Poor oppressed minorities who cannot afford ID's to vote- flock to see The Butler

LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!
LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!

Pretty sure you were the first one to make a personal attack. Hell even the first one to make an attack of any kind.
Liberal=liar ;)
LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!

Pretty sure you were the first one to make a personal attack. Hell even the first one to make an attack of any kind.
Liberal=liar ;)

I didn't even address Bodey until she came in with her typical BS taunts.. you always butt that fat nose in to everything I do here.. Jealousy is a biatch .. Get a fucking life ..
Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..

^ you know...I remember you crying about me doing a personal attack of you out of the blue.....apparently that doesn't apply to yourself, does it?

I never come in to a thread and target you but I return fire.. if you don't like it, ignore me and shut your fucking mouth.. otherwise stop your squealing.. you and Miss Piggy.

So....threads are your personal property and and negative comments about the topic are Personal Attacks on you. No wonder you are always melting down.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?

This is all about voter suppression from the right.

You can't get anyone to vote for you, so you spend all your time trying to stop people from voting against you.

How exactly does getting an id keep someone from voting? Anyway you are supposed to have a valid id on you at all times.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Are you as stupid as your post's suggest? Or do you actually believe people who read your posts are stupid?

Do you have evidence that those attending this movie are all poor and can't afford the proper ID, but can secure transportation to go to the theater and buy a ticket?

Yes your post is racist. Blacks across America hold college degrees and well paying jobs and not because they were given them because of the color of their skin. Affirmative action opened doors closed to many simply because of their skin color or gender, but open doors still required them to meet the MQ'a and compete taking todays' color blind written tests.

BTW, I find most everything you post to be disgusting.
LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!

The first one on this thread who made a personal attack was YOU, LGS....you set the tone. And now you want to cry "foul"?
LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!

Pretty sure you were the first one to make a personal attack. Hell even the first one to make an attack of any kind.
Liberal=liar ;)

I didn't even address Bodey until she came in with her typical BS taunts.. you always butt that fat nose in to everything I do here.. Jealousy is a biatch .. Get a fucking life ..

You made the FIRST personal attack in this thread. Own it.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?

Or....The latest Nike basketball shoes.....Or....The latest gangsta rap CD....Or....the next set of 'rims'....or....New gold teeth....or....Need I go on?
There was an Op Ed piece in the local lib rag today regarding this issue.
It centered around a 92 yr old black lady who had first voted when she was around 20 years old. To give the piece more oomph, the woman claims to have never missed an election since her first.
Now, for the real genius of the piece.
This woman claims her name on her driver's license does not match the one on her birth certificate. And to top it off, neither of those names match the name on her social security card....So, I must ask. who's friggin problem is THAT?...
Here's the piece....Let me remind all that Kevin Mc Clatchy, the publisher of this newspaper freely admits that the editorial staff is liberal bias. So this piece is just another in a long list of left bias writings.
The voters some would like to forget | CharlotteObserver.com
Why does society accept the bigoted racist left wing notion that "minorities" (Black people) cannot function in the real world with a photo I.D.? The allegation is insulting and crazy and yet the spokespeople for Black America accept the insult rather than confront the democrat party plantation mentality.

One of the missions of liberalism is to place protected classes in their respective 'comfort zones'..Give them security. This allows them to be easily led. It works like a charm. PC Protected Classes vote in mindless virtual lockstep with democrats.
Just when I think the haters can't get any more petty and nasty ...

... and STOOOPID.

Where's the 'hate'...
You libs will not be permitted to hide behind these buzzwords any longer.
We're sick of your driveby bullshit.
Now, get in the trenches and fight.
Where is the hate? Give specific examples on THIS issue alone.
Voter ID. Now, find the hate.
I will be waiting. I am not letting this go.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?

This is all about voter suppression from the right.

You can't get anyone to vote for you, so you spend all your time trying to stop people from voting against you.
Gee, nothing like being a little late after the whistle and jumping on the pile.
Um, this is about the integrity of elections. Nothing else.
The lib moonbat narrative is 'racism' and 'suppression'....
Oh, and that good old fall back position; disenfranchisement.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?

This is all about voter suppression from the right.

You can't get anyone to vote for you, so you spend all your time trying to stop people from voting against you.
And racial gerrymandering of House districts suppresses the votes of Caucasians...see NC-12....
LMFAO!!!!! As usual.. libruls jump to my threads to attack first and throw out insults.. THEN WHINE like tittybabies when it's given back.. Too funny!!

Pretty sure you were the first one to make a personal attack. Hell even the first one to make an attack of any kind.
Liberal=liar ;)

I didn't even address Bodey until she came in with her typical BS taunts.. you always butt that fat nose in to everything I do here.. Jealousy is a biatch .. Get a fucking life ..

Jealous of what exactly?
As for the rest... You don't like being called out on your hypocrisy and dishonesty. Got it.
Gee, nothing like being a little late after the whistle and jumping on the pile.
Um, this is about the integrity of elections. Nothing else.
The lib moonbat narrative is 'racism' and 'suppression'....
Oh, and that good old fall back position; disenfranchisement.
That's exactly what it is!

How are you going to maintain the "integrity of elections", trying to prevent something that occurs only 0.0006% of the time?
How exactly does getting an id keep someone from voting? Anyway you are supposed to have a valid id on you at all times.
A student ID is valid, but not accepted in republican controlled states.

But gun permits are.

The legislation requires voters to present one of five acceptable forms of photo ID—a drivers license, military ID, passport, concealed handgun license or a special voter ID card provided free of charge by the state.

The bill signed today enacts a voter ID law more stringent than its counterparts in other states. Unlike Indiana’s law—which the bill was largely based on—Texas’ voter ID law doesn’t recognize student IDs as acceptable forms of voter identification and it gives people with a missing an ID only six days to produce one in order for their vote to count.
How exactly does getting an id keep someone from voting? Anyway you are supposed to have a valid id on you at all times.
A student ID is valid, but not accepted in republican controlled states.

But gun permits are.

The legislation requires voters to present one of five acceptable forms of photo ID—a drivers license, military ID, passport, concealed handgun license or a special voter ID card provided free of charge by the state.

The bill signed today enacts a voter ID law more stringent than its counterparts in other states. Unlike Indiana’s law—which the bill was largely based on—Texas’ voter ID law doesn’t recognize student IDs as acceptable forms of voter identification and it gives people with a missing an ID only six days to produce one in order for their vote to count.
Man, Texas is one fucked up state!

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