PORTLAND PROTEST! The dawn of a revolution, 8-17-19

Good luck to the people of Portland in fending off the far right invaders.

I've been watching it on TV.

The two groups have remained non violent.

So far.

I'm glad to see the anti white supremacists are the majority.

The white supremacists are a very small minority in our nation.

I think it's funny that the white nationalists and far right radical extremists on this thread say the left is violent yet the far right radical extremist who created this thread is calling for a revolution in the title of the thread.
The Major is taking the side of civility. You and White tank racists want confrontation.
/—-/ Yeah, no violence associated with Antifa. Never happens.

Where is the man up ownership of this white boy shit? Your inferiority getting in the way?
/—-/ The folks in Appalachia are still waiting for their White Privilege.
View attachment 274805
White privilege can't protect people from stupidly staying somewhere with zero economic activity. Maybe they like the lifestyle. If so, good for them and best of luck.

Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that this “privilege” requires one to take active, positive steps to better one’s lot in life? Doesn’t that apply to everyone?

Good luck to the people of Portland in fending off the far right invaders.

I've been watching it on TV.

The two groups have remained non violent.

So far.

I'm glad to see the anti white supremacists are the majority.

The white supremacists are a very small minority in our nation.

I think it's funny that the white nationalists and far right radical extremists on this thread say the left is violent yet the far right radical extremist who created this thread is calling for a revolution in the title of the thread.
What is wrong with being White and Supreme?

Supreme Definition: of the highest quality, degree, character, importance

Wouldn't you be proud to be all that?
I'm glad to see the anti white supremacists are the majority.
The white supremacists are a very small minority in our nation.
I think it's funny that the white nationalists and far right radical extremists on this thread say the left is violent yet the far right radical extremist who created this thread is calling for a revolution in the title of the thread.

They don't need to "say" the Left is violent.......the left proves it for them.

1). What cities are the most violent in America? That'd be Chicago, LosAngeles, Baltimore etc etc...LEFTIST CONTROLLED CITIES
2). Name the Right Wing Senators or Representatives who have openly called for violence against leftists politicians......none
3). Name the right wing ACTORS who have posted pictures of left wing Presidents beheaded......none
4). Name the Right Wing Universities that have repeatedly attacked conservatives.....none

Yet you have to audacity to call the Right "extreme" and violent? What the hell kind of crack are you on?

THIS is why the Right will be forced to respond.
Jackasses on the left attacking and tormenting innocent people, then blaming THEM for the Left's violence.
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And where did I state that?

I didn't say you did. You asked if the site would allow a call for violence. I answered.
Where is the call for violence?

Post #72
"Antifa needs to be shown what street justice is....pull off their masks and kick the living shit out of them.".
Hell yea

So you think violence against protesters is good? I understand attacking someone who attacks you. But if there is no attack, do you still think "hell yea" where the violence is concerned?
I think the tyrants should get what they deserve remember heather Heyer? She went to get a mustang tattoo
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
Whites weren't forced. Congress did it without the White Citizens vote. It was forever wrong to make Blacks citizens. They're savage animals. Proto-humans to be exact. We should go back and abide by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only White people should be Citizens.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]

You’re a pathetic excuse.
Do you admire and respect our patriotic White founders?

The fact that you cannot mention the founders of our nation (and they were many) without hanging some pointless race label on it just goes to show that you are NOT a real American.

You're absolutely right. I've been saying that since that person started posing on this board.

That person is a russian bot. Doing what they have been doing for years, dividing our nation. Using race, sex and sexual orientation.

I usually scroll right past its posts.
So far Antifa is not attacking. They might have read Trump's tweet prior to the march today.

Donald J. Trump

Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!
9:04 AM · Aug 17, 2019·
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
What do you do about the urban slave plantations?

Are you saying that you are a slave?
Not yet, I’ve taken many shackles off,, they are trying to kick us off the sea port.. but I’m
Hanging in there. I pay my own bills

You are exactly the same as all those people around you who scare you so much.
Lol I want less police on the street you want more you puss
Good luck to the people of Portland in fending off the far right invaders.

I've been watching it on TV.

The two groups have remained non violent.

So far.

I'm glad to see the anti white supremacists are the majority.

The white supremacists are a very small minority in our nation.

I think it's funny that the white nationalists and far right radical extremists on this thread say the left is violent yet the far right radical extremist who created this thread is calling for a revolution in the title of the thread.

First I heard of any white supremacists being there. YOu sure you're not just smearing good people because you are a bad person?
I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
What do you do about the urban slave plantations?

Are you saying that you are a slave?
Not yet, I’ve taken many shackles off,, they are trying to kick us off the sea port.. but I’m
Hanging in there. I pay my own bills

You are exactly the same as all those people around you who scare you so much.
Lol I want less police on the street you want more you puss

Why do you want less police on the street? Isn't keeping the violence down a good thing?
Separately, a conservative group called the Oath Keepers has decided it will not participate Saturday, saying it did not believe organizers had done enough to discourage white supremacists from showing up.

All other arguments aside you have to give them credit for not wanting to be protesting on the same side of the white supremacists.
You are against free speech?
Of course the left is.
I know some people that left as a group on thursday to attend this protest.
My understanding is that the goal is to remain nonviolent to demonstrate that antifa is violent, and get the feds to declare them a hate group. A secondary goal is to show that the local goverment is unable to properly enforce the law, and bring in federal oversight.
Mission accomplished!
Trump threatens to designate Antifa a terrorist organization ahead of expected Portland clashes

Gotta wonder why it took so long.
Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson arrested on eve of Portland, Ore., protests

Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson arrested on eve of Portland, Ore., protests

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They arrested Joey Gibson, and are threatening the arrest of peaceful protesters, the mayor calls protesters from the right hate speech, it will encourage the fascist democrats to attack with weapons and mobs because they can’t fight.

BOYS GO GET YOU SOME ANTIFA SOUVENIRS! Take no mercy! Run them off this land!

So you are encouraging violence? Figures.

Antifa is a violent group, and we have seen that time and again. But violent responses or bring violence to these protests defeats the purpose of a counter protest.

What about self defense? Is that ok in your book?

Self defense is great.
If that’s the case then innocent people should be able to shoot Antifa terrorists when they take over intersections in a city and try to drag you out of your car.
It absolutely sickens me that I live amongst these Antifa loons.

I'm just telling myself, work a few more years, then I get to get the fuck out of here.

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