Image of Pope John Paul II kissing a copy of the Moslem scripture book (the Qur'an:)...Question: Why would the Pope be kissing a copy of a book that says that Jesus is NOT God's Son???



To respect ok

But to kiss??

maybe he was in a sexy mood
Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

More religious threat than political threat. Pontius Pilate said as much and told the Jewish leaders they could kill Jesus using Rome's authority if they were so inclined, but he didn't care one way or another. Washed his hands of the whole deal so to speak.

To whom do you imagine that Jesus was a "religious" threat?

The established religious authorities. Throwing out the money changers at the temple, the Sermon on the Mount, doing thing the Messiah was said to do (riding into town, virgin birth , healing, stuff like that). They had a lock on Judaism and here comes this hippy saying the masses could change that and the priests were in the way. So they had his killed for it. Not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last.

Those are threats to Rome, not to Judaism.
Starting a riot (now rendered as "driving out the money changers") never went down well with Roman authorities. Riots meant chaos, and chaos is the opposite of order. Rome never took kindly to that, because if there's a riot going on, it means the Empire is not in control. And with a local population swelling for Passover they weren't about to let it go; they're gonna nip it in the bud. Crucifixion was specifically reserved for political usurpers.

As far as "Messiah" -- that meant, in that place and time, a king. As in a real, flesh-and-blood, feet firmly on terra firma king just like the King of England or Spain or anywhere else -- didn't mean anything to do with God or spiritual jiggery-pokery. Rome was in the middle of 300 years of dominating and ruling the region, so anybody who styled himself "king" was going to be dealt with swiftly and severely.

Had nothing to do with "hippies" or "sermons". Nobody gave a shit about that.
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Image of Pope John Paul II kissing a copy of the Moslem scripture book (the Qur'an:)...Question: Why would the Pope be kissing a copy of a book that says that Jesus is NOT God's Son???


On reason of the interreligious dialogue - and maybe also on the reason to show, that he was not full of mistrust against all Muslims only because a Muslim once tried to murder him. And as far as I understood Mohammed said only that people who believe in the trinity "God father, mother Mary and Jesus" are not Christians. And Mohammed was not wrong to say so. The holy family is Joseph, mother Mary and Jesus - the tri-unity is God father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the son of god.
In general: Muslims don't share our belief in the triune god - nevertheless they and we believe in the same god, because there is only one god. The concept "tri-une" is not so difficult to understand as lots of people think. The space for example has different directions: fortward-backward, left-right, up-down. But there's always only space in all directions and everywhere are this three dimensions. Without no one could find any way. And please: I said not god is space - I showed only that it is not difficult to understand the word tri-une.

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Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

That made no sense whatsoever.
Once AGAIN, "Mary" refers to Mary Magdalene -- not his mother. Your mother can't be your wife. Think about it.
And none of them had jack shit to do with "Nazis".

Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

That made no sense whatsoever.
Once AGAIN, "Mary" refers to Mary Magdalene -- not his mother. Your mother can't be your wife. Think about it.
And none of them had jack shit to do with "Nazis".


In fact------the THIRD REICH is ------the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE -----from where do you imagine
Adolf got the idea of "THIRD" reich? ---------reich means empire 1871 to 1919 was the
SECOND REICH-------world war I ended that REICH (empire---holy roman empire) just as
World War I ended the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) Right now----Erdogan is trying
to reestablish the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) If you discard these obvious connections,
you discard the lessons of history. Did you imagine that Erdogan came up with a novel idea?
Because Saint Pope John Paul II had a deep respect for other religions in the world. He did more to heal the religious divides among the world's faith than any other man of the last century.
He did show respect for other religions...but I cannot help but wonder if that is a photoshopped picture.
Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

That made no sense whatsoever.
Once AGAIN, "Mary" refers to Mary Magdalene -- not his mother. Your mother can't be your wife. Think about it.
And none of them had jack shit to do with "Nazis".


So I was wrong - nevertheless the emotional distance is not far in my feeling.

Hey he kisses the bible and most jews think Mary was a whore and had Jesus put to death, so.

Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

That made no sense whatsoever.
Once AGAIN, "Mary" refers to Mary Magdalene -- not his mother. Your mother can't be your wife. Think about it.
And none of them had jack shit to do with "Nazis".


In fact------the THIRD REICH is ------the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE -----from where do you imagine
Adolf got the idea of "THIRD" reich? ---------reich means empire 1871 to 1919 was the
SECOND REICH-------world war I ended that REICH (empire---holy roman empire) just as
World War I ended the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) Right now----Erdogan is trying
to reestablish the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) If you discard these obvious connections,
you discard the lessons of history. Did you imagine that Erdogan came up with a novel idea?

That made as much sense as the last asshat. I brought up nothing about "Erdogan" either. No Nazis, no Erdogan, no reich, no ottoman. Not even a hassock. Y'all are just making it up now.

Far as I'm concerned Ertegun was the driving force behind Atlantic Records.
Penny------there is nothing in the bible that suggests/ that Mary was a whore-----nor did jews put
Jesus to death---------the roman empire did that and its heir-----the FIRST REICH----(aka holy roman
empire) continued the murder spree all the say up to your fave reich---(holy roman empire) the
THIRD REICH-----you should learn some history even if so doing will open your eyes to the fact that
the catechism whore was a liar. BTW when did you first "know" that you could read minds?

That's true, at least up until the point where the post blasted off into the "REICH" stratosphere....

Jesus was a political prisoner and executed for challenging the authority of the Empire, plain and simple, regardless what spin third parties decades or centuries later dabbed on it. And Mary was most likely his wife.

That's by the way a wonderful example how the propaganda of the Nazis worked. Message: "Jesus was a warrior against the empire who had sex with his mother."

That made no sense whatsoever.
Once AGAIN, "Mary" refers to Mary Magdalene -- not his mother. Your mother can't be your wife. Think about it.
And none of them had jack shit to do with "Nazis".


In fact------the THIRD REICH is ------the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE -----from where do you imagine
Adolf got the idea of "THIRD" reich? ---------reich means empire 1871 to 1919 was the
SECOND REICH-------world war I ended that REICH (empire---holy roman empire) just as
World War I ended the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) Right now----Erdogan is trying
to reestablish the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (caliphate) If you discard these obvious connections,
you discard the lessons of history. Did you imagine that Erdogan came up with a novel idea?

That made as much sense as the last asshat. I brought up nothing about "Erdogan" either. No Nazis, no Erdogan, no reich, no ottoman. Y'all are just making it up now.

Far as I'm concerned Ertegun was the driving force behind Atlantic Records.

I am trying to let you understand the actual FLOW of history----------the TIMELINE of events.
Remember in the fifth grade you learned about SUMERIA?-------the FERTILE CRESCENT?
and-----EGYPT AND THE NILE VALLEY-------and then skipped over to Ancient Greece?
that was actually a very LOGICAL time line accounting for WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ----reich 1 2 and 3 are just as connected
From reading the Bible. It wasn't enough to get Jesus clipped for saying he was the Son of God, but he was a threat to their powerbase. You see the exact same thing over and over and over in history. Someone in charge sees a threat and has the threat killed. His actions were the threat, not the whole "Hey Pilate, This guy says he's king of the Jews. That means insurrection so now you got to kill him!"

Ask yourself, what even brought Jesus to the attention of the Sanhedrin in the first place? It was Jesus saying the rot in God's kingdom isn't Rome, it is in the Temple. That's what got JC killed.

what was the rot that was in the Temple?

Steven R__ can you tell me what the "evil rot" in the temple was? I can help you understand
the issues of the time-------you are very confused

To respect ok

But to kiss??

The Islamic people do not give gifts lightly, and those they bestow is a way of offering a part of themselves. It is said that Pope John Paul II recognized the good intent in the gift, and his acknowledgement and acceptance of this was shown by the kiss. Part of a pope's responsibility is also to work to unify God's people, and Abraham's children have been divided from the beginning. Symbolically, we can see Ishmael and Isaac reaching out to one another, an attempt to bridge the chasm their parents created.

To respect ok

But to kiss??

The Islamic people do not give gifts lightly, and those they bestow is a way of offering a part of themselves. It is said that Pope John Paul II recognized the good intent in the gift, and his acknowledgement and acceptance of this was shown by the kiss. Part of a pope's responsibility is also to work to unify God's people, and Abraham's children have been divided from the beginning. Symbolically, we can see Ishmael and Isaac reaching out to one another, an attempt to bridge the chasm their parents created.

nice sophistry---------I notice that the you never known a whole lot of muslim people----I have.
In fact GIFT giving (and receiving) is very prevalent------virtually mandatory. The BIG SHOT
must demonstrate largesse as a matter of "honor"

To respect ok

But to kiss??

The Islamic people do not give gifts lightly, and those they bestow is a way of offering a part of themselves. It is said that Pope John Paul II recognized the good intent in the gift, and his acknowledgement and acceptance of this was shown by the kiss. Part of a pope's responsibility is also to work to unify God's people, and Abraham's children have been divided from the beginning. Symbolically, we can see Ishmael and Isaac reaching out to one another, an attempt to bridge the chasm their parents created.

nice sophistry---------I notice that the you never known a whole lot of muslim people----I have.
In fact GIFT giving (and receiving) is very prevalent------virtually mandatory. The BIG SHOT
must demonstrate largesse as a matter of "honor"

You notice wrong. I didn't say they didn't give a lot of gifts. I said they didn't give them lightly. My own experience with the Islamic people I do know bears that out.

To respect ok

But to kiss??

The Islamic people do not give gifts lightly, and those they bestow is a way of offering a part of themselves. It is said that Pope John Paul II recognized the good intent in the gift, and his acknowledgement and acceptance of this was shown by the kiss. Part of a pope's responsibility is also to work to unify God's people, and Abraham's children have been divided from the beginning. Symbolically, we can see Ishmael and Isaac reaching out to one another, an attempt to bridge the chasm their parents created.

nice sophistry---------I notice that the you never known a whole lot of muslim people----I have.
In fact GIFT giving (and receiving) is very prevalent------virtually mandatory. The BIG SHOT
must demonstrate largesse as a matter of "honor"

You notice wrong. I didn't say they didn't give a lot of gifts. I said they didn't give them lightly. My own experience with the Islamic people I do know bears that out.

Oh-----ok ----that makes sense----GIFT GIVING in Islamic circles IS A SERIOUS business.
It is done FOR CAUSE AND MOTIVE-------I do agree with that statement------however I do not
agree with the statement "a way of offering part of themselves". Have you ever heard of the
POTLATCH of the Trobrianders of the SOUTH PACIFIC? ---- the gift giving muslims practice is
akin to that custom---------I have lots of experience with muslims, too. -----I also read the writings
of Malinowsky--------the prof. made me do it
Image of Pope John Paul II kissing a copy of the Moslem scripture book (the Qur'an:)...Question: Why would the Pope be kissing a copy of a book that says that Jesus is NOT God's Son???


After the various Crusades and murders of Muslims in the name of Catholicism this isn't the worst thing I can imagine.
The pope was drunk, he thought he was kissing some 10 year old's balls.

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