Popadopallus told Australian official in May, Russian had dirt on Hillary

This administration is full of Treasonous Liars. All the way from Benedict Donald to Popadopallus.... Nothing but Self Righteous Liars.

And Today many will pray and put their full Hypocrisy on Display. What a sickening display of Hypocrisy!
NYT: Papadopoulos told Australian diplomat Russia had Clinton dirt - CNNPolitics

The Liar in Chief knew this then. He will be known as Benedict Donald from this point forward.
If Trump had 'dirt' on Hillary...


The FACT is Hillary Clinton was a failed Secretary of State who abandoned Americans to die, has a closet full of scandals, and was under 2 simultaneous FBI investigations for crimes she DID committ, not to mention rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using foreign data in an election.

Much like all Trump has to do in regards to Mueller's witch hunt, all he had to do with Hillary during the election was sit back and let her self-destruct...which Comey helped her do.
The Papadopoulos-Australia theory is to the Russia Investigation what the Anti-Islam Video was to Benghazi.

It's a Clintonian SQUIRREL.
NYT: Papadopoulos told Australian diplomat Russia had Clinton dirt - CNNPolitics

The Liar in Chief knew this then. He will be known as Benedict Donald from this point forward.
If Trump had 'dirt' on Hillary...


The FACT is Hillary Clinton was a failed Secretary of State who abandoned Americans to die, has a closet full of scandals, and was under 2 simultaneous FBI investigations for crimes she DID committ, not to mention rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using foreign data in an election.

Much like all Trump has to do in regards to Mueller's witch hunt, all he had to do with Hillary during the election was sit back and let her self-destruct...which Comey helped her do.

He didn't have to. His husband Putin did.... as everyone with a brain knows. Benedict Donald just told him how and where to use it.
In other words, armed with 'Hillary dirt' -which there is no proof of, either - Trump did not use it.

Yeah, common sense eludes snowflakes. :p
Tick Tock! :D

NYT: Papadopoulos told Australian diplomat Russia had Clinton dirt - CNNPolitics

The Liar in Chief knew this then. He will be known as Benedict Donald from this point forward.

NOTHING about that is REMOTELY illegal!! How is it Papadopoulos' fault if Russia got dirt on Hillary??!? That has NOTHING to do with Trump or his campaign!!

Plus the TOP legal scholar in America, Alan Dershowitz, has already said simply receiving ill-gotten into is NOT a crime!! The NY Times did it with the Pentagon Papers & Snowden documents!

"Of course not, and if it were to be prosecuted, the First Amendment would trump," Dershowitz replied. "A candidate has a right to get information from whatever source the information comes."

Read more: Did Donald Trump, Jr. break the law? Absolutely not, says Alan Dershowitz

. I would love to death for every investigation go straight bi partisan and try to get a grip on this.

Nitwit........Mueller's investigation of a republican administration, is the ONLY one implemented by a republican, who was appointed by republicans......

ALL previous investigations by a special counsel have been implemented by the OPPOSITION party.

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