PORTLAND PROTEST! The dawn of a revolution, 8-17-19

Well, if I’m a white nationalist and if you can pair them together, then I guess I can pair your pubic hair with the hair on your head.
Neat! Of course, I will have the body of evidence that is your postings. And you will just have a hissy fit behind your nonsense.
Body of evidence...lol. Who the fuck are you asshole? My post are backed by news sources or statistics from various studies. You’re pathetic and a racist.
Portland is a Antifa sanctuary city. There's nothing but liberal freaks, homeless, and gays occupying downtown. Most of these filth immigrated here from San Francisco that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Breaking Update!

The latest:

So far Antifa has....

Been caught carrying steel pipes

Attacked a young girl.

Beat a man unconscious

Attacked a bus with hammers
Portland is a Antifa sanctuary city. There's nothing but liberal freaks, homeless, and gays occupying downtown. Most of these filth immigrated here from San Francisco that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Sad. I can only imagine how wonderful Portland was 30 years ago.
That's not accurate. Go visit Stormfront and tell them there's no such thing.
Something wrong with being white, or nationalist ?
there is if you know the history of the term nationalist. We're trying to get along with other countries nowadays...
You made that term up. You love your standard of living here? Watch the standards when globalism is completed. The globalists can crush our economy anytime they want. The only reason they do not quickly is that the threat of turning the earth into a cinder leaves nothing for them.
The graduates coming out of journalism schools and these young punk Antifa Trotskyite pricks need a history lesson.

They need an ass beating
The graduates coming out of journalism schools and these young punk Antifa Trotskyite pricks need a history lesson.

They need an ass beating

They need more than that.
Portland is a Antifa sanctuary city. There's nothing but liberal freaks, homeless, and gays occupying downtown. Most of these filth immigrated here from San Francisco that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Sad. I can only imagine how wonderful Portland was 30 years ago.

Portland was once the envy of the country, clean, affordable, independent. Then hundreds of thousands of Californians invaded and now its a shit hole infested with illegals and depraved filth. Blacks are segregated, wealthy libs don't want them in their areas.
Portland is a Antifa sanctuary city. There's nothing but liberal freaks, homeless, and gays occupying downtown. Most of these filth immigrated here from San Francisco that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Sad. I can only imagine how wonderful Portland was 30 years ago.

Portland was once the envy of the country, clean, affordable, independent. Then hundreds of thousands of Californians invaded and now its a shit hole infested with illegals and depraved filth.
That’s what they did to Seattle too. They have managed to ruin Colorado as well. Wherever Californians go, the place turns to shit.
Portland is a Antifa sanctuary city. There's nothing but liberal freaks, homeless, and gays occupying downtown. Most of these filth immigrated here from San Francisco that should tell you all you need to know right there.
Sad. I can only imagine how wonderful Portland was 30 years ago.

Portland was once the envy of the country, clean, affordable, independent. Then hundreds of thousands of Californians invaded and now its a shit hole infested with illegals and depraved filth.
That’s what they did to Seattle too. They have managed to ruin Colorado as well.

Seattle was the first city to be overrun by Californians, Portland fell a few years later.
Oregonites, once the sturdy pioneers of the Northwest, must have turned to pussies over a generation or two, to let this happen to Portland.

Looks like the bloodline thinned-out and went-to-$hit.
Oregonites, once the sturdy pioneers of the Northwest, must have turned to pussies over a generation or two, to let this happen to Portland.

Looks like the bloodline thinned-out and went-to-$hit.

WRONG we were overrun by the hoards from California. They flooded into Portland and Seattle like waves of locusts. We native Oregonians and Washingtonians don't like these punks from California but we had fairly small populations, we got overran.

Here's how things have changed over the past few decades. We used to be able to pick wild huckleberries and mushrooms like native Americans have done for thousands of years. Now we have to obtain a permit from state government.

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