Portland police union leader calls city 'cesspool,' slams mayor's response to homelessness


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The city is finally getting it's just reward for not reining in the scourge of the "homeless".

The leader of the Portland police union defended officers interactions with homeless people, slammed Mayor Ted Wheeler's response to homelessness and said the city "has become a cesspool."

"Livability that once made Portland a unique and vibrant city is now replaced with human feces in businesses doorways, in our parks, and on our streets," Officer Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association, wrote in a lengthy statement posted on Facebook Monday.

"Aggressive panhandlers block the sidewalks, storefronts, and landmarks like Pioneer Square, discouraging people from enjoying our City. Garbage-filled RVs and vehicles are strewn throughout our neighborhoods. Used needles, drug paraphernalia, and trash are common sights lining the streets and sidewalks of the downtown core area, under our bridges, and freeway overpasses. That's not what our families, business owners, and tourists deserve."

Portland police union leader calls city 'cesspool,' slams mayor's response to homelessness
Portland views the homeless as the suppressed", and the workers and taxpayers as the "suppressors.

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