Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
Ever notice how left leaning publications always down play this stuff. " It was ONLY $2800.00...could have been worse". Scammer's and various gov employee's nickle and dime us to death across all government programs and agency's and this stuff adds up after awhile.


Inspector general urges IRS to boost oversight of credit card spending

The IRS could do a better job of policing employees' spending with government credit cards, a Treasury Department watchdog said Tuesday in a report that found that lax oversight allowed a few bad apples to buy romance novels, diet pills and even porn on the taxpayer's dime.

The Treasury's inspector general for tax administration — the same agency that brought the hammer down on the IRS for singling out conservative groups for special scrutiny — found that IRS workers on the whole stick to the rules when they use government credit cards.

It identified improprieties in only about two-tenths of 1 percent of transactions in fiscal years 2010 and 2011, when IRS workers made 273,000 credit card purchases worth about $108 million.

Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime? Inspector general urges IRS to boost oversight of credit card spending - U.S. News
Please site any "right leaning" articles that MSNBC posts on their website.

Anyway...two more interesting quotes from the article. And this agency is in charge of keeping taxpayers in line??

And the government credit cards of two other employees, one of them still with the IRS, bought pornography online, the inspector general said.

Both of them reported that their cards had been stolen or compromised, which the report said it hadn't been able to verify or discredit — although it noted that one of the cardholders had reported at least five cards as having been lost, stolen or counterfeited, something the report said the IRS might want to consider a red flag in the future.

• IRS workers are adept at splitting up their credit card purchases into multiple transactions so each of them come in under the cards' $3,000 limits — a violation of federal regulations. And the IRS routinely neglects to refer confirmed cases of "split purchases" for investigation, a violation of its own policies.

The inspector general identified 123 purchases that were split up into 361 transactions in just six months last year, totaling almost half a million dollars. Twenty-two of the cardholders who carried out the improper transactions were repeat offenders, it said. None of them were referred for investigation.
US News is a "left-leaning" publication?
By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime? Inspector general urges IRS to boost oversight of credit card spending

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
The IRS disagreed that its spending of less than $4,000 on morale-boosting merchandise over two years was improper.

US News is the category.

Don't make me spank you again Joe!!

"Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?"

Sounds like a typical day in an elected official's life. Some things never change...:razz:
Again, NBC News, owned by Comcast, is a "Left Wing" news organization? Seriously? This is where you guys are going.

Everyone who doesn't consider IRS credit card abuses of less than 1% of all credit card expendatures the "Scandal of the Century".

Well, I guess now that the whole "They wuz persecuting the Teabaggers" has blown up, they got to whine about something.
Would you consider right or Left leaning?
Are you seriously complaining about a system with that degree of oversight and control?

It identified improprieties in only about two-tenths of 1 percent of transactions in fiscal years 2010 and 2011, when IRS workers made 273,000 credit card purchases worth about $108 million.

Nope your math is off by a factor of ten.... .02% of $108,000,000 = $21,600

This event is more like .00259%
Again, NBC News, owned by Comcast, is a "Left Wing" news organization? Seriously? This is where you guys are going.

Everyone who doesn't consider IRS credit card abuses of less than 1% of all credit card expendatures the "Scandal of the Century".

Well, I guess now that the whole "They wuz persecuting the Teabaggers" has blown up, they got to whine about something.

"scandal of the century"? Don't get hysterical Joe.
Would you consider right or Left leaning?

How many people read ""?

Seriously, is that the best you have?

Here's the real problem in Journalism. They are all owned by big corporations, which means they all take the corporate stance. There's no competitiveness anymore.

NBC is owned by Comcast, it used to be owned by GE. Before that, RCA.

CBS is owned by ViaCom, Fox by Newscorp, ABC By Disney.

So it isn't really important that they aren't reporting this non-story enough.

It's why they are reporting it at all.
Would you consider right or Left leaning?

How many people read ""?

Seriously, is that the best you have?

Here's the real problem in Journalism. They are all owned by big corporations, which means they all take the corporate stance. There's no competitiveness anymore.

NBC is owned by Comcast, it used to be owned by GE. Before that, RCA.

CBS is owned by ViaCom, Fox by Newscorp, ABC By Disney.

So it isn't really important that they aren't reporting this non-story enough.

It's why they are reporting it at all.

If it's not important...why are you crying about it?:cuckoo:
Are you seriously complaining about a system with that degree of oversight and control?

It identified improprieties in only about two-tenths of 1 percent of transactions in fiscal years 2010 and 2011, when IRS workers made 273,000 credit card purchases worth about $108 million.

Nope your math is off by a factor of ten.... .02% of $108,000,000 = $21,600

This event is more like .00259%

And it was just a blow job too.....
"Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?"

Sounds like a typical day in an elected official's life. Some things never change...:razz:

Hey, it's gotta be cheaper than flying to Argentina when you say you're on the Appalachian Trail, right?
"Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?"

Sounds like a typical day in an elected official's life. Some things never change...:razz:

Hey, it's gotta be cheaper than flying to Argentina when you say you're on the Appalachian Trail, right?

So you'll excuse any behavior as long as you can find a GOPer who did something similar? Where does it end or doesn't it? :eusa_eh:
"Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?"

Sounds like a typical day in an elected official's life. Some things never change...:razz:

Hey, it's gotta be cheaper than flying to Argentina when you say you're on the Appalachian Trail, right?

So you'll excuse any behavior as long as you can find a GOPer who did something similar? Where does it end or doesn't it? :eusa_eh:

Where do you see the word "excuse", Blam-Blam? Read much?

Open the yellow pages, go to the letter "O" and look for "optometrist". And call one. Call all of them.

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