Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

We don't want to forget that American POWs are losers too........because Donald Trump says so.

Since when did Liberal queers begin supporting veterans and the Pope? Today?
Perhaps you can find a website dedicated to Catholic veteran POW losers.

McCain was being an asshole and Trump insulted him BACK.

THat's the end of it, unless you're an dishonest asshole.

YOu don't hear McCain still going on about this.
The Pope threw the first punch. He is the aggressor in this exchange. I hope people recognize this fact.
This is what the Pope said:
"And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."
This is an ATTACK? A punch? The Pope is an Aggressor? Who's being a candy assed whiner this time?

He is using his position of Authority to argue against ANY limitations on immigration into the US.

That is an attack.

His spin does not hide that, not if you spend a second thinking about the ramifications of his message.
Unlike some Popes, he feels he must speak out against what he feels is morally wrong. Deporting 11 million people, many of whom have done nothing worst than try to provide for their families certainly qualifies. I guess from his standpoint, building bridges that bring people together are far better building walls that keep them apart.

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The Pope lives in a walled off palace with armed guards. So his opinions on security are more than a little hypocritical.
Spoken with all the depth and eloquence of typical Trump followers.

Mexicans do NOT have the Right to emigrate to the US.

For the Pope to condemn Trump because he wants to build a wall is the act of an Asshole.

My words were true.

Actually they DO have the right to LEGALLY emigrate to the US. Apparently, someone forgot to add the word LEGALLY to the Mexican lexicon... :)

LOL, true, we leave in more Mexicans than anyone else.

But those, like the asshole Pope, who complaint about the very idea of a Wall, are unhappy that we don't let them ALL IN.

And that is the position of someone who is our enemy.

Oh, I understand your position. According to the Pope, the US should allow ALL Syrian refugees into this country, regardless of whether or not they have been properly screened. He says that it is the Chriatian thing to do - and it may well be.

So then, my question to El Pappa, is this: when will the Vatican begin admitting those same people into Vatican City?

The US has bent over backwards thousands of times for various countries and peoples throughout the world. What has the Vatican done?

And all Mexicans.

Basically anyone that can make it here.

And I bet that if pressed he wouldn't be against people helping illegal immigrants make it here.

He has no concern for the interests of this nation or it's citizens.

He is pandering to the Third World masses.
He is a product of South American politics and culture. If you ever want to thank God you're an Ameican, take a course in South Ameican studies.
Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals:

He doesn't own that anymore...
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.
The pope is a hypocrite...
Until the Pope has the wall at the Vatican torn down he shouldn't be talking about them
Why would he have to tear it down, it has plenty of entrances!!! You idiots just mindlessly parrot any BS your MessiahRushie feeds you!

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I hate to hear this. Unfortunately, the Pope is violating the first tenet of Christianity. "Judge not, lest thee be judged".

Not very high moral ground for the Pope....
The pope speaks for himself and his catholic religion, he really ought to leave christians out of it.
The pope is and was always a hypocrite...
Trump supporters are fools. In interviews, they say the Pope has no right to make a judgement about Trump's Christianity. The next sentence they spew is that they think Trump is a good Christian. The Pope should not judge they say, but it is OK for them to make a judgement on the same exact issue. They are saying that they are more qualified than the Pope to speak about religion and religious beliefs.

Trump supports are like Trump. They are WINNERS. We don't support losers like Hillary and Bernie.
We don't want to forget that American POWs are losers too........because Donald Trump says so.

Nah. The big losers are Hillary and Bernie supporters.
I hate to hear this. Unfortunately, the Pope is violating the first tenet of Christianity. "Judge not, lest thee be judged".

Not very high moral ground for the Pope....
The pope speaks for himself and his catholic religion, he really ought to leave christians out of it.
The pope is and was always a hypocrite...
God has his ways. I think the Pope sticking his nose in the furor might turn out to be a plus....for Trump.
Dollars to donuts, this statement damages Francis a lot more than it bothers Trump.
I doubt it. Pope Francis is very popular with the people for speaking out against what he sees as wrong.
The pope is just like the federal government telling everyone what to do, all along having zero credibility....
Just another corrupt career politician

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