Popeye's employees attack customer

What it is is a problem with the young blacks. The one near me has a 60-ish black woman, and she’s very nice.
Yes, the older ones are often very nice. (They have gone through so much that they are mellowed-out.)

A lot of the younger ones have been taught by Caucasian "liberals" that African Americans are still victims who have the right to fight back against a "racist" society.

So in dealing with younger African Americans, NEVER confront them. As the saying goes, "Just suck it up. And don't return to that business."
Imagine being so desperately racist, you spend your days scouring the internet to find some black person acting badly.

That's the OP, and the OP's garbage human pals.
Most likely lower class whites who need someone to look down on.
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Ahem, not too many of that 14% commiting those crimes are female. Just sayin'. :dunno:
Well ... I'm not seeing any pictures, so may I assume that the attackers were black? I know the news media hides certain facts that don't fit their narrative. But I'm just guessing.
No guessing needed....in incidents like this it always the infamous minority involved....but I am surprised the victim was black....usually they only do this kinda thing with white folk.
Imagine being so desperately racist, you spend your days scouring the internet to find some black person acting badly.

That's the OP, and the OP's garbage human pals.
Imagine being a sorry ass ghetto Black that attacks a woman for trying to correct an order.

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