Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The school says the month is an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of whiteness" creates racial inequality.


Portland Community College has designated April "Whiteness History Month" (WHM), an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of whiteness" creates racial inequality.
"'Whiteness History Month: Context, Consequences, and Change' is a multidisciplinary, district-wide, educational project examining race and racism through an exploration of the construction of whiteness, its origins, and heritage," PCC states on its website. "Scheduled for the month of April 2016, the project seeks to inspire innovative and practical solutions to community issues and social problems that stem from racism."

The WHM site makes clear that the project is not a "celebratory endeavor" like heritage months, but is rather "an effort to change our campus climate" by "[challenging] the master narrative of race and racism through an exploration of the social construction of whiteness." ("Challenging the master narrative," PCC explains, "is a strategy within higher education that promotes multicultural education and equity.")
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, sans-serif]Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming[/FONT]

And the race baiting sacks of patronizing racist shit, just will not stop. They, just will not stop with this utter bullshit.

Yeah, just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals (they are not actually liberals, they are pathetic losers who are used as pawns by their pathetic socialists) more today than you did yesterday.

Rather than bringing others up, we're gonna bring you down.

Yeah, that's good for the country.

If the only way a person can feel good about themselves is make others feel bad, then the issue isn't about racism, its about a person's need to feel vindicated. Its basically a need for revenge. The problem is most of the people who were around and in power during the tail end of Jim Crow are dead or dying, or no longer in power, so the needed proxy is whoever is currently around, even though they were not around when actual offense was given.
Rather than bringing others up, we're gonna bring you down.

Yeah, that's good for the country.

If the only way a person can feel good about themselves is make others feel bad, then the issue isn't about racism, its about a person's need to feel vindicated. Its basically a need for revenge. The problem is most of the people who were around and in power during the tail end of Jim Crow are dead or dying, or no longer in power, so the needed proxy is whoever is currently around, even though they were not around when actual offense was given.
Yes, and this tactic retards the growth of people who are every bit as capable as whites.

They don't care. This ain't about healing racial wounds, it's about payback.
This is becoming a danger to the people in this country. No good American would sit back and allow these thing be done or said about a black person. people better wake the hell up. there is REASON for this and it's going bring danger to white people in the country.

one idea thrown around is that this governments is filling us up with illegal immigrants from all other cultures that are NOT WHITE. and the reason for all this , white white white bashing is to cause Resentment and will bring chaos on us in this country. THINK about it.
Rather than bringing others up, we're gonna bring you down.

Yeah, that's good for the country.
Having worn out the novelty of ridiculous, the PC shock troops have moved on to the new and exciting frontier of absolutely fucking ludicrous.

"Kill Kill Kill the White Man" by Eugene Mamalookaboobooday. Eugene is my pen name 'cause I wrote this while I was in the Pen." -- Howard Stern, Private Parts
Portlandia is lost, as is their sister bubble universe The Emerald City. Hopefully they can create a wormhole someday so they can live as one and leave the rest of us alone.
Well, it has finally come to pass.

A great author, who by the way, HATED G.W. Bush, also saw the absolute insanity of the other side. He wrote the famous short story, Harrison Bergeron which predicted that we would someday go down roads similar to this. He was one of my mentors. I had lunch with him once. He fought in WWII, was a prisoner in Dresden when it was bombed, and saw this world for what it is, the nastiness, and the beauty.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Well, it has finally come to pass.

A great author, who by the way, HATED G.W. Bush, also saw the absolute insanity of the other side. He wrote the famous short story, Harrison Bergeron which predicted that we would someday go down roads similar to this. He was one of my mentors. I had lunch with him once. He fought in WWII, was a prisoner in Dresden when it was bombed, and saw this world for what it is, the nastiness, and the beauty.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

holy cow, I didn't even read the whole thing and it started scaring me. It does make one wonder, Doesn't it. Look at what is now being spewed daily by that Democrat party but (inequality this , inequality that, etc). People should open their eyes, but I doubt they will in time
thanks for the link. I'll try to get back to reading it ALL.
Yet another example of the idiocy of “Social Justice.”
Neither I nor anyone in my ancestry ever owned a slave – they were all in Europe in 1865 – and I have never discriminated against a “Black” person in any meaningful way in my life, and yet I owe a “debt” to African Americans who were never enslaved, and have generally been the recipients of trillions of American tax dollars in free money and benefits since the birth of the "War on Poverty."
But still…I agree to be ashamed of being white, if that Black guy agrees to be ashamed of being one of less than two percent of the population (African American males between the ages of 16 and 30) who are responsible for almost half of the country's criminal homicides over the past 20 years.
Well, it has finally come to pass.

A great author, who by the way, HATED G.W. Bush, also saw the absolute insanity of the other side. He wrote the famous short story, Harrison Bergeron which predicted that we would someday go down roads similar to this. He was one of my mentors. I had lunch with him once. He fought in WWII, was a prisoner in Dresden when it was bombed, and saw this world for what it is, the nastiness, and the beauty.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Good story MisterBeale; thanks for sharing. :)
People should be up ib what is being taught on their children in these little: commie camps called; schools and universities. they need to sit down with them and point out not all of the garbage being thrown at them, is the actual reality of things and not just accept it hook, line and stinker. this is becoming dangerous to the people in the country. I've never seen anything this bad in my sixty years.
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Well, it has finally come to pass.

A great author, who by the way, HATED G.W. Bush, also saw the absolute insanity of the other side. He wrote the famous short story, Harrison Bergeron which predicted that we would someday go down roads similar to this. He was one of my mentors. I had lunch with him once. He fought in WWII, was a prisoner in Dresden when it was bombed, and saw this world for what it is, the nastiness, and the beauty.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

holy cow, I didn't even read the whole thing and it started scaring me. It does make one wonder, Doesn't it. Look at what is now being spewed daily by that Democrat party but (inequality this , inequality that, etc). People should open their eyes, but I doubt they will in time
thanks for the link. I'll try to get back to reading it ALL.

You're welcome Hazel. lol
Do we fully understand how imperative it is for the democrats to have the distinct division between races, genders, classes, and whatever else there is?

Divide and conquer. Make it seem like we care. Seduce the gullible and the desperate with fairy tales of robin hood. Let them dream of utopia. Meanwhile give up your opportunities to ever make it and remain in your squalor and having someone to blame is more important than any perceived solution.

The democrats, through the mass media, socialist education system, and the hypocritical entertainment industry has certainly monopolized their agenda.

This is just one example of how it works. Prop up the scapegoat, and patronize minorities.

Rinse and repeat.

The fucking leftwing followers are way too stupid to understand what is happening.
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
That might be true if the mentality that spawned this type of nonsense was isolated to a single community college, the fact of the matter is that it's fairly widespread across college campuses in the United States. Students, professors and college administrators in a lot of colleges and universities actually believe bullshit like this is RATIONAL, doesn't bode well for the future of the Republic. :(
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
That might be true if the mentality that spawned this type of nonsense was isolated to a single community college, the fact of the matter is that it's fairly widespread across college campuses in the United States. Students, professors and college administrators in a lot of colleges and universities actually believe bullshit like this is RATIONAL, doesn't bode well for the future of the Republic. :(

Long ago we warned of liberalism in education...here it is
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

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