Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion


God did say, I shall NOT KILL. The pope is the head of his church, right?

Speficially, God said 'Thou Shalt not Murder'. And the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, we can debate whether the Catholic Church is God's Church on another day.

God did say, I shall NOT KILL. The pope is the head of his church, right?

God never said ANYTHING as he is a myth

That's not true at all.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto him" (James 1:5)

I can promise you that He does give wisdom liberally. So He is quite vocal in our lives, because He cares for us.
All we were hoping fro you clowns is they would stop the child molesting assholes in the church and do some actual good in the world with all that CASH the church hoards

So the whole Catholic Charities thing is them hoarding money?
Well, the good news is that even Catholics don't really take the pope seriously in the USA. Most use birth control, in spite of the fact that it is forbidden.

Ted Kennedy was a Catholic. Need I say more?

And had he not ignored the teachings of his church and actually lived them instead, he might not have been such a reprehensible human being. And some more people might still be alive.
Interesting that our very own "Crazy Uncle" Joe Biden is leading the US delegration to greet the new Pope. I doubt that Francis will excommunicate him on the spot but he will impart a warning to him to bring back to Nancy Pelosi and the others.
Cryin' shame that John "I'm Just A Gigolo" Kerry is Secretary Of State rather than Senator from Massachussetts now. I'd like to have seen the look on his face when the Archbishop of Boston denied 'Lurch' communion.
I remember reading somewhere right after Karol Wotyla died that the Cardinals were hesitant about naming another young man such as Wotyla to the Papacy for fear of the change that someone so young could bring to the Church over such a long reign. I'm sure that came about after looking at John Paul II's reign in retrospect. Benedicts short tour was a direct result of that and Francis at 78, and with only one lung yet, ain't no spring chicken neither. He could even turn out to be a 30 day wonder like John Paul I.
Maybe its the Cardinals ensconced in the bowels of the Holy See who were most concerned that a Holy Father with an excessively long stay in office just might be able to discern exactly what they were up to down in them thar bowels.
We'll see. Comrade Barack could 'Plunk his magic twanger' and have Francis gone in a second. Might not be a bad idea for Francis to have some guys stationed on the roof of the Papal residences with binoculars looking for drones. You, of course, know that Comrade Barack insisted that before he would concede to speak at Georgetown or Notre Dame U, the good friars had to cover, obfuscate, or obliterate any statues, paintings, or inscriptions depicting or referring to another God other than he. He doesn't seem to hold much stock in Christianity, other than the brand Jeremiah Wright preached, "Hate Whitey with all your might" and all that.

You probably shouldnt be taking glee in politicians being denied communion. The goal should be reconciliation and repentence so they can take communion.
The left was convinced that Pope Francis was going to support same sex marriage. This is going to be wildly amusing.

Read the bible and you will find that god hates those things. Does the left seriously think that the pope will agree with them.:eusa_eh:

Will he also excommunicate those who eat lobster or wear mixed fabrics? Will he demand that good Catholics stone their children for being disobedient? These are also Biblical teachings.

The decree for ex - communication came from the Vatican itself. If you are a communist, vote for a communist , hold communist beliefs you don't belong in the church. Take it up with your priest.
Its likely true though

The whole religion sees women as second class citizens

The Christian faith is said because of eves sin a woman is not too be above man. She is to remain silent.

Funny. because I was pretty sure the Bible says:

Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. (1 Cor 11:11)

When we marry, we become one flesh. Our walk with the Lord is joined together.
Its likely true though

The whole religion sees women as second class citizens

False premise TM. Why not practice some truth instead? Humor me.

Answer me this, why are so many faithful Catholic Women pro-Life?

Honest answer?

Why do so many demonize those that are not in league with them?

1# They're paying attention to the teaching of god and 2# the left lives and breaths by spin and bs.
Its likely true though

The whole religion sees women as second class citizens

The Christian faith is said because of eves sin a woman is not too be above man. She is to remain silent.

Woman is from the rib of man. True...

But honestly isn't it better for the family to be the ones raising the children then the government. O'shit, that would go against truthmatters idea of communism. lol.

Islam is 10 times worse.
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Its likely true though

The whole religion sees women as second class citizens

False premise TM. Why not practice some truth instead? Humor me.

Answer me this, why are so many faithful Catholic Women pro-Life?

Honest answer?

Why do so many demonize those that are not in league with them?

I would sincerely like to see TM respond to this. So I am quoting it with the hopes that she will see.
Its likely true though

The whole religion sees women as second class citizens

The Christian faith is said because of eves sin a woman is not too be above man. She is to remain silent.

Funny. because I was pretty sure the Bible says:

Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. (1 Cor 11:11)

When we marry, we become one flesh. Our walk with the Lord is joined together.
1 Corinthians 14
34Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
35And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church
We'll see if he says anything about it now. From everything Ive read of him, it doesn't sound like the type of Pope he is choosing to be.
1 Timothy 2

12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
There's no delusions among any sane person, right or left, about the Catholic stance on abortion.
There's no delusions among any sane person, right or left, about the Catholic stance on abortion.

There are lots of insane people in the world.

Personally I think insanity is much funner.

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