Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right.

I have a great concern for your spiritual well being, Jeri.

The bible didn't tell you to "cover for evil", Jake - it tells you to have nothing to do with it and to "expose it"... I believe you have misinterpreted Scripture. We are not to call evil good and good evil! When you accept Christ as LORD you make a commitment to serve Him. NOT the devil and his lies!

You should serve Jesus, not the scripture, not a priest, not someone else.

You are being led into unrighteous paths.

I serve Jesus not any man and that includes man made institutions such as the RCC - Jake - I'm not supposed to call evil good or good evil. These documents are valid and this Pope is hiding behind the Vatican to avoid being put on trial. This is another link. Have a look at the documents. It is valid and anyone who says it isn't has not done their homework.
( or is hoping that you do not do yours!!! )

Common Law Court Documents Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
note the countries that are affiliated with this organization, Jake. Legitimate? You bet they are!
Countries Affiliated with the International Tribunal
Nations where ITCCS groups are active, as of September 1, 2013 (26 in total):

* Asterisk indicates that Common Law Courts of Justice are operating or are being established in these nations

United States*
Czech Republic
South Africa*

And in these sovereign indigenous nations:

Mohawk-Six Nations
Pope Francis: the Obama of Popes, a man who hates and despises everything about the organization he leads and is intent on destroying it
I have a great concern for your spiritual well being, Jeri.

The bible didn't tell you to "cover for evil", Jake - it tells you to have nothing to do with it and to "expose it"... I believe you have misinterpreted Scripture. We are not to call evil good and good evil! When you accept Christ as LORD you make a commitment to serve Him. NOT the devil and his lies!

You should serve Jesus, not the scripture, not a priest, not someone else.

You are being led into unrighteous paths.

I serve Jesus not any man and that includes man made institutions such as the RCC - Jake - I'm not supposed to call evil good or good evil. These documents are valid and this Pope is hiding behind the Vatican to avoid being put on trial. This is another link. Have a look at the documents. It is valid and anyone who says it isn't has not done their homework.
( or is hoping that you do not do yours!!! )

Common Law Court Documents Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

No, it's not "valid". Its not even a "different" link.

"The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State" does not actually exist as anything other than a website. They're not even actually located in Brussels, the website is run from Canada.
The Pope has been called to appear before the Belgium court and thus far has been able to use the Vatican to avoid prosecution for paedophile rape and child trafficking, etc.
The Pope has been called to appear before the Belgium court and thus far has been able to use the Vatican to avoid prosecution for paedophile rape and child trafficking, etc.

Again, no.

There is no such "court" as the ITCCS in Belgium. In fact, there is no such court anywhere in the world.
What is this, PrachettFan? An imaginary Bench Warrant? Ha! Read it and weep.


It's a piece of paper anyone with a printer can create, signed by a "J.P." and written in English (not the language used in Belgium) from an organization which does not exist. You will note this comes for the "Criminal Trial Division"? A J.P. would not be involved in any criminal case, let alone have the authority to sign such a warrant. This is pure fabrication. At the very best, it is a poorly conceived and executed joke. More likely, just the ravings of a man with real mental issues.
The Pope has been called to appear before the Belgium court and thus far has been able to use the Vatican to avoid prosecution for paedophile rape and child trafficking, etc.

Again, no.

There is no such "court" as the ITCCS in Belgium. In fact, there is no such court anywhere in the world.

I'm not going to argue with you about it, Doc. You believe what you want to believe. Obviously you have your mind made up. Before I heard the testimonies of the now adults - then children abused - the charges brought by the two women who were raped as children by this pope - when he was in Argentina - this was years ago - all the cover ups concerning this Jessuit satanist I was not surprised in the least. Because from the day I layed eyes on the man - the very FIRST DAY I laid eyes on the man I could look at his countenance and tell you he was pure evil - then the stories start coming out about him and as I said? I am not surprised - I've seen Preachers on television I know are Satanists - I've met at least one pastor in my own city who is a Satanist and has his own church - prophesying over people! - His church is almost empty now - thanks to much prayer but still these people do make their way in and they are wolves among the sheep. That is what they are. So do not be deceived by them just because they come to you as "an angel of Light"... Satan has been known to show up like that. Scripture warns us of that fact. I make no apologies for what I see in this man. He is pure evil. That's it. That is all I have to say on it now. Good day.
The Pope has been called to appear before the Belgium court and thus far has been able to use the Vatican to avoid prosecution for paedophile rape and child trafficking, etc.

Again, no.

There is no such "court" as the ITCCS in Belgium. In fact, there is no such court anywhere in the world.

I'm not going to argue with you about it, Doc. You believe what you want to believe. Obviously you have your mind made up. Before I heard the testimonies of the now adults - then children abused - the charges brought by the two women who were raped as children by this pope - when he was in Argentina - this was years ago - all the cover ups concerning this Jessuit satanist I was not surprised in the least. Because from the day I layed eyes on the man - the very FIRST DAY I laid eyes on the man I could look at his countenance and tell you he was pure evil - then the stories start coming out about him and as I said? I am not surprised - I've seen Preachers on television I know are Satanists - I've met at least one pastor in my own city who is a Satanist and has his own church - prophesying over people! - His church is almost empty now - thanks to much prayer but still these people do make their way in and they are wolves among the sheep. That is what they are. So do not be deceived by them just because they come to you as "an angel of Light"... Satan has been known to show up like that. Scripture warns us of that fact. I make no apologies for what I see in this man. He is pure evil. That's it. That is all I have to say on it now. Good day.

I have no opinion about this "Satanic" nonsense. But it is an objective fact that the "court" you keep citing as having issued a "bench warrant" for Pope Francis does not actually exist and has no legal standing in which to issue any "bench warrants" at all.

It's a guy in Canada with a blog, nothing more.
First, let me admit, I classify myself as an agnostic atheists. With that, I Like to make this sincere and heartfelt statement from the bottom of my non-believing heart(which some religious whackos would call a black tar pit full of bitter vile and satan!!)

Dear Pope Francis

Please stop this radical veering int social humanism and wholesale acceptance of provable science. Your organization, aka the Roman Catholic church, is built on top of dogma and ideological zealotry. Yes, it is true that the Catholic church ministries is a main backer of the Big Bang Theory(A lot of christians don't know this. I bet it would surprise a lot to know that it was first by a catholic priest upon religious grounds and casual astronomical observations. ) But to do too much in a short period of time could lead to the second great Reformation. A very very messy process that can leads to all types of crazies breaking from the RCC and starting up their own christian-influenced nutt job cults.

We have too many of those now!! We don't need a second wave of screw lose angry zealots out there trying to convert us to their brand of Nutty Christianity.

So please, my dear Pope Francis, please stop these radical statements. We don't need any more bat-sh%t crazy religious fanatics. We can't handle the ones running wild now.

Thank you
We have an anti-American scumbag as President and a secular humanist, Marxist scumbag as Pope; it can only mean the USA is finished
Pope Francis Attacks Christian Fundamentalism Again, Says It’s ‘Not Healthy’

"On Friday, La Civiltà Cattolica published remarks that Pope Francis made in November during a meeting with the leaders of men’s religious orders. The pontiff once again blasted those who stick to extreme ideology and attacked fundamentalism for being blind to reality."

I was taught this in Catholic School in 8th Grade, right before we started going over evolution. The Pastor came in and explained that there is no conflict between evolution and Catholicism. Religion is there to explain the why, not the how.

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