*Pope Political Pawn Of Liberals?*

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin have decided the Pope is a Marxist.

For the rubes, "Limbaugh/Beck/Palin (our Gods) said it, that settles it!"

And all the Popemeister did was talk about stuff Jesus himself talked about...you know, helping the poor and shit. Guess Jesus was a Marxist. :lol:
Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin have decided the Pope is a Marxist.

For the rubes, "Limbaugh/Beck/Palin (our Gods) said it, that settles it!"

And all the Popemeister did was talk about stuff Jesus himself talked about...you know, helping the poor and shit. Guess Jesus was a Marxist. :lol:

Guess that shows where their faith actually lives, in their wallet. I have always admired Jesus the man but too many Americans only care that he "died for our sins" and never even think about how he lived or that the people they admire bear an uncanny resemblance to the people who nailed him up.
For you?

Of course.

1) you are NOT Catholic
2) you do not think in a context - this Pope speaks from the perspective of the Third world, and you live in the First

It's how the media is spinning him. And I believe he is so far above it all that he doesn't understand his most Holy thoughts are going to used as political propaganda.

I agree that the media are spinning him a lot.

However, I do not actually think he should be in such a spotlight and whatever he thinks is actually irrelevant for this country.

Yes, he is far above the media, and, yes, the media from left to right is spinning him.

And one of four Americans are RC: the great number of them and many other Americans will listen to him and ponder his words.
Here in lies the difficulty of embracing him. Because it seems like he only sees from the perspective of where he was raised.

He's not rising above it. Now don't get me wrong here. He's awesome but at a certain point he has to embrace the whole world. And understand the whole world.

That is precisely what he is doing.

I'm praying so

I think he's got it.

I agree. I am not RC but I feel this man can do great good for the people of the world. And I feel evil people (I don't mean those who differ in opinion) are trying to figure out how to hurt him or worse.
Sorry bout that,

1. This is some freaky stuff I tells ya!
2. The Pope, said he couldn't make any sort of call about homosexuals, "Whom am I to judge", he said.
3. He said he wants to welcome them into the Church, if they come with good will.
4. To me he isn't going to condemn the sin, that's what he is saying.
5. When this first came out our Priest asked the congregation what we felt about what the Pope had said.
6. My Priest said we will open the doors to the homos then teach them our ways.
7. Get them in and educate them more or less.
8. No, hell no! they know now that being a homo is sinful, they are aware of that, why give them the hope that the Church will over look their sins, and then when they get inside the Church then the rug gets pulled out from under them.
9. Isn't that being a hypocrite?
10. You are fine, NO YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!
11. The Pope saying this and not really meaning it is hypocritical.
12. I wish I could not find any fault with his statements.
13. But there it is.

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Fuck the pope - he calls himself the Holy Father, and the Vicar of Christ which is blasphemy! The former is God, the ladder is the Holy Spirit. Of course he is in accord with the liberal agenda - he is a wolf in sheeps clothing like Obama!
Sorry bout that,

1. Is there anyone within the Vatican who can answer for the Pope, quiz him and explain this shit?

The pope is a sinner, though he calls himself infalible. He also claims to be able to forgive sins - another claim to be God! I would focus on what the Word says, and forget about the Catholic cult - the harlot that leads many of God's children astray. The first shall be last - that's the pope!
The liberal agenda, and the vatican's are the same; subjugation!
Sorry bout that,

1. Is there anyone within the Vatican who can answer for the Pope, quiz him and explain this shit?


Read the stuff that Jesus says, compare it to what the Pope is saying and doing and you'll have your own answer.

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