
To respect ok

But to kiss??

The Islamic people do not give gifts lightly, and those they bestow is a way of offering a part of themselves. It is said that Pope John Paul II recognized the good intent in the gift, and his acknowledgement and acceptance of this was shown by the kiss. Part of a pope's responsibility is also to work to unify God's people, and Abraham's children have been divided from the beginning. Symbolically, we can see Ishmael and Isaac reaching out to one another, an attempt to bridge the chasm their parents created.

The Islam was founded from Mr. Abū l-Qāsim Muhammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muttalib ibn Hāschim ibn ʿAbd Manāf al-Quraschī in the 6th-7th century AD. Ismael, who lived a very long time before, never had anything to do with this religion. His mother was an Egypt (today called "Copts") - so he was a member of a religion of Egypt of his time. But could also be he overtook one of the religions of Arabia in those days, because its said he and his mother seddled down in Arabia.

The much more interesting question today could be: When did die the tolerant and multiethnic Islam? The Islam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe reported about - an Orient full of romance, tolerance and beauty - seems not to exist any longer since a very long time meanwhile. And why were the Brits and the USA for a very long time of the decline of the Islam the best allies of the Wahabits in Saudi-Arabia - while this nation exported intolerance and brutality all over the world of the Islam? About a hundred years ago 1/4 - 1/3 of the Turks were Christians for example. I heard the allies changed this after world war 1. The Christians had to leave Turkey and the Muslims had to leave Greece. What for heavens sake is the laizistic english speaking world doing in this area since hundreds of years meanwhile? The organisation IS for example is a result of the attack of the USA in Iraq. They began as freedom fighters and ended as criminals.

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On reason of the interreligious dialogue - and maybe also on the reason to show, that he was not full of mistrust against all Muslims only because a Muslim once tried to murder him. And as far as I understood Mohammed said only that people who believe in the trinity "God father, mother Mary and Jesus" are not Christians. And Mohammed was not wrong to say so. The holy family is Joseph, mother Mary and Jesus - the tri-unity is God father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the son of god.
In general: Muslims don't share our belief in the triune god - nevertheless they and we believe in the same god, because there is only one god. The concept "tri-une" is not so difficult to understand as lots of people think. The space for example has different directions: fortward-backward, left-right, up-down. But there's always only space in all directions and everywhere are this three dimensions. Without no one could find any way. And please: I said not god is space - I showed only that it is not difficult to understand the word tri-une.

Actually my question was more about why would the head of the Catholic church bowingly kiss a religious book that says that Jesus is NOT the Son of God...

I don't know why you don't undertand words like "interreligious dialogue" or "to be without mistrust". Besides: Everyone is a child of god - a human being - so why should any Muslim doubt about that Jesus was the son of god? Where says the Quran so? Muslims normally don't think Jesus is true god from true god, what we Catholics believe. On the other side some Muslims, maybe even more than only some - think that Jesus will be the judge of the last judgement. That's not a problem for them because they can trust in his love and his absolute incorruptibility.

Ah yeah - and the normal anglo-saxon and anglo-american anticatholicism is for me only a strange thing. Lots of people in the english speaking world seem to define themselve as "nots" or "antis". But "not to be a Catholic" or "to be an Anticatholic" creates not automatically good guys or intellectualism or a ghost in the bottle.

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Same question I asked when the Pope kissed the wailing wall

As far as I know that's not the wailing wall of the temple. It's another wall in Israel. I'm sure Jews know what he said here - and I'm also sure we all need the help of god to be able to solve our problems.

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After the various Crusades and murders of Muslims in the name of Catholicism this isn't the worst thing I can imagine.

But the Qur'an says that Jesus is NOT the Son of God...why would the head of the Catholic church bowingly kiss a religious book that says that???

What the hell does kissing a scriptural book have to do with agreeing with the details in it?

sorta------it does. Especially if the kisser is a pope. Ya think he would kiss a copy of DAS KAPITAL?----
for that matter -----Ya think that the AYATOILET KHOMEINI would kiss a copy of the bible?

would any Baptist minister kiss an artistic rendering of the Kama Sudtra?

Counterquestion: Would a Catholic discuss with the devil if he could be able to have the chance to save only one life?

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After the various Crusades and murders of Muslims in the name of Catholicism this isn't the worst thing I can imagine.

But the Qur'an says that Jesus is NOT the Son of God...why would the head of the Catholic church bowingly kiss a religious book that says that???

What the hell does kissing a scriptural book have to do with agreeing with the details in it?

sorta------it does. Especially if the kisser is a pope. Ya think he would kiss a copy of DAS KAPITAL?----
for that matter -----Ya think that the AYATOILET KHOMEINI would kiss a copy of the bible?

would any Baptist minister kiss an artistic rendering of the Kama Sudtra?

Counterquestion: Would a Catholic discuss with the devil if he could be able to have the chance to save only one life?

you seem disoriented
After the various Crusades and murders of Muslims in the name of Catholicism this isn't the worst thing I can imagine.

But the Qur'an says that Jesus is NOT the Son of God...why would the head of the Catholic church bowingly kiss a religious book that says that???

What the hell does kissing a scriptural book have to do with agreeing with the details in it?

sorta------it does. Especially if the kisser is a pope. Ya think he would kiss a copy of DAS KAPITAL?----
for that matter -----Ya think that the AYATOILET KHOMEINI would kiss a copy of the bible?

would any Baptist minister kiss an artistic rendering of the Kama Sudtra?

Counterquestion: Would a Catholic discuss with the devil if he could be able to have the chance to save only one life?

you seem disoriented

If you think so, satanas.


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