poor old man ...

still whining .... the world is RIGGED !!


the only people that like you are IDIOTS, aka Trumpbots.

Trump: Approval polls are rigged against me

His entire reign will be like this, watch. We elected a self-absorbed media whore with both the attention span and emotional maturity of a toddler. Really looking forward to the first season of Reality America, it's going to be a very entertaining show. I couldn't bring myself to vote for "either" choice the system vomited up this time, and I'm truly glad that there will be no neoliberal in that office. Let's all just kick and enjoy the show.
I sure hope that Trump spends more time focusing on the United States than he does on Twitter and his emotional imbalance.
Already a stupid thread on this....the polls are CNN and ABC...safe bet they are BS

ahem... will GALLUP do?

January 16, 2017
Trump's Pre-Inauguration Favorables Remain Historically Low
by Justin McCarthy

Story Highlights
  • Trump's 40% favorable is about half of Obama's pre-inauguration rating
  • Also lower than favorables for Presidents-elect G.W. Bush and Clinton
  • Pence's image more positive than Trump's, but low for a vice president-elect
Pre-Inauguration Favorable Ratings of Presidents-Elect Since 1993

Unfavorable No opinion
% % %
Donald Trump (Jan 4-8, 2017) 40 55 5

Barack Obama (Jan 9-11, 2009)
78 18 5

George W. Bush (Jan 15-16, 2001)
62 36 2

Bill Clinton (Jan 18-19, 1993)
66 26 8

Trump's Pre-Inauguration Favorables Remain Historically Low
damn, you are so easy.
Twitter is payback for the lying liberal rags the left is churning out.


Liberal rags lie about him, so he is using social media to get his word out. Less opportunity for lying libs to skew what he says in their bias news media.
still whining .... the world is RIGGED !!


the only people that like you are IDIOTS, aka Trumpbots.

Trump: Approval polls are rigged against me
How'd the polls do for predicting the Trump huge win?

Speaking of whining, how did that election go anyway?

Polls showed he was viewed unfavorable before the election too. So was Sec. Clinton as well.

The margin of victory was not huge by any stretch of the imagination either.
still whining .... the world is RIGGED !!


the only people that like you are IDIOTS, aka Trumpbots.

Trump: Approval polls are rigged against me

Yo, the Old Man is still Winning, he is showing the World how "Communist Act" when they don`t get their way! I can`t see any "Socialist Democrat" who is demeaning President Elect Trump, will ever Win again!

People With Half A Brain Can See These People As Very Un-American Idiots, Who Can`t Get Their Way! These People Are Clueless As To Where This Country Is Going, But They Want To Be Liked, So They Follow Evil, Very Dumb People!

"The Devil You Idiots Worship"


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