Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming

The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

GFY asshole and get past you matter to anyone but yourself. How's that?
Yet another example of the idiocy of “Social Justice.”
Neither I nor anyone in my ancestry ever owned a slave – they were all in Europe in 1865 – and I have never discriminated against a “Black” person in any meaningful way in my life, and yet I owe a “debt” to African Americans who were never enslaved, and have generally been the recipients of trillions of American tax dollars in free money and benefits since the birth of the "War on Poverty."
But still…I agree to be ashamed of being white, if that Black guy agrees to be ashamed of being one of less than two percent of the population (African American males between the ages of 16 and 30) who are responsible for almost half of the country's criminal homicides over the past 20 years.

Many of THOSE PEOPLE may actually kill themselves if they ever learned the truth about the slave trade. How it was African muslims warlords who traded their own slaves for a variety of resources that helped them expand their territories.

That is how the transatlantic slave trade began and it became a very lucrative business for those west African tribal leaders and empires. Do you know the left are so stupid that they think white Europeans actually kidnapped Africans with nets and that is how they conducted the slave trade?

Mind you they are the same stupid wastes of ignorant shit who think the Natives never had wars over land before white Europeans showed to America with a bible and a musket. I am serious. They think all they were, were peace loving peyote smoking people of the land planting maize in great harmony.

Those that think there may have been wars between tribes over land are ok with it. Caaaaause, they were all actually just righteous and they conducted those wars with nothing but class.

I swear that is what we are dealing with.
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

Yeah, welcome to the new version of the feudal system. Pretty much the same thing as the European "Feudal system."


Add the upper class like the barons etc. The peasants better known as the serfs.

The ONE thing rich people despise most (other than the notion of losing their money) is the notion that anyone from the peasant class actually reaching their status. Trust this. They hate that. They will not tell you that.

By and large, most rich people (old money is what I am talking about) are about lineage, blood lines, royalty, entitlement. The notion that some peasant could actually reach their status makes many of these types sick.

This "socialism" is just another way to call it a feudal system. The poor right now cannot afford any college. You kidding? On and on and on.

Right now fast food is getting more expensive. How are these ivy league socialist elites fulfilling their agenda? By seducing the gullible, ignorant and desperate that there is a some utopia out there. Those same gullible willfully give up the power that this country gave them. This system (constitutional republic) has been the best friend to any poor person that has the drive to make it. I can show you a long list of poor people from every single race religion and creed that has made it as a result of the free market system and that constitution that gave WE THE PEOPLE power.

I am sick and tired of pissing the wind with the left wing losers. These white guilt pieces of the racist patronizing hypocritical shit.
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

GFY asshole and get past you matter to anyone but yourself. How's that?

The whole point here, is that CORE is a company run out of India. They run all of public education in the US. So, unless you are educated in a private school, and then go off to a private University, chances are, even if you don't go to a Community College, you are already indoctrinated well before you are ready for University.

Did you know that Common Core was developed by CORE Inc.? So naturally they are going to have everyone on board with the UN's agenda 21, cultural Marxism, and diversity goals.

Core Education & Technologies India, Higher & Vocational Education Company

This is the most recent financial I can find.


By having the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court sell out to the liberals on the ACA, the true intent was selling out to the globalists. This paved the way to force Americans to pay private companies to educate their children when conservatives take over and gut public education.

IN effect, it makes fascism, the binding of STATE and Corporation, something men died fighting against in WWII, constitutional. But it will be used with a global agenda, to supplant the nation our fore fathers died to create.

Now you know.

So you're right. I don't matter, but neither do you, your neighbors, your family, or anyone else. The rulers just don't give a fuck about any of us, liberal or conservative, anymore.
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

GFY asshole and get past you matter to anyone but yourself. How's that?

The whole point here, is that CORE is a company run out of India. They run all of public education in the US. So, unless you are educated in a private school, and then go off to a private University, chances are, even if you don't go to a Community College, you are already indoctrinated well before you are ready for University.

Did you know that Common Core was developed by CORE Inc.? So naturally they are going to have everyone on board with the UN's agenda 21, cultural Marxism, and diversity goals.

Core Education & Technologies India, Higher & Vocational Education Company

This is the most recent financial I can find.


By having the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court sell out to the liberals on the ACA, the true intent was selling out to the globalists. This paved the way to force Americans to pay private companies to educate their children when conservatives take over and gut public education.

IN effect, it makes fascism, the binding of STATE and Corporation, something men died fighting against in WWII, constitutional. But it will be used with a global agenda, to supplant the nation our fore fathers died to create.

Now you know.

So you're right. I don't matter, but neither do you, your neighbors, your family, or anyone else. The rulers just don't give a fuck about any of us, liberal or conservative, anymore.

Our children attend private schools, Common Core isn't used in them. But I do agree with your statement
The vast majority couldn't care less what a bunch of kids from some obscure community college says. I mean let's get real....community college?
Ever since the government got involved in securing student loans, community college is about all most Americans can afford anymore.

So yes, community college.

Stop being an elitist prick.

Yeah, welcome to the new version of the feudal system. Pretty much the same thing as the European "Feudal system."


Add the upper class like the barons etc. The peasants better known as the serfs.

The ONE thing rich people despise most (other than the notion of losing their money) is the notion that anyone from the peasant class actually reaching their status. Trust this. They hate that. They will not tell you that.

By and large, most rich people (old money is what I am talking about) are about lineage, blood lines, royalty, entitlement. The notion that some peasant could actually reach their status makes many of these types sick.

This "socialism" is just another way to call it a feudal system. The poor right now cannot afford any college. You kidding? On and on and on.

Right now fast food is getting more expensive. How are these ivy league socialist elites fulfilling their agenda? By seducing the gullible, ignorant and desperate that there is a some utopia out there. Those same gullible willfully give up the power that this country gave them. This system (constitutional republic) has been the best friend to any poor person that has the drive to make it. I can show you a long list of poor people from every single race religion and creed that has made it as a result of the free market system and that constitution that gave WE THE PEOPLE power.

I am sick and tired of pissing the wind with the left wing losers. These white guilt pieces of the racist patronizing hypocritical shit.
I completely agree.

This is why it pisses me off when the elite foundation media "divides and conquers" my American brothers and sisters and has them hating each other. I see it here on these forums.

The day the Black lives matter folks come out to Oregon to support those ranchers and the day those ranchers come to Chicago to march in support with their black brothers who are brutalized by the police state is the day this battle will be won.

They have successfully distracted everyone and have them fighting each other rather than seeing the common foe.

Till then, these "mass shootings" to try and get our right to bear arms will continue, and Agenda 21 will continue a pace.
I think the condemnations here are a little bit premature. I don't see anything that really points to "white shaming." But they do talk about challenging the "master narrative," as they call it, in regards to the "whiteness construct."

Now, if they actually hold true do doing this, this could be a very good thing. The main problems with race relations in our country is that too many people can't seem to get it through their heads that most of it is all made up. The problems, the division, it primarily exists because most people insist on dividing people based on racial groupings. You label someone as black, and then you label everything about them as relative to them being black. If they're successful in life then they're a successful black man who overcame the odds. If they're in prison then they're a victimized black man who never had the chance to escape the street life. So on, so forth.

All the meanwhile, we play so fast and loose with the rules in terms of what constitutes race, we practically make it up on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it's about skin color. Other times, it's about ethnicity. Other times still, it's about the neighborhood you grew up on, or a lifestyle choice. But underlying it all is the ugly truth: A person's race is always defined as the thing that an observer sees in you and that they most hate.

Let's first clear up an important fact: "White" can mean alot of things, but what it seems to always draw back to is that "white" seems to imply an ancestry that is predominantly, and bilaterally, European or Euro-extended, particularly in the comparatively "recent" generations of a person's pedigree. There are no hard and fast rules, and in some ways this is a problem because many people make superficial assumptions about an individual's "whiteness" and as a result automatically lump people into a category that might be otherwise absurd. And by lumping people into categories in absurd ways, all you do is fuel the fiery divisions of racial inequality and prejudices.

I've had a front row seat to the absurdity of peoples' perceptions of race my entire life. I'm Hispanic. My race has been defined 20 different ways by other people throughout my life. When I was a child I was defined based on my parents' nationality, and I was shamed for my race as it was defined then. Later in life my race was typically defined based on the broad pan-ethnicity of being a Hispanic American. And by that time I was subsequently shamed for being Hispanic by people who found it offensive to shame a person because of his parents' nationality. Later still in life I was defined by the color of my skin, which has always been the most intriguing because my skin color is in fact variant. So what happens is that people make a "closest match" for their interpretation of my skin color to define my race. And then they shame me for my skin color.

It seems that the most common trend nowadays is for people to define race based on a "minority, not minority" paradigm. And this creates all kinds of problems. Because really, what they're doing is evaluating you based on how much their prejudice reacts to you, and defining YOU accordingly. For some people I am defined as white, even though I am not white and do not even have white skin. The reason for this is that I do not cause them to register any a strong level of [perceptible] prejudice. Therefore, white. (You may be noticing by now that this itself is its own form of prejudice.) There are other people for whom I evoke a moderate or strong level of prejudicial sensation, and the result is that they perceive me as one of many possible racial groups. Just like I've had people insist that I am white even though I'm not white, I've also had people insist that I'm black, even though I am not black and do not even have black skin.

All of these racial labels and groupings (white, black, Asian, Hispanic, African, Caribbean, etc.) they all exist within our own minds and nowhere else. And the qualities of these races, including the concept of white privilege exists only in the minds of the people who complain about it. White privilege is an inherent quality of the white race, at least according to those who espouse the theory of white privilege. That is to say, white privilege is a prejudice against white people.

Now, the thing is, in order to combat this sickle celled mentality, what we need to do really is to tear down the faulty mental construct of "whiteness" that seems to pervade modern thought. Because the philosophical golden cow.....the master narrative of racial justice in American society, has been, for far too long, the misguided belief that whiteness is the ultimate benefit, and erases all other impediments. That is the construct of whiteness that needs to be eliminated. And I hope that the school's exploration will provide the fertile soil that allows students to come to that realization.
I think the condemnations here are a little bit premature. I don't see anything that really points to "white shaming." But they do talk about challenging the "master narrative," as they call it, in regards to the "whiteness construct."

And if the PCC designated April as "Blackness History Month" (BHM), an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of blackness" creates racial inequality, or Asians or Hispanics, etc. do you really think this "educational project" would even get off the ground?
I think the condemnations here are a little bit premature. I don't see anything that really points to "white shaming." But they do talk about challenging the "master narrative," as they call it, in regards to the "whiteness construct."

And if the PCC designated April as "Blackness History Month" (BHM), an "educational project" exploring how the "construct of blackness" creates racial inequality, or Asians or Hispanics, etc. do you really think this "educational project" would even get off the ground?

Probably not, which really only fuels my point. The first step in improving racial justice in our country needs to be the destruction of the "whiteness construct." If we destroy the idea that "whiteness" equates with ultimate benefit, then whites become no less vulnerable than any other racial construct. And once the vulnerability of each race is placed on parity with each other, we can start taking a long, hard, and honest look at all racial constructs because we will have already done it with whites.

That way, eventually we can turn the tide from "whiteness" being shameful, to the actual racism and prejudice being shameful.

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