PORTLAND PROTEST! The dawn of a revolution, 8-17-19

Lol I want less police on the street you want more you puss

Why do you want less police on the street? Isn't keeping the violence down a good thing?
Raising your kids right keeps violence down

Good plan. I did that very thing. I raised 4 kids that are now between the ages of 23 and 36. None are violent. None have any kind of criminal record.

However, there are violent people out there. Until the violence abates, having more police is a good way to control violent crime.
Welp if they don’t raise there kids right they will probably get shot.

By who? The police? Or by some random idiot who decided they are judge, jury and executioner?

What about the 16 year old girl who walks to school? What about the 70 year old grandmother going grocery shopping? Are they supposed to be badasses too?

A police presence is the best crime deterrent.
Strong families create strong communities, and I don’t need a judge to tell me what’s right and wrong we are a civilized country.. police your self the ones that are 3rd world will die off or move
Lol I want less police on the street you want more .....

On what street? At what time? When there is how much crime in a given place? You are seriously a stupid little shit.
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

How about them protecting your mother? You sister?

Expecting everyone to be a badass and not having cops is anarchy and a disaster.
It will be bad at first, but over time will get better.. just like Dalton said and roadhouse get a lot worse before gets better .
My mother and sister will have to check in with the boys to see if it’s safe for a little while
Lol I want less police on the street you want more .....

On what street? At what time? When there is how much crime in a given place? You are seriously a stupid little shit.
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

Too bad. You don't get to decide based on whether or not you are a survivor. It is based on what is needed to protect the community.
Most civilized places don’t need many police.. maybe a town sheriff, deputize some citizens .. all good
Why do you want less police on the street? Isn't keeping the violence down a good thing?
Raising your kids right keeps violence down

Good plan. I did that very thing. I raised 4 kids that are now between the ages of 23 and 36. None are violent. None have any kind of criminal record.

However, there are violent people out there. Until the violence abates, having more police is a good way to control violent crime.
Welp if they don’t raise there kids right they will probably get shot.

By who? The police? Or by some random idiot who decided they are judge, jury and executioner?

What about the 16 year old girl who walks to school? What about the 70 year old grandmother going grocery shopping? Are they supposed to be badasses too?

A police presence is the best crime deterrent.
Strong families create strong communities, and I don’t need a judge to tell me what’s right and wrong we are a civilized country.. police your self the ones that are 3rd world will die off or move

That is a great idea if you are young, healthy and like to fight. Although wanting to fight can get you shot.

For everyone else, having the police helps keep them safe. If a few guys are getting out of hand, a "tough guy" challenging them won't make it stop. Let a cop roll up and call for a few more squad cars, and the shit stops.
On what street? At what time? When there is how much crime in a given place? You are seriously a stupid little shit.
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

How about them protecting your mother? You sister?

Expecting everyone to be a badass and not having cops is anarchy and a disaster.
It will be bad at first, but over time will get better.. just like Dalton said and roadhouse get a lot worse before gets better .
My mother and sister will have to check in with the boys to see if it’s safe for a little while

At first? Anarchy or a complete lack of a police force will see a lot of people killed. YOu want to tell them or their families that it will get better?
On what street? At what time? When there is how much crime in a given place? You are seriously a stupid little shit.
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

Too bad. You don't get to decide based on whether or not you are a survivor. It is based on what is needed to protect the community.
Most civilized places don’t need many police.. maybe a town sheriff, deputize some citizens .. all good

Small towns might get by with that. But even they have problems that require they call in the state police.
Raising your kids right keeps violence down

Good plan. I did that very thing. I raised 4 kids that are now between the ages of 23 and 36. None are violent. None have any kind of criminal record.

However, there are violent people out there. Until the violence abates, having more police is a good way to control violent crime.
Welp if they don’t raise there kids right they will probably get shot.

By who? The police? Or by some random idiot who decided they are judge, jury and executioner?

What about the 16 year old girl who walks to school? What about the 70 year old grandmother going grocery shopping? Are they supposed to be badasses too?

A police presence is the best crime deterrent.
Strong families create strong communities, and I don’t need a judge to tell me what’s right and wrong we are a civilized country.. police your self the ones that are 3rd world will die off or move

That is a great idea if you are young, healthy and like to fight. Although wanting to fight can get you shot.

For everyone else, having the police helps keep them safe. If a few guys are getting out of hand, a "tough guy" challenging them won't make it stop. Let a cop roll up and call for a few more squad cars, and the shit stops.
Na to many cops means to many arrests,, arrests leads to hardship . Hardship leads to oppression...
I’ll take a few cops. The ones that can’t survive will find ways to adapt
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

How about them protecting your mother? You sister?

Expecting everyone to be a badass and not having cops is anarchy and a disaster.
It will be bad at first, but over time will get better.. just like Dalton said and roadhouse get a lot worse before gets better .
My mother and sister will have to check in with the boys to see if it’s safe for a little while

At first? Anarchy or a complete lack of a police force will see a lot of people killed. YOu want to tell them or their families that it will get better?
You took it a bit to far
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

Too bad. You don't get to decide based on whether or not you are a survivor. It is based on what is needed to protect the community.
Most civilized places don’t need many police.. maybe a town sheriff, deputize some citizens .. all good

Small towns might get by with that. But even they have problems that require they call in the state police.
Sometimes they do sometime ls that don’t.. maybe a town needs a dalton
On what street? At what time? When there is how much crime in a given place? You are seriously a stupid little shit.
So you want more police.. then you are the chicken shit lol

This is not about who is brave and who is chicken. This is about keeping the streets safe for everyone.
I don’t want my tax money going to pay for cops I don’t need imma survivor

How about them protecting your mother? You sister?

Expecting everyone to be a badass and not having cops is anarchy and a disaster.
It will be bad at first, but over time will get better.. just like Dalton said and roadhouse get a lot worse before gets better .
My mother and sister will have to check in with the boys to see if it’s safe for a little while

Little bigmouth clown show...

ANTIFA is a terrorist organization. They say they are anti fascist so they can use that as a justification to commit violence against people that don’t agree with them. The KKK positioned itself as a noble organization “protecting” citizens and acted as judge, jury, and executioner against people they did not like or agree with. It’s the same logic and case with ANTIFA.
I watched some video from Portandia and saw a collection of absolute losers and misfits dressed up with their faces covered. I'm going to say this again: losers and misfits.

You proud of this, Leftists? got anything to say?
ANTIFA is a terrorist organization. They say they are anti fascist so they can use that as a justification to commit violence against people that don’t agree with them. The KKK positioned itself as a noble organization “protecting” citizens and acted as judge, jury, and executioner against people they did not like or agree with. It’s the same logic and case with ANTIFA.
At least back in the day the KKK loved their country. Antifa despises America.
ANTIFA = Fascist

BLM = Racist

BOTH are what they claim to be against, and use violence and intimidation to get attention.
So you're pro-White?

I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
Whites weren't forced. Congress did it without the White Citizens vote. It was forever wrong to make Blacks citizens. They're savage animals. Proto-humans to be exact. We should go back and abide by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only White people should be Citizens.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]

You’re a pathetic excuse.
Do you admire and respect our patriotic White founders?
Crispus Attucks gave his life for this countries freedom that you have. he may not have signed any of the founding documents but he was just as much a founder of this country as any of the founders were.
There was a London Atus, a slave of the local parson, who participated in the one local Revolutionary War battle. I wonder if they were related?
Born into slavery, Crispus Attucks was believed to be the son of Prince Yonger, aslave shipped to America from Africa, and Nancy Attucks, a Natick Indian. Little is known about Attucks' life, or his family, who reputedly resided in Framingham, Massachusetts, just outside Boston.Apr 2, 2014
I’m pro living to the words in the Constitution. Words that took African-Americans 200 years of our nations history to force white Americans to live by.
Whites weren't forced. Congress did it without the White Citizens vote. It was forever wrong to make Blacks citizens. They're savage animals. Proto-humans to be exact. We should go back and abide by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only White people should be Citizens.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]

You’re a pathetic excuse.
Do you admire and respect our patriotic White founders?
Crispus Attucks gave his life for this countries freedom that you have. he may not have signed any of the founding documents but he was just as much a founder of this country as any of the founders were.
There was a London Atus, a slave of the local parson, who participated in the one local Revolutionary War battle. I wonder if they were related?
Born into slavery, Crispus Attucks was believed to be the son of Prince Yonger, aslave shipped to America from Africa, and Nancy Attucks, a Natick Indian. Little is known about Attucks' life, or his family, who reputedly resided in Framingham, Massachusetts, just outside Boston.Apr 2, 2014
I don't know.

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