Popular Mechanics

I've already watched that video and all Griffin's videos. Zelikow wrote a book with Condi Rice. Doesn't prove Bush put explosive in WTC.

the 47 videos prove that explosives brought the towers down,and who said anything about Griffin? only SOME of them are videos from Griffin,many are videos that Griffin had nothing to do with.IF explosives were planted,only the CIA could have done it.thats their speciality.with Bush Jr gets a call from Bush sr -former CIA director and arranges it all for son for his CIA buddies to plant them.Like I said,we already proved the explosives brought the towers down and it was an inside job,no sense going any further anymore.

so the cia is suddenly a reliable intelligence group.....that was able to plant explosive on everfloor in the building both at interior and exterior columns......

who ever said the CIA was incapable ???
and FINALLY we also know that Popular Mechanics is wrong because Terrals first link on his first post on page three about the pentagan coverup proves it as well.not to mention my 47 canada wants the truth videos that the Bush dupes always put their tail between their legs and run off from and never watch because they know they cant counter the evidence in those videos that explosives brought the towers down and 9/11 was an inside job.anybody who wacthes those videos and still defends the official version are on drugs.

if an airplane hit the wtc and if charges were placed to create a controled free fall demolition....

how do you know it wasn't someone other than the us that put the charges there.....

Like i said,the CIA specializes in these kind of operations.they are an evil organization that makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.also look at Eots video above about Bob Bowman,Bowman knows his stuff.I have met him before.a real intelligent and smart guy.only the government could have done it under the guise of Marvin Bush heading the security of the towers.Ive posted it before,hundreds of times, but it always go ignored by the Bush dupes like Divecon since they know they cant counter what the videos show and prove, but anybody who watches these videos and STILL defends the official version,is on drugs.Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos the evidence in these videos that explosives brought the towers down and was an inside job is overwhelming.you got two choices.A-Be a coward like divecon and the other Bush dupes here and dont watch the videos and defend the official version or B-Be patriot and watch those videos and email your friends them.its your choice.nuff said.
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the 47 videos prove that explosives brought the towers down,and who said anything about Griffin? only SOME of them are videos from Griffin,many are videos that Griffin had nothing to do with.IF explosives were planted,only the CIA could have done it.thats their speciality.with Bush Jr gets a call from Bush sr -former CIA director and arranges it all for son for his CIA buddies to plant them.Like I said,we already proved the explosives brought the towers down and it was an inside job,no sense going any further anymore.

so the cia is suddenly a reliable intelligence group.....that was able to plant explosive on everfloor in the building both at interior and exterior columns......

who ever said the CIA was incapable ???

the wmds are a slam dunk cia....that cia....
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we aren't going to believe what Alex Jones says. we aren't going to watch his videos. so pick something else.
we aren't going to believe what Alex Jones says. we aren't going to watch his videos. so pick something else.

well then your a asshole ..its a clip about how the Hearst media corporation also uses television programs to shape the opinions of assholes like divecon and your self...but your loss....
except none of them shaped our opinions like Alex Jones does YOURS
btw, eots, i highly doubt the CIA likes looking so much like morons like you troofers do
them being so massively wrong about stockpiles of WMD in Iraq has tainted their image
we aren't going to believe what Alex Jones says. we aren't going to watch his videos. so pick something else.

well then your a asshole ..its a clip about how the Hearst media corporation also uses television programs to shape the opinions of assholes like divecon and your self...but your loss....

fuck you dickhead. Alex Jones is a sensationalist liar. I know what the media does, that's why I dont watch television. I don't need some fuckhead like Alex Jones to tell me how the media and newspapers try to shape my opinion, especially when he does the very same thing to freaks like you.
Bush did NOT make the buildings collapse no matter how many times you pathetic motherfuckers say he did. I have said over and over again that structural engineers who SPECIALIZE in controlled demolitions have stated that a controlled demolition would not happen in that manner. There would have been a larger MOUND of debris. It wouldn't have gone down the street several blocks.
But you're too fucking stupid and paranoid to understand that, so I won't waste any more time on your stupid ass.
or maybe they are beyond your little look like a moron fears and are instead concerned instead of their objectives...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JuU7gxw6E]YouTube - Disinfo in the 9/11 Truth Movement[/ame].
btw, eots, i highly doubt the CIA likes looking so much like morons like you troofers do
them being so massively wrong about stockpiles of WMD in Iraq has tainted their image

Nah, it all went according to plan. The New World Order and illuminati wanted us the THINK there were WMD's in Iraq so they could bring the USA down. :lol:
we aren't going to believe what Alex Jones says. we aren't going to watch his videos. so pick something else.

well then your a asshole ..its a clip about how the Hearst media corporation also uses television programs to shape the opinions of assholes like divecon and your self...but your loss....

fuck you dickhead. Alex Jones is a sensationalist liar. I know what the media does, that's why I dont watch television. I don't need some fuckhead like Alex Jones to tell me how the media and newspapers try to shape my opinion, especially when he does the very same thing to freaks like you.
Bush did NOT make the buildings collapse no matter how many times you pathetic motherfuckers say he did. I have said over and over again that structural engineers who SPECIALIZE in controlled demolitions have stated that a controlled demolition would not happen in that manner. There would have been a larger MOUND of debris. It wouldn't have gone down the street several blocks.
But you're too fucking stupid and paranoid to understand that, so I won't waste any more time on your stupid ass.

bullshit ..popular mechanics and the disposers of the evidence .controled demolitions inc
is all you have....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8W-t57xnZg]YouTube - MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 1[/ame]
The Earth is flat. /B] Did bolding the letters make that statement any more true?

no... but your response definitely maneged to make yourself even more lame ..as you screwed it up

Yeah I'm the lame one because I couldn't edit the post because my computer froze up.

You're not the lame one because think Alex Jones is a god. :cuckoo:
well then your a asshole ..its a clip about how the Hearst media corporation also uses television programs to shape the opinions of assholes like divecon and your self...but your loss....

fuck you dickhead. Alex Jones is a sensationalist liar. I know what the media does, that's why I dont watch television. I don't need some fuckhead like Alex Jones to tell me how the media and newspapers try to shape my opinion, especially when he does the very same thing to freaks like you.
Bush did NOT make the buildings collapse no matter how many times you pathetic motherfuckers say he did. I have said over and over again that structural engineers who SPECIALIZE in controlled demolitions have stated that a controlled demolition would not happen in that manner. There would have been a larger MOUND of debris. It wouldn't have gone down the street several blocks.
But you're too fucking stupid and paranoid to understand that, so I won't waste any more time on your stupid ass.

bullshit ..popular mechanics and the disposers of the evidence .controled demolitions inc
is all you have....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8W-t57xnZg]YouTube - MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 1[/ame]

No, it's not all I have. It's all I'm GIVING you. to give you more would be to waste time on a paranoid deranged lunatic. Enjoy your life in fantasyland. I am sure you and your boyfriend 9/11 rimjob will have a lot of fun jerking each other to Alex Jones. bye.
Yes my flaw is my computer is a dinosaur. But you are a moronic douchebag and I can get a new computer. :lol:

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