Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right.

We have an anti-American scumbag as President and a secular humanist, Marxist scumbag as Pope; it can only mean the USA is finished

thanks for sharing again, little Frankie the retard :itsok:

What's your brand of Judaism?
We have an anti-American scumbag as President and a secular humanist, Marxist scumbag as Pope; it can only mean the USA is finished

thanks for sharing again, little Frankie the retard :itsok:

What's your brand of Judaism?

Brand? little Frankie the retard. Brand? :itsok:
Something Jews and Catholics can agree on

Pope Francis: Fundamentalist Christians Are “Mentally Sick”

OMG Pope says ideological Christians as a serious illness within the Church
plural noun: fundamentals
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

So the pope doesn't like the fundamentals of what he is the head of?

Fundamentalism and modern-day evangelicalism have developed from the 18th century and 19th century great awakenings.

They are not fudnamental to 1st century Christianity at all.
The Pope has been called to appear before the Belgium court and thus far has been able to use the Vatican to avoid prosecution for paedophile rape and child trafficking, etc.

Again, no.

There is no such "court" as the ITCCS in Belgium. In fact, there is no such court anywhere in the world.

I'm not going to argue with you about it, Doc. You believe what you want to believe. Obviously you have your mind made up. Before I heard the testimonies of the now adults - then children abused - the charges brought by the two women who were raped as children by this pope - when he was in Argentina - this was years ago - all the cover ups concerning this Jessuit satanist I was not surprised in the least. Because from the day I layed eyes on the man - the very FIRST DAY I laid eyes on the man I could look at his countenance and tell you he was pure evil - then the stories start coming out about him and as I said? I am not surprised - I've seen Preachers on television I know are Satanists - I've met at least one pastor in my own city who is a Satanist and has his own church - prophesying over people! - His church is almost empty now - thanks to much prayer but still these people do make their way in and they are wolves among the sheep. That is what they are. So do not be deceived by them just because they come to you as "an angel of Light"... Satan has been known to show up like that. Scripture warns us of that fact. I make no apologies for what I see in this man. He is pure evil. That's it. That is all I have to say on it now. Good day.
Jeri, on this issue your are loony toons and out of step, badly, with Jesus and His spirit.

I am not going to argue with you. Your language is that of a cult.;

So I am going to pray for you and ask for a miracle in your life.
Something Jews and Catholics can agree on

Pope Francis: Fundamentalist Christians Are “Mentally Sick”

OMG Pope says ideological Christians as a serious illness within the Church
plural noun: fundamentals
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

So the pope doesn't like the fundamentals of what he is the head of?

Fundamentalism and modern-day evangelicalism have developed from the 18th century and 19th century great awakenings.

They are not fudnamental to 1st century Christianity at all.

Pentecostalism is generally associated with the 1906 Azusa Street baptism of spiritual fire.

The sure sign of salvation is in direct contradiction with Paul's caution that speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts, and he certainly gives no indication that its essential for salvation.
Here are some fun facts and twisted logic

Frank is short for Francis as well as Franklin

When one talks of crusades, the Catholic church does spring to mind

Also, crusaderfrank does post like he is an authority on the Christian faith

If we put all this together, I get

Crusaderfrank is Pope Francis's online name.

See how the Catholic church like to toy with non-believers. I bet many f you thought CF was just another Protestant!! Boy he had us fooled!!
Something Jews and Catholics can agree on

Pope Francis: Fundamentalist Christians Are “Mentally Sick”

OMG Pope says ideological Christians as a serious illness within the Church
plural noun: fundamentals
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

So the pope doesn't like the fundamentals of what he is the head of?

Fundamentalism and modern-day evangelicalism have developed from the 18th century and 19th century great awakenings.

They are not fudnamental to 1st century Christianity at all.

Pentecostalism is generally associated with the 1906 Azusa Street baptism of spiritual fire.

The sure sign of salvation is in direct contradiction with Paul's caution that speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts, and he certainly gives no indication that its essential for salvation.
Only one thing is essential for salvation: Freely accept the gift of Grace.
Something Jews and Catholics can agree on

Pope Francis: Fundamentalist Christians Are “Mentally Sick”

OMG Pope says ideological Christians as a serious illness within the Church
plural noun: fundamentals
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

So the pope doesn't like the fundamentals of what he is the head of?

Fundamentalism and modern-day evangelicalism have developed from the 18th century and 19th century great awakenings.

They are not fudnamental to 1st century Christianity at all.
Horse shit.
Something Jews and Catholics can agree on

Pope Francis: Fundamentalist Christians Are “Mentally Sick”

OMG Pope says ideological Christians as a serious illness within the Church
plural noun: fundamentals
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.

So the pope doesn't like the fundamentals of what he is the head of?

Fundamentalism and modern-day evangelicalism have developed from the 18th century and 19th century great awakenings.

They are not fudnamental to 1st century Christianity at all.

Pentecostalism is generally associated with the 1906 Azusa Street baptism of spiritual fire.

The sure sign of salvation is in direct contradiction with Paul's caution that speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts, and he certainly gives no indication that its essential for salvation.
Again horse shit.

Who cares what he says? He is not a Christian, he's a satanist Jessuit who has a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest! The man is a criminal and half of Europe must know it by now! You must be kidding! As if this man had a shred of credibility left! Not on your life! He gives new meaning to the term "FALSE PROPHET"!

The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource

By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
They still to this date have yet to be able to arrest him as he hides behind the Vatican for cover!

Who cares what he says? He is not a Christian, he's a satanist Jessuit who has a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest! The man is a criminal and half of Europe must know it by now! You must be kidding! As if this man had a shred of credibility left! Not on your life! He gives new meaning to the term "FALSE PROPHET"!

The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource

By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
They still to this date have yet to be able to arrest him as he hides behind the Vatican for cover!

You may not be Jewish. My Jewish friends could be right about that. But I still love you, Guno, because Jesus Loves you. So do your worst but know in advance it won't work...... as for your Pope? I pray he repents but if he doesn't? He is going to bust hell wide open. True story as Sunni Man likes to put it.

Who cares what he says? He is not a Christian, he's a satanist Jessuit who has a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest! The man is a criminal and half of Europe must know it by now! You must be kidding! As if this man had a shred of credibility left! Not on your life! He gives new meaning to the term "FALSE PROPHET"!

The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource

By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
They still to this date have yet to be able to arrest him as he hides behind the Vatican for cover!

You may not be Jewish. My Jewish friends could be right about that. But I still love you, Guno, because Jesus Loves you. So do your worst but know in advance it won't work...... as for your Pope? I pray he repents but if he doesn't? He is going to bust hell wide open. True story as Sunni Man likes to put it.

I don't care what you and your phony Messianic "jews" think , you Fundy goyim are drek an aren't accepted in the Jewish community , in fact when you soul snatching slugs show up an try to infiltrate real Jewish origination i know and have seen you people physically taken care of by the likes of the JDL
In hind sight the Pope has decided this was just an idea that popped into his head during his evolution.
Good for this Pop and the RC on this issue.

I was in 8th Grade in 1988, so this position has been known since then, and before then.
To Catholics it was known....I was never taught to be against Science or the theory of evolution, natural selection, the age of the Earth, etc....and I am much older than you...and like you said, science is for the HOW, and religious doctrine was for the WHY.
bigrebnc is wrong on fundamentalism and evangelicalism, and what he says simply does not matter.

the same with CF and Jeri on the Pope.

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