Popeye's employees attack customer

No agony at all.

Blacks are a violent filthy race. More proof of that is this thread.

Thanks for playing.

As they prove over and over and over again, emboldened by the lying demoncrats who have told them that they will protect them from the recourse of their violence.

The poor woman was just trying to get her order corrected and those thugs attacked her.

This woman will rightly take a chunk of change from Popeyes making their crappy chicken even more overpriced than it already is.
Imagine being so desperately racist, you spend your days scouring the internet to find some black person acting badly.

That's the OP, and the OP's garbage human pals.
Honestly? You really don't have to “scour” very much at all to find a number of juicy stories. These events are as common as flies on poop.
Level one: completely un-provoked violence. Off charts by Blacks. Everyday, headlines pop up. Suckerpunches, gang beatings, attacks on old, asians, women.

Level two: those beaten nearly to death over some minor perceived insult. Black Browns both own this catagory. This is the one the MSM fuels. It is OK to maim even a teenager over an insult. No cash bail requestedany more. Commit more.

Level three: killings, beatings during a crime. Blacks lead this too. Since they are invlolved in most property crime or robbery, assult.

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