Porta Potty Melee @


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
the entrance to a voting precinct.Just to be on the safe side.
Don't need any persnickety potential voters waiting in line to
vote and need to take a crap.It's enough that voters are in partial
shock after voting,just to find out that the person they voted
for ... Lost.In both translation { Take a John Fetterman chill pill }
or capacity.Because mankind has been Hyponized via
mass hysteria to expect the arrival of a nutter Covid
variant.In short nothing is sacred any more.Let alone
mores.Beecause a counter revolution is alive and well
and growing way past the ability of humanity and history
to tame.Like a voracious mountain lion who can stride around
fast, precise and pounce in a spilt second.Then just as fast
scoot off whether night for a nutter day and more exercise.
If only hunters like mountain lions could be trained to
use porta potty's.Or maybe read tidbits from guys like
Henry David Thoreau.
Where are the words like :
" The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
From the desperate city you go into the desperate
country,and have to console yourself with the bravery
of minks and muskrats.A stereotype but unconscious despair
is concealed even what are called games and amusements
of mankind.There is no play in them after work. But it is
the characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. "
-- Henry David Thoreau
Lockdowns ... anyone ?
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