Portland Police Get Serious With ANTIFA

I think the Portland PD already had a set, but the local gov't told them to stand down. The Dems finally realized all this rioting shit was hurting Biden's chances, so the word went out to put a stop to it. For now. They could've done this months ago, but made the political calculus not too; And if Trump wins then the calculus could change back.
You know it ain't the Police, it's the politicians. Once the media moved out of town the democrats decided that they should respect the wishes of the majority of their constituents and hope they forget the little problem they had for the last six months before the election.

Yup. The mayor told the police to stand down instead of giving them orders to shoot all looters and arsonists on sight. If those orders had been given the whole thing would have been over in days.
You know it ain't the Police, it's the politicians. Once the media moved out of town the democrats decided that they should respect the wishes of the majority of their constituents and hope they forget the little problem they had for the last six months before the election.

Yup. The mayor told the police to stand down instead of giving them orders to shoot all looters and arsonists on sight. If those orders had been given the whole thing would have been over in days.

We had an old saying in Nam. Shoot'em all and let God sort out the good from the bad. Didn't work out real well then either.
They didn’t grow a big enough set. Lincoln statue was destroyed last night
You know it ain't the Police, it's the politicians. Once the media moved out of town the democrats decided that they should respect the wishes of the majority of their constituents and hope they forget the little problem they had for the last six months before the election.
Yeah. People keep blaming the police. Blame their left wing masters. They give the orders. They will turn this idea loose
You know it ain't the Police, it's the politicians. Once the media moved out of town the democrats decided that they should respect the wishes of the majority of their constituents and hope they forget the little problem they had for the last six months before the election.
Yeah. People keep blaming the police. Blame their left wing masters. They give the orders. They will turn this idea loose
I don’t blame the police. I know they have been cut off at the knees. The fact many continue to remain there to fight for their city as they can just shows their dedication.
Body slamming marxist fucktards on the verge of suicide could become an Olympic sport... hmm? Extra points for knockouts, heads bouncing off the pavement and stylish takedowns. If you lock one up struggling with the voices in its head and it hangs itself in its cell night, you win the gold obviously....

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