Popular Mechanics

Hi Dive:

and the loose change morons had their asses handed to them
this one
its funny as hell
he posted it as if the loose change guys won the debate

What made you believe the Loose Change Brats (Dylan Avery and company) won any real debate? Both Jim Meigs 'and' the Loose Change retards are assets of the DoD playing their silly games, which is the reason that both sides give you a thousand rabbit holes to explore 'and' nobody is ever brought to justice for the 911 Inside-job attacks. Do a search of "Dylan Avery" and "Russell Pickering" (Google) and take a look around. Russell is the 'handler' who helped these 'kids' get started in the beginning like "Michael Anderson" (PilotsForTruth Aldo = CIT) works with the CIT retards (Craig, Aldo, Dominick) the very same way. I gained 'restricted' status writing on the 911Oz Board in about 10 posts. Guess why? :0) This is my Intro thread and look at the first retard to reply. Lin Kuei is a mod over at the LooseChange Board and he has this to say (my highlights):


*Sigh* Still at it Terral? With 'interpretations' like the one above, it's no wonder you got banned at the Loose Change Forum. I help run the Loose Change Board, and have done since April 2007... does that mean I too am a disinformation operative?
Note that having certain 'interpretations' of the evidence is 'grounds' in his book for being banned from the Board. :0) In reality they gave me a week suspension (link = "see you in a week") and just decided to leave the sock in my mouth like Killtown at 911Movement and Painter (Michael Anderson above) at PilotsForTruth and Laura at the Cassiopaea Board and ChillZero at the JREF Board (Gravy = Mark Roberts is their DoD Op), so on and so forth. These people all HATE (with a passion) my 9:31/9:32 AM First Explosion (zero replies here) at the Pentagon Explanation, because that wrecks the Official Cover Story these goofballs work everyday to protect and endorse and support along with a dozen other theories. Here is Craig's "No Missile At The Pentagon" OP (link). The DoD is afraid for anyone to wake up and realize the Navy Operations Center was deliberately attacked by the DoD itself, so these guys go to work to convince everyone that ANYTHING hit the Pentagon but the DoD missle. If you want to see a funny sight, Dominick challenges Aldo to debate me by pasting my work on Aldo's thread and the retard refused (here). Dominick pasted my work in Post #2 and Aldo and Craig do everything but debate 'the' 911Truth, because they preaching 'something else.'

The point is that I know these guys very well and any debate you see between Dylan Avery and Jim Meigs represents DoD assets working boths sides for a bunch of DUPES. :0) I explain some of what goes on over at the ToughTalk Board here if anybody is interested.




Man, oh man. This is the best one on USMB yet! Loose Change creators are part of the conspiracy!

Love it! Love it!

You know you've gone off the deep end when the conspiracists don't want to have anything to do with you...
Hmm ... so? Jr. was wrong for being a dumbass ... your point, I already mentioned that part. But everyone, even Jr., stated that 9-11 and Iraq were not connected, since you have gotten so good at parroting it seems you can't even keep you parroted statements straight.

yet the bastard isnt behind bars for invading Iraq and murdering Iraq civilians.
gee, show yourself to be a moron again, more people need to see what total fucking morons troofers are

poor little retarded divecon...posting is part of his rehabilitation..even tho his post are short
repetitive and of limited vocabulary....if he post often it is beneficial for his hand eye coordination...we thank you for you patience...
yet the bastard isnt behind bars for invading Iraq and murdering Iraq civilians.
gee, show yourself to be a moron again, more people need to see what total fucking morons troofers are

poor little retarded divecon...posting is part of his rehabilitation..even tho his post are short
repetitive and of limited vocabulary....if he post often it is beneficial for his hand eye coordination...we thank you for you patience...
you are such an asshole
but then, thats not a surprise coming from a fucking moron troofer
THIS IS HOW THEY PULLED IT OFF WITHOUT ANYBODY NOTICING.anybody with logic and common sense would understand.

Well, you're about to explain it:News flash for you . . . the governement couldnt plant the explosives necessary, in the manner necessary to cause the kind of controlled demolition you retards all think you're looking at . . . WITHOUT SOMEONE FUCKING NOTICING IT for what it was!
Jeffy: "Hey Dan!"
Dan: "Hey Jeffy, what's up?"(Unbeknownst to Jeffy, Dan is a top level government agent capable of Jedi mind tricks he learned is a secret government trianing center located underneath Virginia)
Jeffy: "What's with all this semtex and primer cord laying around the office?"
Dan: "Ahem, [Jedi mind trix0r activated!] that's not semtex and primer cord laying around the office."
Jeffy: [in monotone drone]"That's not semtex and primer cord laying around the office."
Dan: "That's all play-dough and kite strings."
Jeffy: [in monotone drone]"That's all play-dough and kite strings."
Jeffy: "Hey! That plane is headed right at us!"
Dan: "That's not a plane Jeffy, that's a pretty butterfly."
Jeffy: [in monotone drone]". . . pretty butterfly."
Dan: "I'm headed uptown for a cup of coffee, you stay here and watch the pretty butterfly, and don't touch the shiny red button until quarter to nine."
Jeffy: [in monotone drone]". . . pretty butterfly . . . quarter to nine."​
got news for you,our government has been doing things like this for YEARS to the people and have made a living for years on keeping secrets from the population of the world.
Yeah. Mind tricks . . . . :eek: woooooooOOOOOooooo!

Look dude, I'm not disputing any notions that the US government is capable of, and complicit in dirty dealings . . . I'm not even disputing your assertion that the US government was complicit in the 9/11 tragedies. I'm just saying that if I'm to accept such complictiy, it makes a bajillion time more sense than your controlled demolition conspiracies, that the government simply got some planes, flew them into the respective buildings and then said, . . . well, "PLANES WERE FLOWN INTO THOSE BUILDINGS!"

Here it is again for you Toro,the thread I posted where you then ran off with your tail between your legs that you and your 9/11 frady cats never bothered to address since you all knew you couldnt counter it.

Quote: Originally Posted by 9/11 inside job
Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/11.so was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like that.you know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above them.as far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
THATS how they did it without people noticing to answer your question.Now that THAT has been cleared up,that supposedly debunking 9/11 conspiracy link you posted and others like that, that the 9/11 apologists here blindly worship as the truth cause their in denial, are disinformation sites with disinformation,lies and propaganda.

if you want to find out the REAL truth,watch these 47 videos here.they debunk those two fairy tales the 9/11 coverup commission report and the NIST report.everytime I ask people to watch them and debunk them,they never do watch them.This is how i can tell if someone is REALLY interested in the truth or is in complete denial and wants to keep their head buried in the sand by listening to the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media and the government.anybody who watches these 47 videos and STILL defends the official version of the 9/11 commission report,is either an idiot moron like divecon and godboy, or they didnt watch them.I have posted it countless numbers of times here but the 9/11 apologists never watch them because they know its the truth and the truth scares them so they wont attempt to debunk them.here they are if you want to learn the TRUTH.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

^ THATS how they pulled it off without anybody noticing.anybody with any logic and common sense would see that.
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No they could not!!!! if you ever bothered to get off your lazy ass and do some research instead of worshipping the government and media as the truth you would see how you have been brainwashed by them.
I'm afraid you have completely stepped off dipshit. You obviously have no idea who you're talking to, or what research I've done--particularly if you even suspect that I worship the government.

the towers were designed to withstand the impact of an airliner slamming into them and the lead engineer john skilling said they designed it and anticipated what would happen if fires caught on fire in the towers.he was quoted saying-there would be a great loss of life "because of the fires" but the structures themselves would remain standing.
The towers were certainly not designed to withstand the impact of an airliner AND the fires afterward with the towers' structural members rendered unprotected from fire by that impact. No one anticipated that the stuctures would remain standing in the face of fire, where the building was UNPROTECTED from fire (If they had, the buildings' structural members would not require fire-proofing.) AND structurally compromised by the impact of an airliner. You see, they fire-proof buildings for a reason, and when that fire-proofing goes *POOF* away, the bad shit that it was installed to prevent actually happens--particularly more so if the structure has already been seriously compromised; that bad shit is known as building collapse. Don't be a dumbfuck.

I already explained that COUNTLESS numbers of times on this thread,just cause you dont want to read them doesnt mean they didnt keep it secret.you ignored that they kept that a secret for over 50 years.
Kept what a secret? The magically fire-proof nature of the structural steel in the WTC that no other structure in the world could have, and no engineer ever heard of? That secret? Or the secret Jedi mind powers of the government and the media?

thats just evidence that they do things like 9/11 to their own people all the time and DO keep secrets for many DECADES.oh and look at my next post,it will explain HOW they wired the towers and kept anyone noticing.
Look dude, let me tell you AGAIN, I'm not disputing any notions that the US government is capable of, and complicit in dirty dealings . . . I'm not even disputing your assertion that the US government was complicit in the 9/11 tragedies. I'm just saying that if I'm to accept such complictiy, it makes a bajillion time more sense than your controlled demolition conspiracies, that the government simply got some planes, flew them into the respective buildings and then said, . . . well, "PLANES WERE FLOWN INTO THOSE BUILDINGS!"
this coming from someone who refuses to look at any of those 47 canada wants the truth videos.so far you have proved that you talk nothing but shit.you said you had 3000 plus videos to post.I challenged you to post them,you have YET to do so.what other fairy tales for the day you have to tell us,that elvis presley is alive.Im sure your buddy here elvis wont argue with you on that one.:lol::lol:

Elvis is dead, you fucknut. Take note of my entire screenname. He is my second favorite singer to Lennon, nothing more. Still, the idea that the towers collapsed from controlled demolitions is about as plausible as Elvis shooting Kennedy. After all, he WAS alive in 1963 and you can't PROVE he didn't kill him. :cuckoo:

yeah but many loonies like you out there love him so much and think he is still alive.read my second post on this thread and it proves you look like an idiot saying the fires and plane caused the towers to collapse.are you trying to say that Elvis killed kennedy now?:lol: is that your latest fairy tale of the day besides your normal fairy tale that the planes caused the towers to collapse ?:lol:
NO, numbnuts. I said Elvis killing Kennedy is JUST AS PLAUSIBLE as the controlled demolition theory that you dipshits keep spewing. You are a fucking moron.

those are not squibs from demolitions
you asshole

Eots is a crazy retard wackjob. The sheer amount of lies and nonsense he spews on a daily basis is mind boggling, and his little butt fucking buddies "Terral" and "911 inside job" arent any better. This triumvarate of fools spreads lies constantly, and they cut and paste other retards lies when they run out of their own. They believe the dumbest things and continually prove they dont understand the meaning of the words "fact" and "truth".

I enjoy watching the 3 of them being mocked and belittled everyday on these boards.
Hi Godboy:


those are not squibs from demolitions
you asshole

Eots is a crazy retard wackjob. The sheer amount of lies and nonsense he spews on a daily basis is mind boggling, and his little butt fucking buddies "Terral" and "911 inside job" arent any better . . .

In other words, the Godboy has no case for anything at all. This is the kind of name-calling stupidity that we see from Official Cover Story cronies who come to the "Conspiracies Forum" to pretend no conspiracies even exist. If the Godboy had any evidence to support Jim Meigs and 'his' Cover Story LIES, then we would be looking at 'that' instead of him acting out and thinking up silly names to call his debating opponents through these 911Truth diliberations . . .


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No they could not!!!! if you ever bothered to get off your lazy ass and do some research instead of worshipping the government and media as the truth you would see how you have been brainwashed by them.
I'm afraid you have completely stepped off dipshit. You obviously have no idea who you're talking to, or what research I've done--particularly if you even suspect that I worship the government.

the towers were designed to withstand the impact of an airliner slamming into them and the lead engineer john skilling said they designed it and anticipated what would happen if fires caught on fire in the towers.he was quoted saying-there would be a great loss of life "because of the fires" but the structures themselves would remain standing.
The towers were certainly not designed to withstand the impact of an airliner AND the fires afterward with the towers' structural members rendered unprotected from fire by that impact. No one anticipated that the stuctures would remain standing in the face of fire, where the building was UNPROTECTED from fire (If they had, the buildings' structural members would not require fire-proofing.) AND structurally compromised by the impact of an airliner. You see, they fire-proof buildings for a reason, and when that fire-proofing goes *POOF* away, the bad shit that it was installed to prevent actually happens--particularly more so if the structure has already been seriously compromised; that bad shit is known as building collapse. Don't be a dumbfuck.

your being the dumbfuck here.you just proved you didnt even read what I posted.I just posted for you that Skilling the lead engineer DID anticipate that.He was quoted in newspapers back then saying that in 93 after the first bombing.

I already explained that COUNTLESS numbers of times on this thread,just cause you dont want to read them doesnt mean they didnt keep it secret.you ignored that they kept that a secret for over 50 years.
Kept what a secret? The magically fire-proof nature of the structural steel in the WTC that no other structure in the world could have, and no engineer ever heard of? That secret? Or the secret Jedi mind powers of the government and the media? there was no magically fire proof nature of the towers,take some science classes sometime cause right now your just talking shit besides not reading my posts.if you knew anything about science you would know that jet fuel burns at 1800 degrees.steel doesnt even begin to weaken till at 2700 degrees.FACT. they even reinforced it with fireproofing after the first world trade center bombing.stop listening to the corporate controlled media.

thats just evidence that they do things like 9/11 to their own people all the time and DO keep secrets for many DECADES.oh and look at my next post,it will explain HOW they wired the towers and kept anyone noticing.
Look dude, let me tell you AGAIN, I'm not disputing any notions that the US government is capable of, and complicit in dirty dealings . . . I'm not even disputing your assertion that the US government was complicit in the 9/11 tragedies. I'm just saying that if I'm to accept such complictiy, it makes a bajillion time more sense than your controlled demolition conspiracies, that the government simply got some planes, flew them into the respective buildings and then said, . . . well, "PLANES WERE FLOWN INTO THOSE BUILDINGS!"
is not a theory its a fact.what i think is hysterical is you can accept the theory that muslims highjacked the planes and flew them into the pentagan penetrating the best defense in the world without getting shot down,something they are trained to doin that kind of situation.:lol::lol:
Hi Godboy:


those are not squibs from demolitions
you asshole

Eots is a crazy retard wackjob. The sheer amount of lies and nonsense he spews on a daily basis is mind boggling, and his little butt fucking buddies "Terral" and "911 inside job" arent any better . . .

In other words, the Godboy has no case for anything at all. This is the kind of name-calling stupidity that we see from Official Cover Story cronies who come to the "Conspiracies Forum" to pretend no conspiracies even exist. If the Godboy had any evidence to support Jim Meigs and 'his' Cover Story LIES, then we would be looking at 'that' instead of him acting out and thinking up silly names to call his debating opponents through these 911Truth diliberations . . .



No he sure doesnt.Since he has nothing to counter with,him and the rest of the 9/11 Bush dupes just engage in childish name calling since they cant counter our points.Like I said before,its time to leave this thread and just let the Bush dupes fill it up with their childish insults since they get off on that.They proved their in denial,I asked them to address my second post on page 6 and like always,they ran away with their tails between their legs hiding when i asked them to look at my 47 videos.Eots proved that popular mechaincs is a bunch of B.S with his video he showed that debunked it,they ignored it and called him names cause they know they cant counter it,and like I said before,they never bothered to look at your link in your sig about the pentagan which proves popular mechanics is lying as well.so just let them talk to each other and finish up the thread with their chilidish name calling cause the truth scares them.
I think Madonna rigged the towers to explode. You can't prove she didn't. after all she lives in New York.
where are the airplanes and all the people.....

Addressing that issue would require logic, which is something you have to have a complete lack of in order to believe in these dumbass conspiracies.
where are the airplanes and all the people.....

good question lets release all forensic evidence and flight data .. have a facts driven investigation and find out

Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry." http://www.911truth.org/article

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
where are the airplanes and all the people.....

good question lets release all forensic evidence and flight data .. have a facts driven investigation and find out
Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry." http://www.911truth.org/article
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

i thought you all proved there were no planes that hit anything....where did everything and everyone go....
where are the airplanes and all the people.....

i thought you all proved there were no planes that hit anything....where did everything and everyone go....

well you thought wrong....and only a real investigation and release of all forensic evidence
for scrutiny from a independent inquiry can definitively answer your question

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
i thought you all proved there were no planes that hit anything....where did everything and everyone go....

well you thought wrong....and only a real investigation and release of all forensic evidence
for scrutiny from a independent inquiry can definitively answer your question

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

i thought you all haved proved beyond a reasonable doubt that an airplane had not hit the pentagon....had not been flown into the ground and had not hit the wtcs....are you now saying it is possible that it was airplanes....

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