Pope Francis: Muslims Must Breed With Europeans To End Christian Colonialism Roots In Europe

He spins everything ya dumbass..

Not this.
The Bible warned us about this man. He will lead millions astray. He is the false prophet. Malacy predicted he would be not only the false prophet, but the last Pope.
The Bible also says the founder of Babylon and Egypt were Black guys. Kinda hard to pick and choose what you want to believe huh?
He spins everything ya dumbass..

Not this.
The Bible warned us about this man. He will lead millions astray. He is the false prophet. Malacy predicted he would be not only the false prophet, but the last Pope.

I miss Pope John Paul II
Was he one of the pedophiles?

You're getting really annoying with your racist bullshit and other nonsense. Grow the fuck up
Calm down Pinky. What did I say that was racist?
If you want a higher birthrate, then you need a system where young people can afford to have children, which means you can't tax away all their money to pay for socialist programs like welfare payments to people who don't work.
He spins everything ya dumbass..

Not this.
The Bible warned us about this man. He will lead millions astray. He is the false prophet. Malacy predicted he would be not only the false prophet, but the last Pope.


Daniel 11:37

"36 Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. 37"He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for anyother god; for he will magnify himself above them all. 38 "But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures"
He spins everything ya dumbass..

Not this.
The Bible warned us about this man. He will lead millions astray. He is the false prophet. Malacy predicted he would be not only the false prophet, but the last Pope.

I miss Pope John Paul II

I think we all do, Frank is an Anti-Pope and a Heretic, he's already leading millions astray, he'll deliver millions of misguided souls into the arms of Satan, that afterall is Frank's appointed duty given to him by his Father Lucifer.

I don't think Frank is The False Prophet, that's a political figure, Frank is the other man that we were forewarned about, The King of Babylon, The Beast, The Antichrist....who is a religious figure, the beast with two horns who appears as a lamb, but speaks like a dragon....in the The Bible the lamb is associated with Jesus Christ, the dragon is associated with Satan....so The Antichrist appears as a lamb ie. a religious figure, but speaks as a dragon ie. Satan....leading millions AWAY from the teachings of Jesus Christ and leading them into all of the degeneracies and sins that Satan demands of his followers.

Frank says that The Bible is just a book, he says God couldn't work miracles, he said Jesus Christ essentially was a failure as He died on The Cross, he says that Athiest's can go to Heaven, even though we're told specifically by God in The Bible that the path to heaven must be that a person puts their FAITH in God as their Saviour ie. you MUST believe in God, if you don't as Athiest's don't, you have no possibility of entering Our Lord's beautiful kingdom....now Frank is likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's disciples....Frank is pure evil, appearing as a lamb, but speaking the words of the dragon.

We were also forewarned that at this time, we would be ridiculed for our belief in God as our Saviour and that we would be ridiculed for knowing who Frank is....and under NO circumstances will I or my family follow this man, my family have been Roman Catholic since the 5th Century, all joining the Roman Church during the Papacy of Pope Saint Celestine I.

We're all now leaving the Roman Church because of Frank and we're all being Confirmed into the Orthodox Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, who split with the Roman Church in 1054 in what's referred to as the East-West Schism.

I add that this has NOT been easy for my family, having been Roman Catholic for so long, this has been very difficult to do, but we must do it and we all know we've made the right choice.

We're still ALL Catholic of course, just NOT the Roman kind anymore, but the Orthodox kind.

There are roughly 300 million Orthodox Christians, I urge Roman Catholics to join, to leave the Roman Church that's now being lead astray, the Roman Church is the Apostate Church we were forewarned about.

We will NOT renounce Jesus Christ when Frank tells everyone we must embrace the One World Religion he's forming now....we will NOT take The Mark.


Revelation 13:11

10 “If anyone is destined for captivity, into captivity he will go; If anyone is to die by the sword, by the sword he must be killed.” Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints. 11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12 And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed"

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Staybon topic, this is about the pope wanting to breed out White Europeans.
Thats already occurring. German, Italian, and Czech women love Black guys. I know from playing ball over there.


Spanish, Swedish, and Russian women too.

Actually, that is because black guys are disgusted and repulsed by black women.
If that were true then 80% of Black men wouldnt marry Black women now would they? We cant help that your white women hunt us down because you cant fulfill their requirements.

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