Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities

Dumb. More warmongering.

Iran is so awful they put their country in the middle of our military bases. They must want war...dirty bastards!
Of course it depends on who does the blowing up. The Saudis can mass murder Yemeni children, but Yemenis aren’t allowed to return the favor. That would be TERRORISM.

If you were around during WWII your ignorant punk ass would be saying that America kills Japanese children. Thats how stupid you are.

Dumb. More warmongering.

You are a proven childish idiot. Nobody cares about your ignorant pics
Of course it depends on who does the blowing up. The Saudis can mass murder Yemeni children, but Yemenis aren’t allowed to return the favor. That would be TERRORISM.

If you were around during WWII your ignorant punk ass would be saying that America kills Japanese children. Thats how stupid you are.

Dumb. More warmongering.

You are a proven childish idiot. Nobody cares about your ignorant pics
Please stop posting for your own good. With every post you expose yourself as an uninformed dupe.

his one is for punkass gipper, who loves his Islamo-Fascist terrorists so much that he wants to have their love child, and who hates the America that gives him his food stamps:

From Al Jazeera

Oil attacks 'unquestionably sponsored by Iran': Saudi Arabia

Oil attacks 'unquestionably sponsored by Iran': Saudi Arabia

".........Al-Malki said a total of 18 drones and seven missiles were launched, including what he called Iranian Delta Wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Saudi officials said the missile on display, which had what appeared to be a jet engine attached to it, was a land-attack cruise missile that failed to explode.
"The attack was launched from the north and unquestionably sponsored by Iran," he told reporters. "We are working to know the exact launch point."
Al-Malki said the cruise missiles had a range of 700km (435 miles), meaning they could not have been fired from inside Yemen. He played surveillance video he said showed a drone coming in from the north.
"This is the kind of weapon the Iranian regime and the Iranian IRGC are using against the civilian ... facilities," he said, using an acronym for Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps

The Iranian regime has a history of committing attacks of terror across Europe. Can European nations continue to tolerate this spread of violence?


his one is for punkass gipper, who loves his Islamo-Fascist terrorists so much that he wants to have their love child, and who hates the America that gives him his food stamps:

From Al Jazeera

Oil attacks 'unquestionably sponsored by Iran': Saudi Arabia

Oil attacks 'unquestionably sponsored by Iran': Saudi Arabia

".........Al-Malki said a total of 18 drones and seven missiles were launched, including what he called Iranian Delta Wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Saudi officials said the missile on display, which had what appeared to be a jet engine attached to it, was a land-attack cruise missile that failed to explode.
"The attack was launched from the north and unquestionably sponsored by Iran," he told reporters. "We are working to know the exact launch point."
Al-Malki said the cruise missiles had a range of 700km (435 miles), meaning they could not have been fired from inside Yemen. He played surveillance video he said showed a drone coming in from the north.
"This is the kind of weapon the Iranian regime and the Iranian IRGC are using against the civilian ... facilities," he said, using an acronym for Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps

You’re not in you right mind, my dear. Please read and get informed. I really hate willful ignorance.

US involvement in the Middle East thus far has led to nothing but disaster. While total financial costs are often debated, general estimates of the combined costs of US involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan are in the area of $5 trillion (a conservative estimate in my opinion). The civilian body count from the Iraq war alone stands at around 208,000 people according to Iraqbodycount.org. US, Israeli and Saudi Arabian covert agencies involved in Libya and Syria trained, funded and armed the same militants that would eventually give rise to ISIS under a program called Timber Sycamore. And, though we continually hear about Trump’s intentions to pull US troops out of the region, tens of thousands of soldiers and private contractors remain in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria to this day.

No person in their right mind could claim that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful. In fact, the US has lost considerable face and economic stability during these conflicts, which have been perpetuated by BOTH Republican and Democratic administrations. And now, the potential for a war in Iran is rising; a war that could devastate the US economy once and for all.

Who Really Benefits From the ‘Iran Attacked Saudi Arabia’ Narrative? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Of course it depends on who does the blowing up. The Saudis can mass murder Yemeni children, but Yemenis aren’t allowed to return the favor. That would be TERRORISM.

If you were around during WWII your ignorant punk ass would be saying that America kills Japanese children. Thats how stupid you are.
So, you are unfamiliar with the firebombing of Tokyo and the nuking of the non military targets Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
No person in their right mind could claim that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful.
And yet nobody seems to have the solution. It's easier to naysay than to actually form solutions.

Your article left out the elephant in the room (less conspiracy nonsense = fewer clicks):

Iran benefits from the attack by putting pressure on the JCPOA signatories to come to the table and to pressure the US to relent on its sanctions and consider coming to the table.
No person in their right mind could claim that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful.
And yet nobody seems to have the solution. It's easier to naysay than to actually form solutions.

Your article left out the elephant in the room (less conspiracy nonsense = fewer clicks):

Iran benefits from the attack by putting pressure on the JCPOA signatories to come to the table and to pressure the US to relent on its sanctions and consider coming to the table.
Oh I have the solution and it’s very simple. Plus it’s works every fucking time.

Get the fuck out and mind your own business.

Guess what? Donnie just expanded sanctions. So, your theory can’t be right.

Who benefits? Not Iran, but American warmongers do.
Watching Leftists fall all over themselves rushing to slander America and defend Terrorists is really something
Only a nazi like you is against anyone having an opinion

Fuck off you lying sack of shit. I don't care if anyone has an opinion. But if some dumb fucking piece of shit like you has a stupid opinion then I'll call it out.
No person in their right mind could claim that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been successful.
And yet nobody seems to have the solution. It's easier to naysay than to actually form solutions.

Your article left out the elephant in the room (less conspiracy nonsense = fewer clicks):

Iran benefits from the attack by putting pressure on the JCPOA signatories to come to the table and to pressure the US to relent on its sanctions and consider coming to the table.
Oh I have the solution and it’s very simple. Plus it’s works every fucking time.

Get the fuck out and mind your own business.

Guess what? Donnie just expanded sanctions. So, your theory can’t be right.

Who benefits? Not Iran, but American warmongers do.
America would be harmed by an Iran/Saudi war. Fort Fun is right that Iran's motivation for the attack is probably attention seeking to try and get the non-American signers of the JCPOA to open up markets for them (and of course Iran hates the Saudis). But Iran attacking another country is not the kind of evidence the EU needs to see to say "gee Iran's reasonable, let's expand our nuclear deal."

Meanwhile, Trump is NOT an insane warmonger like Bolton, and he wants some deal, but he already tore up the only deal there was, and the EU has zero interest in helping us out so long as Trump is potus.

And Russia always seeks a crisis where there is a vacuum of American power.
THEY’RE BLUFFING: Iran envoy: ‘All-out war’ to result if hit for Saudi attack.

I don’t want to go to war with Iran, but a simple promise to back the Saudis (or even an Arab-Israeli coalition) with intel and supplies is a low-risk way to call their bluff.

I don't want to send troops in on the ground, but I would like to bomb Iran back into the stone age. They deserve it a hundred times over and more
Well, Trump is a very stable genius with a very large brain, so I wouldn't be surprised by out of the box thinking.

  1. We are well fixed for oil, and with Canadian pipelines, easy shipping from Mexican and South American producers, we can enjoy abundance and if prices go up, make a boatload by selling some of the SPR that we have that is way in excess of what we need today.
  2. China REALLY needs Persian Gulf oil. Do we really need to put US lives and material at risk in order to assure that China and North Korea have stable energy supplies?
  3. KSA clearly needs a more robust missile defense system, probably something more along the lines of an interlocking system including Iron Dome. I'm sure we can sell them a ton of stuff.
  4. We can certainly sell them what they need to and provide intelligence.
  5. In a confusing situation I'm sure some testing of various stealth capabilities will occur.
  6. Remember when North Korea's mountain that covered their underground testing facility, filled with their scientists suddenly collapsed not long after Mad Dog mentioned that kinetic weapons were certainly on the table for the Norks? Sometimes these things just explode for no real reason other than bad luck.
  7. While we very likely won't get directly involved, Iran could certainly have a difficult to understand run of bad luck.
Oh I have the solution and it’s very simple. Plus it’s works every fucking time.

Get the fuck out and mind your own business.
Hmm, no, not happening,and also not accurate. Conflict in that region will affect our economy and national security.
Oh I have the solution and it’s very simple. Plus it’s works every fucking time.

Get the fuck out and mind your own business.
Hmm, no, not happening,and also not accurate. Conflict in that region will affect our economy and national security.
Why would it affect us? The US doesn’t need Saudi oil anymore. If it does affect our economy, so what? No need to get involved.

Our criminal government has been involved in the ME for decades and has yet to do anything positive for the vast majority of Americans, to say nothing of the untold numbers of people killed by our involvement. The extreme wealthy have benefited, as they always do in war.

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