the Gulf, the US had a clear interest is maintaining stability in the region. In 1953, the last Shah was a reformer who, as I previously pointed out, changed the laws that allowed a member of the royal family, Mossadegh, to run for office. He was also trying to effect economic reforms and he eventually gave up most of the land he had inherited while trying to persuade other families to help him reform the economy. Eventually he got Britain to keep its word to the US to give Iran a fair deal for its oil.

Unfortunately, Iran was under siege from within and without. The Soviets tried to gain control of a few of Iran's provinces and there were many communists in Iran that supported it, and the Islamists, of course, wanted to overthrow the government and set up an Islamist state. All countries under siege adopt harsher measures to protect themselves and the measures the Shah's government adopted were no harsher than other countries in that region and certainly no harsher than Iran's present government. As for not having the support of all the people, no country has the support of all the people, as you have asserted the US government does not have your support.
LOL. Okay me deluded friend, tell me how many nations Iran has invaded in the last 40 years, versus the USA?

Secondly, the people of Iran overthrew the Shah. Do you know who installed the Shah? A revolution is not invading another nation silly.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
First, Mossadegh was democratically elected but when he lost his majority in the parliament, instead of stepping down he invoked old emergency laws and dismissed the parliament and began ruling by decree; that is, he became a tyrant. Although the same constitution that had allowed Mossadegh to become PM made the Shah head of state, Mossadegh demanded the Shah relinquish his constitutional power to him. He began trying to subvert elements of the military to overthrow the Shah and urged mobs to attack the Shah's palace. He was clearly trying to effect a coup, himself.

The streets of Tehran were filled with mobs, some supporting the Shah and some opposing him. Among those who opposed him were the Islamists, not a majority and communists who supported the USSR claim to some provinces of Iran. It was only at this point after gaining assurances from Britain it would provide fairer terms to Iran for its oil, that the US became involved. What you, in your ignorance and bigotry call the CIA coup, amounted only to providing office resources and advice to the Shah's supporters. It was when the military units Mossadegh had tried to subvert rejected him that the nation began to stabilize and the mobs began to thin. If the CIA can be credited with anything, it is with helping to stiffen the resolve of the Shah and his supporters before the military rejected Mossadegh's attempted coup.
Doesn’t matter. It was none of our government’s business to overthrow him.

You are aware that the Shah was ruthless and didn’t have the full support of his people. LOL. You cite these tyrannical actions by Mossadegh, but you must be aware the Shah was far worse.

None of it is our government’s business, unless you think the interests of big oil corporations match the interests of the American people.
Apparently nothing matters to you but hating the US. We didn't overthrow him, but with so much of the world's oil supply coming from the Gulf, the US had a clear interest is maintaining stability in the region. In 1953, the last Shah was a reformer who, as I previously pointed out, changed the laws that allowed a member of the royal family, Mossadegh, to run for office. He was also trying to effect economic reforms and he eventually gave up most of the land he had inherited while trying to persuade other families to help him reform the economy. Eventually he got Britain to keep its word to the US to give Iran a fair deal for its oil.

Unfortunately, Iran was under siege from within and without. The Soviets tried to gain control of a few of Iran's provinces and there were many communists in Iran that supported it, and the Islamists, of course, wanted to overthrow the government and set up an Islamist state. All countries under siege adopt harsher measures to protect themselves and the measures the Shah's government adopted were no harsher than other countries in that region and certainly no harsher than Iran's present government. As for not having the support of all the people, no country has the support of all the people, as you have asserted the US government does not have your support.
That’s the statist point of view. I will stick with what the Founders espoused. NONINTERVENTION.

Stop being so anti-American.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
You made your point: you hate America and you won't consider that America has done anything good.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.
Bullshit. You clearly hate America. You are one of those people who say I would love my country if only it were completely different from the way it is.
Yes of course, I’m a traitor for using my free speech rights ensconced in the First Amendment, but you are a true American hero.
I didn't call you a traitor but only pointed out that you hate America and you exercise your first amendment rights to tell us over and over again how much you hate America.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Saudi Arabia's oil industry came under a direct attack on Saturday as Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi group carried out drone attacks on Aramco oil plants.

You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
You made your point: you hate America and you won't consider that America has done anything good.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.
Bullshit. You clearly hate America. You are one of those people who say I would love my country if only it were completely different from the way it is.
Yes of course, I’m a traitor for using my free speech rights ensconced in the First Amendment, but you are a true American hero.
I didn't call you a traitor but only pointed out that you hate America and you exercise your first amendment rights to tell us over and over again how much you hate America.
LOL. Please tell me the post number where I stated I hate America?

I have found that many statists are incapable of distinguishing between a nation’s government and the nation itself. To the statist, the government is foremost. Sad. Very sad.
Your ignorance, apparently of all things, continues to be impressive. Iran had invaded Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen since the revolution. It also arms and trains various terrorist groups that attack Israel and it shells Iraqi Kurds.

The last Shah was installed during WWII by the allies and with the support of Russia because the Shah's father, who had overthrown the corrupt royal family, because the Shah's father supported the Axis powers and the allies wanted to use Iran to send weapons and supplies from the US to Russia.

The Shah's father had banned all members of the royal family he had overthrown from serving in the government, a constitutional monarchy similar to England. The last Shah enacted reforms that that reversed the ban and Mohammad Mosaddegh became PM and tried to overthrow the Shah and the constitution but with US help and support the Shah retained power.

The Shah was overthrown by the people of Iran, but back then half or more of those who opposed the Shah were communists, socialists or secularists, and now those people are either all dead, in prison or in hiding.

You seem to be arguing that the US is evil and anyone who opposes the US is by definition, a good guy.
You are the one who thinks the US is wonderful and never does wrong, but Iran is evil. The government run media tells you this and you believe.

The 1953 coup by the CIA of a democratically elected leader, is nothing to be proud of. Has Iran done anything similar? The Shah attained power thanks to that coup. No? Yes?

Iran may be supporting armed forces in those nations you mention, but Iranian military forces have not invaded. Compare that to the US invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Do you see a difference?

How about those million dead Iraqis dumbass W is responsible for? Has Iran caused the deaths of one million people?
First, Mossadegh was democratically elected but when he lost his majority in the parliament, instead of stepping down he invoked old emergency laws and dismissed the parliament and began ruling by decree; that is, he became a tyrant. Although the same constitution that had allowed Mossadegh to become PM made the Shah head of state, Mossadegh demanded the Shah relinquish his constitutional power to him. He began trying to subvert elements of the military to overthrow the Shah and urged mobs to attack the Shah's palace. He was clearly trying to effect a coup, himself.

The streets of Tehran were filled with mobs, some supporting the Shah and some opposing him. Among those who opposed him were the Islamists, not a majority and communists who supported the USSR claim to some provinces of Iran. It was only at this point after gaining assurances from Britain it would provide fairer terms to Iran for its oil, that the US became involved. What you, in your ignorance and bigotry call the CIA coup, amounted only to providing office resources and advice to the Shah's supporters. It was when the military units Mossadegh had tried to subvert rejected him that the nation began to stabilize and the mobs began to thin. If the CIA can be credited with anything, it is with helping to stiffen the resolve of the Shah and his supporters before the military rejected Mossadegh's attempted coup.
Doesn’t matter. It was none of our government’s business to overthrow him.

You are aware that the Shah was ruthless and didn’t have the full support of his people. LOL. You cite these tyrannical actions by Mossadegh, but you must be aware the Shah was far worse.

None of it is our government’s business, unless you think the interests of big oil corporations match the interests of the American people.
Apparently nothing matters to you but hating the US. We didn't overthrow him, but with so much of the world's oil supply coming from the Gulf, the US had a clear interest is maintaining stability in the region. In 1953, the last Shah was a reformer who, as I previously pointed out, changed the laws that allowed a member of the royal family, Mossadegh, to run for office. He was also trying to effect economic reforms and he eventually gave up most of the land he had inherited while trying to persuade other families to help him reform the economy. Eventually he got Britain to keep its word to the US to give Iran a fair deal for its oil.

Unfortunately, Iran was under siege from within and without. The Soviets tried to gain control of a few of Iran's provinces and there were many communists in Iran that supported it, and the Islamists, of course, wanted to overthrow the government and set up an Islamist state. All countries under siege adopt harsher measures to protect themselves and the measures the Shah's government adopted were no harsher than other countries in that region and certainly no harsher than Iran's present government. As for not having the support of all the people, no country has the support of all the people, as you have asserted the US government does not have your support.
That’s the statist point of view. I will stick with what the Founders espoused. NONINTERVENTION.

Stop being so anti-American.
lol Apparently you know nothing about the founders, either. They attacked the various Indian tribes, took their lands and drove them off. They also attacked the French and British and Spanish colonies and with the Monroe doctrine threatened to intervene in Latin America if it was in US interests. Washington warned about foreign entanglements in his farewell address, but it was never policy. Did you ever go to school?
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Evidence from Saudi oil attack points to Iran, not Yemen: U.S. official
REUTERS - Evidence from Saudi oil attack points to Iran, not Yemen: U.S. official

WASHINGTON/DUBAI (Reuters) - The attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities on Saturday that has threatened global oil supplies came from a direction indicating that Iran was behind it, and cruise missiles may have been the weapon of choice, according to a senior U.S. official.

The comments added heft to Washington’s accusation that Iran launched the attacks that knocked out more than 5% of global oil supply, instead of the Yemeni Houthi group that claimed it. Tehran rejected the accusation, but said it was ready for war.

The strike on the heartland of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, which included damage to the world’s biggest petroleum-processing facility, was expected to send oil prices up $5 to $10 per barrel on Monday and inflame tensions across the Middle East.

The U.S. official, who asked not to be named, said on Sunday there were 19 points of impact in the attack on Saudi facilities and that evidence showed the launch area was west-northwest of the targets - the direction of Iraq and Iran - not south from Yemen.

The official added that Saudi officials indicated they had seen signs that cruise missiles were used in the attack, which is inconsistent with the Iran-aligned Houthi group’s claim that it conducted the attack with 10 drones
You made your point: you hate America and you won't consider that America has done anything good.
Yes all Americans must believe and support everything our criminal government does, otherwise we are considered traitors.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. This makes me a traitor.
Bullshit. You clearly hate America. You are one of those people who say I would love my country if only it were completely different from the way it is.
Yes of course, I’m a traitor for using my free speech rights ensconced in the First Amendment, but you are a true American hero.
I didn't call you a traitor but only pointed out that you hate America and you exercise your first amendment rights to tell us over and over again how much you hate America.
LOL. Please tell me the post number where I stated I hate America?

I have found that many statists are incapable of distinguishing between a nation’s government and the nation itself. To the statist, the government is foremost. Sad. Very sad.
lol So in your confusion, you say you hate the government but you love the nation? What is it that you love, the flowers, grass, rivers, etc. In a democracy, the government is the what the people of the nation want, and when it fails to be it is replaced, but you hate every government and with your nonsense about statism you even claim you hate the idea of a government.

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