Portland Reaches Its Limits, Pepper Sprays Snowflakes

The pressure is mounting to declare Trump an ILLEGITIMATE president. Show your tax returns, Mr. Trump.
You LIED !!!!
People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness. :cool:

Just been through 8 years of it, must be the new norm.
Correction 16 years of it, it's the same old norm, different douche bags in charge.

No argument there, SOS, same as it ever was.

The pressure is mounting to declare Trump an ILLEGITIMATE president. Show your tax returns, Mr. Trump.
You LIED !!!!
10 snowflakes in DC, the pressure is incredible!

You sure that's not the inauguration crowd?

Looked more like a hillary crowd at her rallies only slightly bigger.

Still stuck on Hillary, huh?

Still laughing at her that's for damn sure!!!:lmao:
Look at the Portland idiots. They are totally deranged and living in an alternate universe.
Over a million people live in the Portland area and they get 200 moonbats to turn out and they call it news.

People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness

The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?
People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness

The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?
Do tell us how a Republican Congress will impeach a Republican President, dufus.
Which president has the LOWEST approval ratings since Eisenhower, and which president has fucked up more than Trump in just ONE month???........LOL
People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness

The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?
Do tell us how a Republican Congress will impeach a Republican President, dufus.

As soon as the opinion polls turn against him the Republicans will run from him like rats from a sinking ship - like they did in 2006 when GWB became unpopular. The BIG difference is that most of the GOP liked GWB, but most hate Trump and are just waiting until their constituencies come to their right minds.
Do tell us how a Republican Congress will impeach a Republican President, dufus.

THAT will happen when the GOP lap dogs begin to realize that the Trumpster is bringing them down....Notice how many town halls have been canceled?
People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness

The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?
Who said Nixon was an "illegitimate President" a month after he took office?

If the "illegitimate President" nimrods running around behaving like kindergartners on crack think they have something of Watergate proportions on Trump they're far more delusional than I thought.
Who said Nixon was an "illegitimate President" a month after he took office?

If the "illegitimate President" nimrods running around behaving like kindergartners on crack think they have something of Watergate proportions on Trump they're far more delusional than I thought.

NEVER stated that Nixon was illegitimate.....nit wit.......Check out Trump's approval ratings in this country and all over the world.
Nixon cheated when he tried to spy on the democrats and in trying to cover up "leaks".......Trump is headed in the same direction. Trump will need a WAR to re-channel the growing negativism.
People have been declaring him an "illegitimate President" ever since he was elected, hasn't changed the fact that he's the one sitting in the Oval Office and remains in charge of the Executive Branch and will be for at least the next 4 years.

Apparently some people have nothing better to do than engage in wishful thinking and public displays of childishness

The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?
Do tell us how a Republican Congress will impeach a Republican President, dufus.
Well er..um... it was Republicans in Congress that gave the coup 'de grace to Nixon; Goldwater, Rhodes and Scott (all Congressional Republicans) are the ones that told Nixon either he resign or face certain impeachment since he didn't have Republican support in Congress.

Of course Nixon and Watergate have nothing in common with Trump's situation so unless he does something horrendously stupid impeachment is about as likely as Lindsey Graham becoming a pacifist.
Who said Nixon was an "illegitimate President" a month after he took office?

If the "illegitimate President" nimrods running around behaving like kindergartners on crack think they have something of Watergate proportions on Trump they're far more delusional than I thought.

NEVER stated that Nixon was illegitimate.....nit wit.......Check out Trump's approval ratings in this country and all over the world.
Nixon cheated when he tried to spy on the democrats and in trying to cover up "leaks".......Trump is headed in the same direction. Trump will need a WAR to re-channel the growing negativism.

Your words don't see to have any relation to each other.

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