Poot has 6000 nukes on high alert, why are we not concerned like when Trump tweeted KJU?

Quick question for the left.

If Poot starts a nuclear war because of Biden….what will the impact be on the earth’s climate?

Will Greta yell, “HOW DARE YOU?!” at Poot?

If Poot melts your family….do you give a fuck about the polar bears?

Explain specifically what a nuclear holocuast caused by Biden mishandling Poot will do to the climate.
They should send Greta to negotiate with Pooti, than we won't have to hear from her again.

Madman Poot with 6000 nukes?
Climate Change?
If you want to see REAL climate change you will have a chance if we get into WWIII with an ending all out nuclear exchange.

If you survive you will see a nuclear winter.
Kim Jong Un seems to be cheered up by Japan's hostility to his pals sending warning missiles over their Island Paradise. Who knows why.

Thanks for bringing this to the top.

It exposes the LIES AND DISINGENUOUSNESS of the cult.

Total theater when they freaked out over Trump’s tweets.

We are on the brink of REAL NUCLEAR WAR right now….and we hear crickets from the left.

They are liars and frauds.
6000 nukes on high alert for Poot.

30 nukes with no delivery system for KJU.

Who is a greater Existential threat to the USA?

"Who is a greater Existential threat to the USA?"

The partnership of a weak president with a terminally aggravated ex-First Lady and her Obama back-scratcher telling Biden how high he has to jump. Together those two completed the give away 3 of Alaska's billion-barrel islands and 20% of Wyoming's purest uranium reserves. Simultaneous to this flamboyant atrocity, the Clinton Foundation received megabucks from Putin's Russia. And Laws of Mercy, Biden initially wanted to give Putin global power over oil reserves from the first week of his war on United States energy and oil companies. (see /Sen. Dr. John Barrasso's videos on oil and enemies below.

Russia's destabilization of Eastern Europe and the European continent for that matter, was made clear by Senator John Barrasso, R-WY who was joined by 40 members of the Senate not to let that happen, While he wrote this in September of 2021, trying to get Biden's mind off how much MORE money he's going to extort from foreign countries using the presidency like he did as Vice-President against the Ukraine for a billion bucks, laundered through the good old boys "Foreign Aid Package to the Ukraine".

How could the leftist press let Biden get away with putting Americans in Afghanistan last?

"Who is a greater Existential threat to the USA?"

The partnership of a weak president with a terminally aggravated ex-First Lady and her Obama back-scratcher telling Biden how high he has to jump. Together those two completed the give away 3 of Alaska's billion-barrel islands and 20% of Wyoming's purest uranium reserves. Simultaneous to this flamboyant atrocity, the Clinton Foundation received megabucks from Putin's Russia. And Laws of Mercy, Biden initially wanted to give Putin global power over oil reserves from the first week of his war on United States energy and oil companies. (see /Sen. Dr. John Barrasso's videos on oil and enemies below.

Russia's destabilization of Eastern Europe and the European continent for that matter, was made clear by Senator John Barrasso, R-WY who was joined by 40 members of the Senate not to let that happen, While he wrote this in September of 2021, trying to get Biden's mind off how much MORE money he's going to extort from foreign countries using the presidency like he did as Vice-President against the Ukraine for a billion bucks, laundered through the good old boys "Foreign Aid Package to the Ukraine".

How could the leftist press let Biden get away with putting Americans in Afghanistan last?

Biden is 100% compromised as are many in the Fed.

They are actively working to destroy America.
Biden is 100% compromised as are many in the Fed.

They are actively working to destroy America.
You oughta see what the Russians have done to Great Britain's economy. Our weak executive office is making life hell for our allies. It was WRONG to put America last to get even with President Trump for beating his lockstepping proliferator Hillary Rodham Clinton in E2016. The Democrat have turned their donkey party into a bunch of hate-America asses.
You oughta see what the Russians have done to Great Britain's economy. Our weak executive office is making life hell for our allies. It was WRONG to put America last to get even with President Trump for beating his lockstepping proliferator Hillary Rodham Clinton in E2016. The Democrat have turned their donkey party into a bunch of hate-America asses.

It would not surprise me if every Dem in Congress and many Republicans are being paid by China to fuck over America.
It would not surprise me if every Dem in Congress and many Republicans are being paid by China to fuck over America.
Dr. Barrasso is a personal friend who joined my church. His life is dedicated to helping sick people recuperate from their illnesses, and he raised millions of dollars in the state with the smallest population in America for a Children's hospital for 20 years before he was elected to the Senate. He has since then spent his weekends going back to the Equality State visiting one Wyoming city every weekend. He wants to know what they need so he can represent them. He is focused on honesty and doing the right thing. That he has always done.
Dr. Barrasso is a personal friend who joined my church. His life is dedicated to helping sick people recuperate from their illnesses, and he raised millions of dollars in the state with the smallest population in America for a Children's hospital for 20 years before he was elected to the Senate. He has since then spent his weekends going back to the Equality State visiting one Wyoming city every weekend. He wants to know what they need so he can represent them. He is focused on honesty and doing the right thing. That he has always done.

Good person. I love Wyoming. So pretty. Love the geology.
Russia has had nuclear capability since American socialist traitors sold them the technology back in the 50's. I'm more worried about a doddering old fool in the White House with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

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