Pompeo Say's It's Iran

What’s Iran ever do to you?

How many Mid East disasters do we need to backfire before we learn our lesson?

Iran has killed many US soldiers in the Iraq war. Do some research, please

I. Suggest you pick up a history book book on the US + Iran.

Typical liberal, thinks Iran are the good guys and we’re the bad guys
I think we are the bad guys and I ain’t no liberal.

You’re an isolationist, which is fine that’s your prerogative. My opinion is you lack perspective on how much more fucked up the world would be without us.
My view is the world is fucked up because of the constant interventions of our criminal government.

Remember this...constant military interventions aboard lead to a police state at home. This has been true throughout all of recorded history. Americans used to know this, but no longer.
We have several assets in the area and employed them quickly enough to be able to pin these assaults on Iran. One ship was torpedoed, the other targeted with a magnetic mine attached to it's hull. Iran started lying immediately denying involvement and then claiming they had rescued the sailors off both ships. Something has to be done fast or market forces will have us paying $5 a gallon for gas.


US says Iran 'highly likely' behind 'torpedo' attack on oil tanker in Gulf

There's no evidence that Iran did it
False flag !

Why would Iran do this ? Everyone has an interest in framing Iran.

Same reason why they commit terrorism. They’re assholes

There's no evidence that Iran did it get a grip and a clue Iran hasn't done anything to us.
The history tween the US and Iran? Yeah we are the bad guys .

That's it...welcome to my iggy list, Timmy...you just turned my stomach for the last time.

Keep drinking the kool aid you rube.

Why does the US constantly fuck with countries on the other side of the world that are no threat to us?
To answer your question, because it makes lots of money for the transnational capitalist class (the billionaires) and they control our government.
Dumb ass conservative chicken hawks would have us invade everyone . But they sure won’t have a draft . War is to be fought by the poor people . Not little Johnny .
We have several assets in the area and employed them quickly enough to be able to pin these assaults on Iran. One ship was torpedoed, the other targeted with a magnetic mine attached to it's hull. Iran started lying immediately denying involvement and then claiming they had rescued the sailors off both ships. Something has to be done fast or market forces will have us paying $5 a gallon for gas.


US says Iran 'highly likely' behind 'torpedo' attack on oil tanker in Gulf
Pompeo is a lying sack of shit who will be perfectly happy to sacrifice you and yours in pursuit of the perpetual warfare dream
It makes perfect sense.

Blaming the jooos for everything makes a lot sense, when you’re conspiracy theorist/bigot. Then it fit your narrative, but normal people look to things like evidence/proof before making such declarations
So where is the evidence/proof backing the declaration that Iran did it?

Pompeo said they did it. If he said Israel did it, I would believe him, and I’m sure you would, too, no questions asked. So why do you not believe him when he says Iran did it?
I don't believe anything these lying cocksuckers say about anything.
Oh, and by the way, where is the evidence, Mr Normal Person?

I've got to agree with Tehon here. The American People need to see evidence Iran was involved before our government moves to any next step.
So where is the evidence/proof backing the declaration that Iran did it?

Pompeo said they did it. If he said Israel did it, I would believe him, and I’m sure you would, too, no questions asked. So why do you not believe him when he says Iran did it?
I don't believe anything these lying cocksuckers say about anything.

Why would we lie?

It would serve us absolutely no benefit.
Why did they lie us into a war with Iraq? And who is we? You?

You just answered your second question - the US government. And nobody lied us into war with Iraq
That’s the funniest thing posted here in weeks
False flag !

Why would Iran do this ? Everyone has an interest in framing Iran.
Actually, no one has an interest in framing Iran, but Iran has an interest in pressuring other countries into defying US sanctions. As the full weight of US sanctions kick in, Iran will be powerless to keep its economy from crumbling and making good on its threats to stop tanker traffic in the Gulf is the only way it has to try to pressure the rest of the world to share the cost of US sanctions with it. Iran is the only country that has anything to gain from these attacks.
We have several assets in the area and employed them quickly enough to be able to pin these assaults on Iran. One ship was torpedoed, the other targeted with a magnetic mine attached to it's hull. Iran started lying immediately denying involvement and then claiming they had rescued the sailors off both ships. Something has to be done fast or market forces will have us paying $5 a gallon for gas.


US says Iran 'highly likely' behind 'torpedo' attack on oil tanker in Gulf
Bullshit. More zionist neo con lies to try and provoke a war with Iran.
False flag !

Why would Iran do this ? Everyone has an interest in framing Iran.
Actually, no one has an interest in framing Iran, but Iran has an interest in pressuring other countries into defying US sanctions. As the full weight of US sanctions kick in, Iran will be powerless to keep its economy from crumbling and making good on its threats to stop tanker traffic in the Gulf is the only way it has to try to pressure the rest of the world to share the cost of US sanctions with it. Iran is the only country that has anything to gain from these attacks.

Not true . Many oil producing Mid East countries hate Iran and would love the US to take action against them. .
False flag !

Why would Iran do this ? Everyone has an interest in framing Iran.
Actually, no one has an interest in framing Iran, but Iran has an interest in pressuring other countries into defying US sanctions. As the full weight of US sanctions kick in, Iran will be powerless to keep its economy from crumbling and making good on its threats to stop tanker traffic in the Gulf is the only way it has to try to pressure the rest of the world to share the cost of US sanctions with it. Iran is the only country that has anything to gain from these attacks.

Not true . Many oil producing Mid East countries hate Iran and would love the US to take action against them. .
The US is taking action against Iran by destroying its economy with the harshest sanctions to date. A hot war benefits no one. Only Iran stands to benefit from these attacks on foreign oil tankers. These attacks will raise the price of oil for the whole world giving other countries, like Japan and Norway an incentive to pressure the US to end the sanctions or to defy US sanctions and continue to do business with Iran. Every country but Iran loses.
Remember the Maine, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Kuwaiti incubator babies, Saddam’s WMD’s, Last Messages From Aleppo, Douma, burning aid on Colombia-Venezuela bridge, and now today’s attacks in the Gulf of Oman.
Hard to say who did it.

False Flag? again, who knows

A number of countries come to mind....or groups of people , black hats, etc....:dunno:

Whatever it is, it's a dangerous game they are playing.

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