Pope says homosexuality not a crime

There ya go again.

Grow up already

More of those scintillating retorts that seem to be the trademark of a Bitchy Irish Karen Ass. Still haven't answered with a specific Bible verse that forbids lesbianism. All the verse you provided said was that because the people had forgotten God, they would be given over to bad things, men as well as women. Nope, not a verse that forbids lesbianism.
More of those scintillating retorts that seem to be the trademark of a Bitchy Irish Karen Ass. Still haven't answered with a specific Bible verse that forbids lesbianism. All the verse you provided said was that because the people had forgotten God, they would be given over to bad things, men as well as women. Nope, not a verse that forbids lesbianism.

Whatever. What you know Biblical is what you scrounge up on Google

Now stop bothering me. Be gay I don't care
How do you know that Sodom and Gomorrah didnt happen? Were you there? Why are there records of such events that later on were put in a great book?
There are various theories about what the fable of Sodom and Gomorah is actually trying to describe. Some seem more plausible than others.
POssibly a primitive attempt to describe an earthquake or other natural disaster in the region around 2100 and 1900 BC.

Think about it. Primitive peoples all over the world have always invented gods and god stories to explain the natural phenonemon constantly taking place around them. Why would we think the primitive authors of the books collected in The Christian Bible would be the ONE exception?

Of COURSE the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorah isn't literally a true story.
All of The Bible is allegory and fable and myth.
It never was meant to be taken literally.
It is the same with the Quran, which also contains the Sodom and Gomorah story.
Whatever. What you know Biblical is what you scrounge up on Google

Now stop bothering me. Be gay I don't care

Actually, went to a Catholic school for a couple of years, and was placed in foster families with very strong Christian beliefs and went to church as well as Sunday school on a regular basis growing up. As far as being gay? Nope, sorry, but your wild assumptions about me are wrong yet again, been very much hetero since I was born.

But, since you see fit to describe what you think about me from what I post, let me tell you what I see from your posts. A middle aged woman with too much makeup, muffin top and cheap clothes that you bought trying to look stylish (probably from Wal-Mart), over styled hair, with gaudy nail polish, as well as someone who passes judgement on everyone that you see who doesn't conform to your preconceived world view (which is rather narrow apparently). In other words, a typical Karen of modern times who bitches entirely too much.
The same "logic" you use can also be used against you. How do you know that Sodom and Gomorrah DID happen? Were you there? Why is there no physical evidence of those places existing or being destroyed? Why do we have to believe just a few written accounts that exist primarily in only 1 book? Why aren't there historical records of this rather large happening in other written accounts other than the Bible?

And...................can you prove that God exists? How is it possible to perceive Him with our 5 senses?
Interesting. Do you believe that thousands of years ago, a great freeze happened upon the Earth? Were you there, or are you taking the word of scientists? Hmm?
Tell me more about your book of macaroni.
Tell me more about these "covenants."
What do you know about them?

She's not gonna tell you anything Mike. Bitchy Irish Karen Ass doesn't know much other than how to throw weak insults. She can't back up anything she says as she doesn't know much.
She's not gonna tell you anything Mike. Bitchy Irish Karen Ass doesn't know much other than how to throw weak insults. She can't back up anything she says as she doesn't know much.
Says the guy who is throwing weak insults...Go fuck another man's ass, i could care less, but when you try to indoctrinate children into your immoral lifestyle that is where i draw the line.
She's not gonna tell you anything Mike. Bitchy Irish Karen Ass doesn't know much other than how to throw weak insults. She can't back up anything she says as she doesn't know much.

I backed my assertion, it's you losing your shit again.

Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin, even an abomination. That's just fact and you loons can't get around it
Interesting. Do you believe that thousands of years ago, a great freeze happened upon the Earth? Were you there, or are you taking the word of scientists? Hmm?

Actually, I kinda do believe that a great freeze happened on the Earth many, many years ago. Why? Because there is physical evidence that those things happened. What physical evidence is there that Sodom and Gomorrah ever existed and were wiped out by a great cataclysm?
Says the guy who is throwing weak insults...Go fuck another man's ass, i could care less, but when you try to indoctrinate children into your immoral lifestyle that is where i draw the line.

I suspect he's the catcher.

It's fun watching leftists try to learn Christians on Biblical issues
I backed my assertion, it's you losing your shit again.

Throughout the Bible homosexuality is a sin, even an abomination. That's just fact and you loons can't get around it

There are a few verses that talk about men being with men and that it is considered an abomination or sin, but not that many, really. As far as lesbianism and women being with women? Not so much. Nope, not losing my shit Bitchy Irish Karen Ass, just answering your questions and claims with what I think. You aren't smart enough or qualified enough to make me lost my shit. Apparently though, I can make you lose yours, as you seem compelled to respond to every post I make. Gonna threaten me with ignore again? Go ahead, I'm a big boy and that won't bother me in the least as I know it's an empty threat.
There are a few verses that talk about men being with men and that it is considered an abomination or sin, but not that many, really. As far as lesbianism and women being with women? Not so much. Nope, not losing my shit Bitchy Irish Karen Ass, just answering your questions and claims with what I think. You aren't smart enough or qualified enough to make me lost my shit. Apparently though, I can make you lose yours, as you seem compelled to respond to every post I make. Gonna threaten me with ignore again? Go ahead, I'm a big boy and that won't bother me in the least as I know it's an empty threat.

That's nice.

You're utterly clueless
Says the guy who is throwing weak insults...Go fuck another man's ass, i could care less, but when you try to indoctrinate children into your immoral lifestyle that is where i draw the line.

Interesting...............a troll defending a troll. Nope, not gay, and never have "indoctrinated" any kids. Matter of fact, because of some of the things that happened to me as a kid, I'm very much against any kind of child abuse.

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