PORTLAND PROTEST! The dawn of a revolution, 8-17-19

From the posts I've seen by you, you can go fuck yourself. I hope the Proud lil' Boys get a heavy taste of pavement.

In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?

The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.
/—-/ Yeah, no violence associated with Antifa. Never happens.

Where is the man up ownership of this white boy shit? Your inferiority getting in the way?
/—-/ The folks in Appalachia are still waiting for their White Privilege.
View attachment 274805
White privilege can't protect people from stupidly staying somewhere with zero economic activity. Maybe they like the lifestyle. If so, good for them and best of luck.
Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson arrested on eve of Portland, Ore., protests

Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson arrested on eve of Portland, Ore., protests

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They arrested Joey Gibson, and are threatening the arrest of peaceful protesters, the mayor calls protesters from the right hate speech, it will encourage the fascist democrats to attack with weapons and mobs because they can’t fight.

BOYS GO GET YOU SOME ANTIFA SOUVENIRS! Take no mercy! Run them off this land!

FoxNews can see into the future and see what is going to happen on Sept 17? Wow, they are good!
/—/ Why not? APC can see 12 years in the future are predict doom and gloom.

She is your little heroine isn't she? You talk about her all the damn time. Do you have a poster of her in your room that you go to sleep looking at?
/—-/ That blithering idiot is 100% democRAT and you own her. So yes, I’ll remind you every day.
/—-/ That blithering idiot is 100% democRAT and you own her. So yes, I’ll remind you every day.

I am not a Dem. But feel free to keep talking about her every day, it just shows what you find to be important.

Just admit you have the hots for her. Do you get aroused watching the video of her dancing?
There has been no violence yet. Sound trucks are warning folks to stay in the park or on the sidewalks and that no violence will be tolerated.

Portland Police


#ppbalert Officers have seized weapons from multiple groups, including bear spray, shields, and metal and wooden poles.
/—-/ That blithering idiot is 100% democRAT and you own her. So yes, I’ll remind you every day.

I am not a Dem. But feel free to keep talking about her every day, it just shows what you find to be important.

Just admit you have the hots for her. Do you get aroused watching the video of her dancing?
/—-/ Using your logic, you’ve got the hots for Donald Trump.
Two groups on the same side of the coin parring off. maybe they kill each other

That is the lie the lefty media is telling you.
If they are the far right proud boys they are just as bad as antifa
Not true at all. They're American Patriots who want a Nationalist Nation.
I was wrong about the proud boys I did some more research on them
I found a website run by them
Fascists come in all colors, I chose white because been the dominant one.

Of course, he’s white.
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
What do you do about the urban slave plantations?

Are you saying that you are a slave?
Not yet, I’ve taken many shackles off,, they are trying to kick us off the sea port.. but I’m
Hanging in there. I pay my own bills

You are exactly the same as all those people around you who scare you so much.
/—-/ That blithering idiot is 100% democRAT and you own her. So yes, I’ll remind you every day.

I am not a Dem. But feel free to keep talking about her every day, it just shows what you find to be important.

Just admit you have the hots for her. Do you get aroused watching the video of her dancing?
/—-/ Using your logic, you’ve got the hots for Donald Trump.

That would not surprise me as much time as you spend with your nose up his ass.
Fascists come in all colors, I chose white because been the dominant one.

Of course, he’s white.
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
Whites weren't forced. Congress did it without the White Citizens vote. It was forever wrong to make Blacks citizens. They're savage animals. Proto-humans to be exact. We should go back and abide by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only White people should be Citizens.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]

You’re a pathetic excuse.
Do you admire and respect our patriotic White founders?

The fact that you cannot mention the founders of our nation (and they were many) without hanging some pointless race label on it just goes to show that you are NOT a real American.
Fascists come in all colors, I chose white because been the dominant one.

Of course, he’s white.
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
Whites weren't forced. Congress did it without the White Citizens vote. It was forever wrong to make Blacks citizens. They're savage animals. Proto-humans to be exact. We should go back and abide by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only White people should be Citizens.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]

You’re a pathetic excuse.
Do you admire and respect our patriotic White founders?
Crispus Attucks gave his life for this countries freedom that you have. he may not have signed any of the founding documents but he was just as much a founder of this country as any of the founders were.
In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?

The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.

The Mayor actions have been clear. He has sided with violent lefties rioters against regular people on the streets, as well as groups like the Proud Boys.

The tactic of the Proud BOys have been simple. March with the intent of having a speech saying things that the Left won't like, and then let Antifa attack, and defend themselves.

If Antifa does not attack, there will be no problems.

That is complete bullshit. Man up white pussy boy or stay home.

If you are seriously just misinformed, I recommend you spend some time checking out youtube videos of past marchs in portland.

YOu can find a lot on police standing by as antifa commit violence, or block the streets and direct traffic, and then attack drivers.

You can find a lot on the Proud Boys marching and not getting attacked and there being no problem.

You can find a lot on Antifa, not being attacked, and causing all kinds of problems.

If you are just talking shit, than fuck you.

If you want to be an apologist for them so be it.

Just stop with the victimhood bullshit.

I made a point about the vids proving my point being out there. Are you willfully ignorant at this point, or willfully lying?
From the posts I've seen by you, you can go fuck yourself. I hope the Proud lil' Boys get a heavy taste of pavement.

In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?

The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.
/—-/ Yeah, no violence associated with Antifa. Never happens.

Where is the man up ownership of this white boy shit? Your inferiority getting in the way?
/—-/ The folks in Appalachia are still waiting for their White Privilege.
View attachment 274805

Got a picture of poor African-Americans in Appalachia to compare it too?
Good luck to the people of Portland in fending off the far right invaders.

Your support of antifa, makes you a bad person.
From the posts I've seen by you, you can go fuck yourself. I hope the Proud lil' Boys get a heavy taste of pavement.

In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?
Imagine if people from the city swarmed into flyover wasteland country for no other reason than to insult the people that live there, demand that the government punish them, and to incite as much violence as possible.

Have you seen this ever happening? Or are you just making shit up? I would love to see you support your claims.

Cause every vid I have seen, shows pretty much the opposite of that.

It is antifa that provokes, and if people fight back, call for police protection, and incite as much violence as possible.
In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?

The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.
/—-/ Yeah, no violence associated with Antifa. Never happens.

Where is the man up ownership of this white boy shit? Your inferiority getting in the way?
/—-/ The folks in Appalachia are still waiting for their White Privilege.
View attachment 274805
White privilege can't protect people from stupidly staying somewhere with zero economic activity. Maybe they like the lifestyle. If so, good for them and best of luck.

So much compassion for the poor.
Two groups on the same side of the coin parring off. maybe they kill each other

That is the lie the lefty media is telling you.
If they are the far right proud boys they are just as bad as antifa
Not true at all. They're American Patriots who want a Nationalist Nation.
I was wrong about the proud boys I did some more research on them
I found a website run by them

Nice find. Sounds legit from what I have seen of them.
Two groups on the same side of the coin parring off. maybe they kill each other

That is the lie the lefty media is telling you.
If they are the far right proud boys they are just as bad as antifa

What do you mean by "far right"?
The group has been portrayed as the far right I was wrong

Thank you for admitting that. The media is not to be trusted.

It is very sad that a commitment to free speech and being prepared to defend one's self, is considered radical or controversial by large numbers of people in this country.

Well, that and thinking that the West is the Best.

The guy there mentions Gavin McGinnes. He had a pretty good presence on youtube for a while. Lot of good clips, fyi.
In the past, that has not worked out so well for those trying. But now, maybe the the Mayor is having the police take the sides of Antifa, it will go better for them.

You really hate the idea of Free Speech, huh?

The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.
/—-/ Yeah, no violence associated with Antifa. Never happens.

Where is the man up ownership of this white boy shit? Your inferiority getting in the way?
/—-/ The folks in Appalachia are still waiting for their White Privilege.
View attachment 274805
White privilege can't protect people from stupidly staying somewhere with zero economic activity. Maybe they like the lifestyle. If so, good for them and best of luck.

Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that this “privilege” requires one to take active, positive steps to better one’s lot in life? Doesn’t that apply to everyone?
MLK used to only march to the biggest DEMOCRAT RUN AREAS.. and democrats would arrest him..

God speed Joey!
So you're saying that your guy is also a bible thumping blowhard who liked to beat up white women in his spare time?
They can not show up to take a beat down. And if women are involved, the protections are gone. White women on racial crime is open season on them anyway and has been. If these people are showing up they need every weapon the Prog communist side has. Maybe even handguns and rifles. Otherwise do not show up. Just to see losing side altercations and any Prog arrested and let go with a slap on the wrist is old. The pain must be direct to them. No matter culture, gender, sexual choice, age, anything. This is not keyboard warrior crap. But if you show up like you have after all of these years, you ain't winning anything.

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