Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities

I am jot comparing them at all. I am speculating pathways to war with iran and arguing that war with iran is not desirable.
We'd get to test our newest weaponry in a real war situation. It would be good for the economy. We'd get to teach Iran a lesson that they shouldn't mess around with us. Other countries would get the message that if the piss off America they might also hear bombs dropping.
I am jot comparing them at all. I am speculating pathways to war with iran and arguing that war with iran is not desirable.
We'd get to test our newest weaponry in a real war situation. It would be good for the economy. We'd get to teach Iran a lesson that they shouldn't mess around with us. Other countries would get the message that if the piss off America they might also hear bombs dropping.
Yeah maybe our military could kill a million Iranians civilians like they did Iraqis. It has a nice ring to it.
Trump: US ‘locked and loaded depending on verification’ of attack on Saudi oil field
Trump: US 'locked and loaded depending on verification' of attack on Saudi oil field

President Donald Trump on Sunday evening tweeted that the US has “reason to believe that we know” who is responsible for an attack on a Saudi Arabian oil field and the country is “locked and loaded depending on verification” following the crippling strike.

Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!” Trump said.

Trump’s tweet, which appeared to raise the specter of a US military response, served to ratchet up tensions in a region already on edge after Saturday’s audacious attack on the Saudi oil field.

Trump used similar language in June when he announced he had called off an attack on Iran just as the US was “cocked & loaded” to strike because he decided it would cause too many deaths for a proportionate response to Tehran’s downing of a US drone.

On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities — among the world’s largest energy production centers — disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen’s Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran.
Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities
The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal.

ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.

Attacks on Saudi oil plants to cut the kingdom's output by 5.7 mil. barrels a day

After the Syrian false flags, I don't believe anything that comes from Murica's alleged "intelligence community".
This is what happens when you have a president who doesn’t do the bidding of the MIC. Just like the taliban allegedly attacked right before a peace talk, now Iran attacks Saudi oil fields when trump was willing to talk to them. This is where trump is weak, he’s too susceptible to these events. If he won’t willingly do their bidding then they’ll put him in a situation where he basically has no other choice.
Ask yourselves one question.. why would all these countries keep committing attacks right before they’re about to engage in diplomacy with the US for the first time? We have a president who’s clearly not interested in foreign aggression if it can be avoided and somehow these counties that know we can annihilate them in a second keep intentionally ruining diplomacy. If that makes any sense to you then you’re a lost cause.
Whatever terri....keep sucking those jew nuts. Tool.

That might possibly be the most sick filthy antisemitic post I have ever said in this forum, and you are definitely a lowlife degenerate and a coward. This will be PM'd directly to the mods.
Ask yourselves one question.. why would all these countries keep committing attacks right before they’re about to engage in diplomacy with the US for the first time? We have a president who’s clearly not interested in foreign aggression if it can be avoided and somehow these counties that know we can annihilate them in a second keep intentionally ruining diplomacy. If that makes any sense to you then you’re a lost cause.

How about there are factions in those governments that do not want their country talking to the US?
Whatever terri....keep sucking those jew nuts. Tool.

That might possibly be the most sick filthy antisemitic post I have ever said in this forum, and you are definitely a lowlife degenerate and a coward. This will be PM'd directly to the mods.
Ask yourselves one question.. why would all these countries keep committing attacks right before they’re about to engage in diplomacy with the US for the first time? We have a president who’s clearly not interested in foreign aggression if it can be avoided and somehow these counties that know we can annihilate them in a second keep intentionally ruining diplomacy. If that makes any sense to you then you’re a lost cause.

How about there are factions in those governments that do not want their country talking to the US?
Sure :thup:
Trump: US ‘locked and loaded depending on verification’ of attack on Saudi oil field
Trump: US 'locked and loaded depending on verification' of attack on Saudi oil field

President Donald Trump on Sunday evening tweeted that the US has “reason to believe that we know” who is responsible for an attack on a Saudi Arabian oil field and the country is “locked and loaded depending on verification” following the crippling strike.

Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!” Trump said.

Trump’s tweet, which appeared to raise the specter of a US military response, served to ratchet up tensions in a region already on edge after Saturday’s audacious attack on the Saudi oil field.

Trump used similar language in June when he announced he had called off an attack on Iran just as the US was “cocked & loaded” to strike because he decided it would cause too many deaths for a proportionate response to Tehran’s downing of a US drone.

On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities — among the world’s largest energy production centers — disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen’s Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran.

So, Trump is now taking orders from the Saudi’s.
I am asking this to Republicans.

If you were a foreign country that used to be one of our allies, would you trust anything that came out of this administration?

And do you think that we can go it alone since we are only allies now are Russia and North Korea?
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I am asking this to Republicans.
If you were a foreign country that used to be one of our allies, would you trust anything that came out of this administration?
And do you think that we can go it alone since we are only allies now are Russia and North Korea?

First of all, a country that "used" to be an ally but is no more won't trust ANY administration.

Second, I don't give a fuck what any country thinks. I care about America and policies that protect and benefit us.

This bombing will cause gas prices to soar. Anyone who thinks we are behind it is a complete and utter fool
Trump: US ‘locked and loaded depending on verification’ of attack on Saudi oil field
Trump: US 'locked and loaded depending on verification' of attack on Saudi oil field

President Donald Trump on Sunday evening tweeted that the US has “reason to believe that we know” who is responsible for an attack on a Saudi Arabian oil field and the country is “locked and loaded depending on verification” following the crippling strike.

Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!” Trump said.

Trump’s tweet, which appeared to raise the specter of a US military response, served to ratchet up tensions in a region already on edge after Saturday’s audacious attack on the Saudi oil field.

Trump used similar language in June when he announced he had called off an attack on Iran just as the US was “cocked & loaded” to strike because he decided it would cause too many deaths for a proportionate response to Tehran’s downing of a US drone.

On Saturday, coordinated strikes on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities — among the world’s largest energy production centers — disrupted 5% of the daily global oil supply. Yemen’s Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks, but they are often backed by Iran.

So, Trump is now taking orders from the Saudi’s.
"Saudi Arabia's Bitch" Tulsi Gabbard
That little girl is looking better all the time.
If the DC foreign policy establishment got as agitated by a school bus full of kids getting blown up as it does for an oil refinery, the Yemen war would be over.
If the DC foreign policy establishment got as agitated by a school bus full of kids getting blown up as it does for an oil refinery, the Yemen war would be over.
Of course it depends on who does the blowing up. The Saudis can mass murder Yemeni children, but Yemenis aren’t allowed to return the favor. That would be TERRORISM.

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